Wednesday, May 18, 2011

derrick rose wallpaper

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  • chabig
    Sep 25, 08:44 AM
    Considering all the posts to this point, I'm inclined to believe that the "hard drive" might just be some flash memory.Interesting idea, but I have to disagree. Given the amount of storage video takes, there is no way Apple could sell a device with enough flash memory for $299. A hard drive is much more likely.

    derrick rose wallpaper. chicago bulls derrick rose
  • chicago bulls derrick rose

  • Analog Kid
    Sep 26, 12:21 AM
    Until they get the 45nm process up and going, I think this is going to be the top of the line. 4 cores topping out around the mid 2GHz range.

    I wonder if this is Intel's long term strategy-- keep the cores relatively untouched, but double the number with each process step. That'll be entertaining for a generation or so, but they're going to have to come up with something else.

    My bet? Specialized cores. You've got some that are optimized for floating point, some for application logic, some for media. This is where Cell gets it right, I think-- they're a step too far ahead for now though.

    Biggest problem is getting the system to know what threads to feed to what core, and to get application writers to specialize their threads.

    derrick rose wallpaper. derrick rose wallpaper 2011.
  • derrick rose wallpaper 2011.

  • c.hilding
    Oct 26, 08:55 PM
    Noone has mentioned the FSB concerns yet, which is weird.

    The earliest discussions about the new 8-cores (2x 4-core chipsets) suggested that 1333MHz was way too little to supply 8 cores with constant data flow, and that it would prevent the CPUs from reaching their full potential, making the FSB the bottleneck.

    Newer reports, including quotes by Intel employees, suggest that each 4-core chip is not going to reach more than a maximum of 1600MHz FSB, and that 1333MHz FSB will be the practical operating rate. However, since as far as I can tell, that rate is for just for ONE 4-core chipset, and Apple is going to cram TWO into the Mac Pro, this could spell disaster.

    So Apple really need to figure out the right FSB rate. I wonder what will unfold. I'd hate to see them use an underpowered FSB. :eek:

    Happy Halloween!

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  • awmazz
    Mar 13, 11:45 AM
    This is what I dislike. Not to get all political here, but alternative energy, however nice, is nowhere even close to providing the power we need. Windmills cannot ever meet energy demand; we're talking about a 5% fill if we put them everywhere. They're also too costly at this point for their given power output. Solar energy, though promising, still has a piss poor efficiency, and thus isn't ready for prime usage for some time. There's really no other alternatives.

    And this is what I dislike about the pro-nuclear rhetoric. This is not true at all. Geo thermal energy. Cleaner, cheaper, safer than nuclear by magnitudes.

    A nuclear power station is just a steam turbine fueled by poisonous rocks instead of carbonized trees as a heat source. I believe the iPad app version of Popular Science has an illustrated article about an test plant using geothermal heat instead to run steam turbines.

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  • torbjoern
    Apr 24, 11:13 PM
    To top it off, compared to all atheists, I'm an illiterate, illogical, southern-bred moron and I will never be able to make an educated decision for myself.

    And just to be clear, I DID NOT make a 35 on the ACT my Junior year of high school, and I am not on scholarship to a top 25 university.

    happy now? :cool:

    I'm sorry to hear that you are illiterate and southern-bred :(

    I can't relate to the acronym ACT, but I hope it's not the same as an IQ test in terms of how the score is computed.

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  • derrick rose wallpaper dunk.

  • G58
    Oct 18, 07:56 AM
    If I thought it was Relevant to mention the people, I would have.

    Steve Wozniak co founded Apple. His inventions and machines are credited with contributing significantly to the personal computer revolution of the 1970s. Indeed, he created the Apple I and Apple II. The latter gained so much popularity it eventually became one of the best selling personal computers of the 1970s and early 1980s.

    But, and here's the important point, he's nothing to do with the daily running of Apple now and has contributed virtually nothing since the early days. Yet Apple, in it's second phase with Steve Jobs in charge, is redefining mobile phones - totally without Woz playing any part in the lineage that made it possible.

    Andy Rubin has also founded a company. But his history is that of a man who's come up with some possibly badly timed and poorly executed ideas, and partnered with the same haphazard wisdom. He also possesses more of an employee mentality, than a visionary to whom money is attracted.

