Monday, May 9, 2011

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 01:26 PM
    You do realize that Bush started that right? As for Ford, their European division saved their butts and the jobs lost would have made the recession a lot worse. Yeah, good idea, let it all fail. Maybe we should let the government fail as well eh? They seem to be having monetary issues now.
    Who would think I'd support Bush? He's not conservative enough for me, and his administration spent to much.

    How much did government intervene in business affairs during the Roaring 20's? The government has already failed to do what it should do: It should promote the common good. I find it hard to believe that the U.S. Government had this country's best interests at heart when I hear Mrs. Pelosi say that to find out what's in Obamacare, you need to pass it.

    I know a lot about alcoholism and codependence because my mother is a nurse who specialized in treating alcoholics and other drug addicts and in counseling them. You don't help an alcoholic by protecting him from the consequences of his actions. The protection can help him make even bigger mistakes. I've seen that happen in many families I know of that include alcoholics. I also know about entitled welfare recipients who abuse social programs by demanding too much from social programs, by getting it, and by defrauding them. I saw the entitlement firsthand when a relative of mine was a landlord who rented houses to welfare recipients. Welfare recipients ruined a house, my relative kept the security deposit, and then the family got the Department of Social Services to put them into a house for twice the rent my relative charged. But the family still had the nerve to complain that my relative had overcharged it.

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  • Markov
    Jun 8, 08:47 PM
    Do they? I thought they phased them out, along with most of the other electronic hobbyist items that they alone used to carry.

    Some stores do, the one I work in does.

    That's me!
    Nearest Apple Store is 90 minutes away. Nearest Authorized AT&T store that would carry the iPhone is like 60. Radio shack is just 10 minutes.

    I'm wondering though, what would be the advantages/disadvantages to buying it at Radio Shack vs AT&T vs The Apple Store? Once I have the item purchased, will I notice any sort of difference what-so-ever?


    Uh... no. It's the same iPhone 4. Why would there be a difference?

    I used to work at radioshack too and the resources there suck. Activation will take longer than usual and they can mess up your account/credit. I hated activating phones cause it was a hassle since we were not connected directly with carriers.

    Wrong. They've changed that. We get to customers faster, upgrades typically take 5 minutes if ATT isn't slow or down.

    I would rather just order it online if I didn't want to drive to an Apple Store.

    Seriously, RadioShack needs to die.

    Seriously? You mean, your not joking? Why should RadioShack die? The other stores need the competition. And why would you be against going to RadioShack?

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  • boncellis
    Jul 20, 09:19 AM
    Remember Apple will be privvy to a lot more information that we as consumers are. They are probably on a level playing field at least with Intel compared with other PC vendors. They may even have a special relationship with Intel to get stuff slightly before people like Lenovo and Dell.

    That's a good point, I'm sure Intel gives them a heads-up because they are such a major vendor. My larger point though is whether Apple's modus operandi will have to change to accomodate, or take advantage rather, such an increase in availability of new technology.

    Before I would look forward to a new form factor or case or structure--now I tend to think their designs will remain a little longer.

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  • brianus
    Sep 14, 01:10 PM
    This is NEW because it is on a 3 hour weekday morning telecast. That makes it NEW and NEWS. Nothing about content. I NEVER watch American Idol. You are judgemental.

    Well he did kind of have a point there at the end. You could stand to tone down your use of enormous, colored type if you don't want your posts "judged" as having an emotional content beyond their actual words.

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  • glassbathroom
    Aug 17, 09:11 AM
    Aren't there 2 chips though?

    Doh! Yes, I new there was something wrong. Not planning on doing this anyway.

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  • mcrain
    Apr 27, 10:47 AM
    Stay classy Faux News:

    Oh, it gets better. Apparently, the release of the birth certificate proving them wrong somehow demonstrates that the "birthers" were NOT kooks. :rolleyes:

    President Obama reversed course today and answered critics, led by reality show host Donald Trump, who have called for him to release his original birth certificate.

    Until now, the White House has stood by the president�s certificate of live birth, a health department document that attests to the existence of an actual birth certificate. The document has less information, but is valid proof of citizenship.
    The president will address the press on the issue this morning just one day after his press secretary upbraided a reporter for even asking about such a thing.
    Case in point: In a snappish press conference on Tuesday, Press Secretary Jay Carney gave a belittling answer to CNN�s Ed Henry for asking why the president doesn�t put the doubts over his nativity to rest by releasing his long-form birth certificate.