    It has to be remembered that Ubuntu [that other example of open source OS 'success'] is the only 'flavour' of the computer operating system based on the Debian Linux distribution to have broken out of the geek domain into the wider market. And this is as a result of Mark Shuttleworth's patronage. Therefore, Google are to Android as Shuttleworth is to Ubuntu - patrons. This isn't how business works. This isn't how businesses make money.

    When I speak of lineage, I do so with some degree of authority and experience. The old 'Deep Throat' quote: "Follow the money" embodies wisdom that seems to have escaped you, yet it's true of everything from enterprise to terrorism.

    What we have with the iPhone is a genuinely useful, definable lineage that can be accurately tracked in retrospect, as well as predicted to a certain extent in terms of future performance. But don't worry, you're not alone in not recognising that. Sir Alan Sugar made the same mistake of underestimating the iPod back in as did Steve Ballmer with the iPhone, and the whole of Wall Street did with Apple.

    However, we are now in the middle of Apple's iPhone play. [Not literally, but figuratively]. And this play is very very well planned, conceived and directed. So much so in fact that I can see elements of Chinese military strategy at the heart of it. [But that's a discussion for another day].

    In contrast, the Android project is like a flotilla of hopeful, yet dubiously piloted little boats, setting out on what they all seem to believe is the same journey, but by the best will in the world, can't possibly be. Not only are there too many interests that need to be served, there are far too many opportunities for the 'fleet' to loose contact with each other and their market, make no money, and eventually break up.

    You say: "It's very likely to happen." re numbers of Android developers and apps etc. Sure, while the water looks good, phone makers have little to lose in pushing handset to run Android, and several will, inevitably, immediately diluting any potential gain for individual manufacturers. But as soon as interest wanes, users will find lines being dropped players will drop out of the game, and support will disappear.

    So, even though the Android may well be, or is possibly, EVENTUALLY capable of being, as good a mobile operating system as Apple's iPhone OS is NOW, [albeit one developed by an un-monetised network], without the benefit of what Apple brings to the party, in terms of a single identifiable and desirable hardware solution, it's not a credible alternative. It certainly isn't ever going to be a game changer.

    And don't forget, we've all been buying phones from these other players for years, and found them all wanting in a vast variety of ways, no matter how varied the choice of form factors and functionality.

    Finally, psychologically this choice actually proves to be an enormous negative, as is always the case. More is not less. Fewer choices actually make choosing easier. So why are people betting on the opposite to what experience tells us is true?

    Your knowledge of mobile history is a bit lacking.

    Good ideas come from people, not companies. Both devices have long personal histories, even though the current iPhone and Android devices only started in mid 2005.

    Android was begat by Andy Rubin, who worked at Apple in 1989, then was a major player in Magic Cap (, WebTV, and Danger. So there's long experience behind both iPhone and Android teams.

    It's very likely to happen.

    As for quoting raw numbers, they're not always useful. There's been over three quarters of a million downloads of the Android SDK. Doesn't mean that many are working on it actively. Similarly, many of those so-called "iPhone developers" are regular users who bought memberships to get beta access.

    Don't get me started on the "85,000" apps. Tens of thousands are poor duplicates. That goes for all platforms:

    Sometimes I wonder how many really unique apps there can be, not just variations. Someone should do a study on the topic. Would be interesting. Must be in the low thousands, if any that many.

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  • chirpie
    Apr 13, 11:01 AM
    I don't get the "imovie pro" comments. From the announcement, does it look like functionality is removed? What specifically would make this new version less pro than the previous.

    And why are you assuming that FC doesn't include all that functionality, or that Color is no longer included? They didn't talk about the rest of the suite, but for a software package two months from release, it seems just as likely that the rest of the suite is still there but they just didn't want to talk about them yet. Or did they actually say that it's just one app now instead of a suite?

    As a Logic user, I'm very interested to see if Soundtrack Pro is updated. It has a ton of potential but it has always been in horrible shape. Apple could kill it (and just beef up the audio in FC, but that seems like a bad strategy) or they could finally give it the attention it needs and finally make it an audio post app that can compete with Pro Tools. Hopefully Apple will have more info soon, will STP get an update, and if so will that update be available to Logic users (or will we have to wait until Logic X ships)?

    In Cory's defense, he's presenting this as large concern that hasn't been addressed yet, not that he's ready to jump ship on the idea of FCP X.

    And I share the concern. There's a LOT of unanswered questions around the suite. If Apple said "we're killing the rest of the suite" then I'd be p*ssed, but that doesn't sound likely at all.

    So now we're left to wait and see what other details emerge.

    A recap of a few things that made me happy... (from Larry's blog)

    * Rendering is now in the background and much faster because it harnesses the power of the GPU.
    * The 4 GB memory limit is gone – FCP will use as much RAM as you have installed on your system.
    * FCP X now uses all the processors on your system, not just one and a half.

    In addition, a flock of new features were added:
    * It supports editing video image sizes from standard definition up to 4K.
    * It uses fewer tools from the Tool palette (which is no longer there, by the way) by making the cursor smarter. WHERE you click something determines WHAT you can do with it.
    * A lot of existing features are jazzed up (linking and grouping are replaced by the much more elegant Clip Connection and Compound Clips)
    * While new features like the magnetic timeline, permanent audio sync and auto-metadata generation are flat-out stunning.


    And I for one LIKE the new UI. I was doing a favor for an aunt and was editing her son's graduation video and elected to do it in iMovie even though I have FCS3 and obviously while I didn't have all the functionality I was used too, I had plenty of moments where I was thinking "This part would have taken forever in FCP" or "I wish FCP was this slick looking."

    This PREVIEW is a large step in the right direction. Let's see where things go from here.

    derrick rose wallpaper. derrick rose wallpaper.
  • derrick rose wallpaper.

  • skunk
    Mar 14, 07:30 PM
    How much power does it take to provide and maintain storage of the waste, and to mine the uranium? What impact does the operation of the plant have on the environment? What is the cost to humans and the environment when these plants fail as they have?I have been arguing that the ramifications of catastrophic failure of these plants, quite apart from any energy and pollution costs in building, keeping them running and decommissioning them, those ramifications alone serve to put nuclear power on a wholly different level. The equation has to be considered in its entirety. Taking the other costs into account makes it quite obvious that its just not worth it.

    derrick rose wallpaper. Derrick Rose Wallpaper
  • Derrick Rose Wallpaper

  • blackcrayon
    May 2, 10:57 AM
    Meh... if you're stupid enough to have open safe files checked.

    Are you sure that is the end of it, just having safe files checked and this thing installs itself? I'm trying to figure out where this is happening (i tested it myself and all it did was unzip the .zip file, it didn't automatically launch the package installer and then click the Install button for me).

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  • derrick rose mvp wallpaper.

  • munkery
    May 2, 04:14 PM
    I'm curious how it auto-executes the installer because that can have potential damaging results for a user account, without privilege escalation. My data is all in my user account, I don't care about a few system files so much as I care about my data.

    It auto-executes the installer because installers are marked as safe if "open safe files after downloading" is turned on.

    This is not an example of shellcode being injected into a running application to execute code in user space.

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  • Rasta4i
    Apr 21, 04:02 AM
    Irregardless of whether or not carriers will lock it down, it's available RIGHT NOW. And in the event that they put in measures to stop it, someone will find a way around it eventually.
    It was NEVER available for iOS.

    Your wariness in downloading apps doesn't negate the fact that there are many apps available, and all you have to do is spend an extra 20 seconds reading reviews to find out if the app is legitimate or not.

    I had poor battery life on my Optimus as well. Then I found Data Switch, and my battery lasts forever now. I haven't tested how long it will go, but I imagine I'd easily get 2 days out of it.

    I just hate that people have to blindly bash Android products, and this isn't aimed directly at you, just the majority of users on this site in general.

    I respect the iPhone, it's a beautiful piece of hardware.
    It works, and it works well.

    However, with the little bit of knowledge that I have, my Android phone works just as well FOR ME, and I paid nothing for it.

    The value in an iPhone just isn't there for me in particular.

    The way you speak about tethering is as if apple are charging you for it... I live in the UK where the iphone is on every network now, some allow tethering for free some made you pay. I was with o2, they were the first network to get the iphone over here and they no longer charge extra for tethering. you saying it was never available on iOS confuses me as its clearly not true and based on the carrier

    derrick rose wallpaper. derrick rose wallpaper mvp.
  • derrick rose wallpaper mvp.

  • Taz Mangus
    Apr 21, 03:10 PM
    still not raking in the huge lion's share of industry profits? apple is, android manufacturers arent.

    AndroidfoLife is quite impressed with the fact that Andriod now runs on applicances. I get a good laugh everytime I think about that. Talk about racing to the bottom.