    Carney told Henry that Americans would be �appalled� by the question and that he should be talking about serious issues involving the economy and foreign affairs.
    Carney painted Obama into a corner by suggesting that he can�t deal with the distraction of answering the question about his birth certificate because he is working constantly to revive the economy and oversee three wars. How can he help Winfrey, raise money or even play golf by that standard?

    Democrats long championed the idea of branding Republicans as kooks for believing that the president might not have been born in Hawaii. It explains why liberal outlets have given such lavish attention to Trump, who has embraced the issue.

    But when a Gallup poll shows that only 38 percent of Americans are convinced of the president�s place of birth, the strategy of branding Republicans as �birthers� looks dubious. The fact that Obama has drawn a hard line against releasing his birth certificate amid such doubts was an unsustainable position amid legitimate inquiries from legitimate journalists like Henry. FauxNews (

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  • regandarcy
    Apr 6, 11:12 AM
    I have something better than a MacBook Air. It's called an iPad 2.

    That with my iMac and I have no need anymore for my 13" aluminum MacBook. While the Air is a nice looking and light machine, I still like having things like Firewire, an optical drive (without having to pay extra for it or plug it in), and above all, screen real estate.

    My 24" iMac gives me that. While my iPad 2 gives my instant on, mobile, and light. When the iMacs get a refresh and ship with Lion, it will be time for a 27".

    Yeah, but for alot of people as cool as the iPad 2 is, it still can't do alot of what they need to do on the road. I have the iPad 1 and it's great. My favorite way to surf the web hands down! HOWEVER...I like to edit HD movies from my csnon dslr and do some creative projects while traveling...and the iPad can't do it. When I heard the iPad 2 was going to get iMovie, I got excited, but when it was released, I found out that iMovie on the iPad 2 can ONLY edit movies shot on apple iOS devices(the iPad, iPod and iPhone)!! Nor can I use Photoshop, aperture, illustrator or anime studio pro on it.

    There are MANY creative people out there who love the MacBook air, but have been waiting for this update.

    I still love my original iPad, and travel with it everywhere. BUT I decided not to buy the new iPad 2 even if it has a camera and is faster....cause it's still a "closed" device, and can't do alot of the things I need to do on the road. Things the MacBook air CAN do.

    Heck, when I get one of the new MacBook airs...I may travel with BOTH it AND my iPad. Lol. They are slim enough and can both fit in my laptop sleeve in my knapsack and still weigh less than a 15" or 17" MacBook pro!

    I will get a new iMac when they are updated too for my workstation at home, since my G5 iMac is on it's last legs. Lol.

    And I am sure EVENTUALLY I will update my iPad. But for now I don't need to at all.

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  • Christina on the set of

  • rjohnstone
    Apr 25, 02:55 PM
    On any android device, you can opt out beginning with the setup of the device. It's not hidden in the TOS when you buy the device.
    You are explicitly asked if you want Google to collect this information.
    You can say NO. It does reduce the accuracy of some programs when you opt out, but YOU have the choice.

    You do have the option to enable this feature at any time if you feel you need too.

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  • mcrain
    Mar 17, 02:03 PM
    OK, I confess, "shut down" was a slight exaggeration.

    Actually, not at all.

    NAPOLITANO: Would it be good fiscally and philosophically if the government did shut down for a few weeks and the American people could see life would go on without the federal government for a little while?

    PAUL: I don’t think it would hurt one bit. If an individual can’t pay their rent on time, they might ask their landholder to say “look, I’ll be there next week.” They adjust. The owner and the renter adjust. This is the way the government should adjust. If they can’t pay their bills, wait. But they are afraid the world would panic and the world would come to an end. But it would be an admission that we’re in big trouble. But we are in big trouble. But to deny it and to continue to spend and continue to inflate and waiting for the bond bubble to burst, that doesn’t make sense to me.

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  • Christina Aguilera gets down

  • smaffei
    Apr 27, 08:05 AM
    A lot of people are upset over this. But, no one seems to care that the US Government can snoop on any electronic communication it wants for well over 10 years now:

    Data transmissions, cell phone calls, you name it. I think we're trying to cook the wrong goose if you ask me.

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  • BC2009
    Apr 12, 06:06 PM
    Are you serious? Your comments are not only incorrect but just flat out ignorant. Whoever said that angry birds is not available on android obviously can't read or just does not know how to use the app store because I have all three on my Thunderbolt and they are full versions and they were free to boot. So before you go make comments about people being ignorant you might want to do some research first!!

    Perhaps you should re-read my post since obviously you either "can't read" or you are "flat out ignorant". I said that my brother-in-law who loves Android claimed that Angry Birds was only available on Android and not iOS. I never contested that it was available on Android, only that I had to show him that it was in fact available on iOS in many variants (Free, Paid, HD for iPad, Seasons, etc...). It was my brother-in-law's belief that this game was not available to iPhone and iPad users. I had to tell him that it was available on iOS long before Android.

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  • regan
    Aug 26, 05:58 PM
    This sounds good to me. I am waiting/saving up for a new laptop replacement for my recently departed(moment of silence) ibook.

    Even if i had the money, I was going to wait for the 2nd generation of the macbooks.

    Santa Rosa sounds cool, but if the macbooks got the merom along with the MBPs in September, then I wouldn't wait for Santa Rosa and just nab one now.

    However, if they don't go 64bit....then I may just wait till January, and get by without a laptop(gulp) for another 4-5 months.

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  • in the “Candyman” video.

  • DStaal
    Sep 13, 09:35 AM
    It would be nice if 10.5 would allow a more 'blind' method to utilize these cores, versus having programmers specificly program for multi-core. Now that would be extremely helpful and allow a more simultanous workflow.

    How much more 'blind' do you want it? All the programmer has to do at this point is use multiple threads. Even if they don't, multiple cores will be automatically used for system and other processes.

    Splitting one thread so that it ran cocurent with itself is a recipie for massive trouble. Mac OS X is about as blind as any system out there for the programmer. There may be some more optimizations that the system could make in it's own handling of multiprocessing, but from a programmer's perspective it doesn't matter how many cores the system has. (Unless you really want it to.)

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  • shamino
    Jul 20, 11:28 AM
    Not quite the first. Sun has been shipping a commercial 8-core systems for about a year now.
    Yes. This is their UltraSPARC T1 ( chip.
    The T2000 has all 8 cores on one chip but each core also does four-way hyper threading so they claim 32 hardware threads.
    The T1 chip ships in several different configurations. 4-, 6- and 8-cores, at 1.0 or 1.2GHz. All sporting 4 threads per core.
    The price for an 8-core T1000 is about $8K.
    While this is their least expensive 8-core box, you should point out (for the benefit of everyone else reading this message) that the price is not just for the CPU. It's for a high-end server that includes 8G of RAM, 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports, remote management software, Java Enterprise, and Solaris 10. All in a 1U-high rack chassis.
    A system with 8 cores and 8GB RAM burns about 250W.
    You are being very misleading here. According to Sun's spec sheet (, it has a 300W power supply. Peak power consumption for the entire system is 220W, and typical consumption is 180W.

    But those are for the entire system. Sun's page on the UltraSPARC T1 ( processor itself says that the CPU (in its 32-thread configuration) consumes 72W. The rest of that power consumption is from parts other than the CPU.

    It's also worth noting Intel's Xeon spec sheet (, which lists the fastest chips as consuming 130W for the CPU package alone! And that is with only four threads (two cores with 2-way hyperthreading.) I can guarantee you that a system based on one of these will have peak power consumption far greater than 220W.

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  • macfan881
    Nov 18, 09:58 PM
    one of my fav KB ads so far :D

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  • suneohair
    Sep 13, 06:22 PM
    if it follows typical intel transitions price point replace. So the same price as woodcrests. They might introduce faster ones though that cost more. We'll see before the end of the year.

    Dual core isnt transitioning into quad core anytime soon. Quad core chips will probably be a very high end part for quite sometime.

    This isnt going to be akin to the Core Duo --> Core 2 Duo changeover. Cores are increasing which means price will increase.

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  • rezenclowd3
    Aug 10, 10:46 PM
    The Signature Edition is only available in Europe and Australia/NZ and not North America.

    Still not much stopping one from purchasing other region games:D Need to pick up the Asian version of Demons Souls as well to try the glitch out for max stats. I do like that the PS3 can play all region titles.

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  • Christina Aguilera Best Female

  • SevenInchScrew
    Aug 21, 06:24 PM
    That doesnt really make sense though, because in GT4 cars had interiors (even if generic seats) as you can see in this stupidly large screenshot:

    So Polyphony took the gt4 models, removed the interior, then pasted them into Gt5?
    You must have missed the part where I said....
    Can you see in the windows? If so, then it is a Premium� car with a fully modeled interior. If not, they are a Standard� car, and have the dark tinted windows.
    I didn't say they removed the interior from the Standard� cars. I'm just saying they don't have a fully modeled one, like the Premium� cars do. I understand that they had the faint outline and shape of one in previous games. But, if you look at all the images and video they've shown, the Premium� cars all have clear windows, showing the fully modeled dash, interior, seats, etc, whereas the Standard� cars still have the dark tinted windows to hide the fact that there isn't really much in there. I mean, yea great, the old GT4 cars have the outline of a seat inside. Hooray. That doesn't really help much, since we won't be able to play from the interior view on those 800 cars anyway.

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  • netdog
    Aug 11, 10:22 AM
    What OS will the iPhone be running?

    OS Xm

    Apr 6, 04:16 PM
    Since you have no clue how the sandy bridge airs will perform, I'll take your statement as FUD.

    I'll give you some insight into their potential. The desktop i7-2600k has been benchmarked to be roughly equivalent to a 9400m in performance (assuming similar CPU).

    i7-2600k GPU clock = 850/1350 (normal/turbo)(MHz)
    i5-2410m (13" Mac Pro base) GPU clock = 650/1200 (normal/turbo)(MHz)
    i7-2620m (13" Mac Pro upg) GPU clock = 650/1300 (normal/turbo)(MHz)
    i5-2537m (theorized 11/13 MBA) GPU clock = 350/900 (normal/turbo)(MHz)
    i7-2649m (theorized 13 MBA upg) GPU clock = 500/1100 (normal/turbo)(MHz)

    As you can see, none of the mobile GPUs run quite as fast as the desktop, but the 13" 2.7GHz upg cpu's comes fairly close. Now, the 2.13 GHz MBA + 320m combo matched or beat out the i7-2620m in 75% of the tests (and only narrowly was defeated in 25%). There is going to be some random inconcistancy regardless, due to driver variances in different apps. The issue here is (and this can be shown in core2 vs. i5/i7 testing on the alienware m11x) the core2 duo really very rarely gets beat by the i5/i7 in gaming/video playback. This is because not many games are single-threaded anymore, and if using 2+ threads, the i5/i7 ULV won't jump the clock speed any. Further, the 2.13GHz was keeping up with and beating a 2.7GHz (27% higher clock!) in that test, because graphics are the bottleneck, not the CPU. Take into account that NONE of the ULV core-i options match the MBP 13" 2.7GHz upg GPU speed and its pretty clear that for graphics-intensive apps, the older 320m would be the way to go. Now for most everything else, the i7-2649m would overtake the core2 2.13GHz. This includes a lot of non-accelerated video playback (high-CPU-overhead).

    Something you guys need to be wary of is the 1333MHz memory topic. Likely, Apple will choose to run it down at 1066MHz to conserve battery life. Memory speed hikes = gratuitous battery drain.

    I for one am happy Apple is growing with the modern tech, but I hold no illusions as to the benefits/drawbacks of either system.

    Aug 7, 01:22 AM
    Ok, my predictions:
    Leopard (iChat 4.0 ready to go for the iPhone)
    Mac Pro
    XServe (MacServe?)
    new displays (iSights and probably IR. If I get my wish, S-Video and RCA in)

    Paris: All about the iTunes and iPod ending with Steve saying available worldwide "except here." Possible iPhone here.

    the other 4 Macs will be upgraded at some point going into Q1 with MBP and iMac getting Core 2 and MB and Minis getting the top Core Duos.

    Aug 18, 05:38 AM
    A blue PS3 is a nice idea.

    pretty darn cool! won't go very well with the black look that i am after though ;)

    Apr 5, 06:10 PM
    Really? And yet, it seems to be good enough for the top directors in the industry.... some of the recent Academy nominated films were all edited on Final Cut, including the Cohen Brothers' "True Grit", and "Winter's Bone". Also, David Fincher and Francis Ford Coppola used FCP on their last films... these are all people that have access and can afford cutting their films on AVID and yet, they recently choose Final Cut Pro... so why do people even question it? :rolleyes:

    It's good enough for a few top directors in the industry, but not very many. They are the exception, not the rule.

    Final Cut needs better media management, and also Avid-like support for multiple editors on a single project. I like Final Cut a lot, but Avid has some clear advantages for a feature film. Here's hoping this next version has some big new features!

    Nov 29, 09:20 AM
    No thanks.

    I pay for my music.
    Oh, according to them, you must have a Zune. Because everyone who doesn't use a Zune steals music.

    This news makes me want to go steal Universal junk I don't even like.

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