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  • Wallpaper,derrick rose,rajon

  • babyj
    Sep 21, 12:37 PM
    Except the big difference between Microsoft's Media Center and Apple's, is that Microsoft's new Vista version will be able to record encrypted digital and HD television via a CableCARD, and Apple has no plans for that at the moment. And it's not the type of functionality that will just show up, Microsoft has been working on getting a CableCARD device certified for years.

    I'm not sure about tv programmes in hd, but bluray/hddvd discs will be protected and you will only be able to watch them if everything in the chain supports the protection - the disc, the drive, the processor, the video card and the tv. Otherwise it falls back to a lower quality output and you're back to square one.

    It might be the best quality, but hd is a long way off from becoming mainstream. Its good that Microsoft are supporting it in Vista but I really don't think it will be a show stopper for most people. For most people the Apple media centre functionality will be more than acceptable, when it isn't I'm sure that Apple will come out with something new and improved that is.

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  • derrick rose wallpaper bulls.

  • citizenzen
    Mar 15, 11:24 PM
    Have I defined "contain" to your satisfaction?

    Not really.

    Here. I'll provide an example of equally insightful commentary ...

    One day, this will all be over.

    derrick rose wallpaper. derrick rose wallpaper dunk.
  • derrick rose wallpaper dunk.

  • G5isAlive
    Mar 18, 08:04 AM
    You do realize the phone, aka the system, was designed to do this and that AT&T is going out of their way to charge people double for what they are paying for?

    It would be no different if your home ISP tacked on a $20+ charge each month for having a router at home.

    I'm waiting for the class action lawsuit as this is wrong. The service that people have bought is not somehow giving them more bandwidth or a higher amount of download data simply because they are tethering through the phone. The phone can only download so fast to begin with so any device you connect to it will still be limited.

    I am amazed people keep justifying their actions. Phone companies are like insurance companies, they balance service with costs to make profit. They tailor their plans to do so. Making profit is in the consumers best long term interest. Unprofitable companies go out of business.

    They can calculate if they introduce certain plans just how much gets used and not used and base costs accordingly. When people break the contracts to do whatever they want, it eventually costs the rest of the consumers in increased rates. The reason there isn't unlimited data plans is some people would go out of their way to use as much bandwidth as possible just because they could. So AT&T had to put on limits. But they did so with a business model in hand.

    derrick rose wallpaper. derrick rose wallpaper dunk.
  • derrick rose wallpaper dunk.

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 30, 06:17 PM
    Of course it will probably be slightly more expensive but with any luck less than it currently is to go from 1 to 2. Or for that matter 1 to 4. I find it hard to believe Apple will leave it's premiere flagship workstation shipping with less ram by default than it's laptop range. The RAM thing is confusing, I don't know whether I'm better off buying it with 1 gig then buying 4 1G sticks afterwards or whether that will affect performance and I'm better off just buying 4G straight from Apple.

    Apple leaves the default RAM configuration small so that people can customize it to their needs - even with aftermarket RAM. If they boosted the base RAM to 2GB (or even 4GB), that would be great, but only if the price was still competitive. Apple's current RAM prices are not competitive, nowhere near close. Several vendors are now selling FB-DIMM memory with Apple-compliant heatsinks for half of what Apple is charging. But it has also been a few months since Apple has adjusted their prices on RAM... I guess we'll just see what happens when the updated Mac Pro offerings are announced.

    I am also of the opinion that Apple should not sell the 512MB FB-DIMM modules since they only run at half-bandwidth of the 1 and 2 GB modules. Or they should offer the ability to buy the Mac Pro with no RAM. That would be interesting. I'm not sure if they'd go for selling a system config that would require a third-party purchase just to make it work.

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  • wdogmedia
    Aug 29, 02:48 PM
    Im not saying stop using energy. I'm saying use a different source. Wind, water, sun. theres plenty of other ways to heat your home out there. Geothermal too

    I agree with you there....I'm just saying that humans don't have near the impact on global warming that we supposedly do. Deforestation and endangering other creatures is a different story, though.....

    derrick rose wallpaper. derrick rose bulls wallpaper.
  • derrick rose bulls wallpaper.

  • MacFly123
    Oct 7, 06:20 PM
    I hope my sarcasm meter is broken.

    If it is not, comments like this are exactly what is wrong with this forum.

    What does Microsoft has to do with topic?

    No sarcasm at all. I know Microsoft wasn't specifically in the topic, but it relates heavily. Apple, Google, and Palm are all going to be big players in the mobile computing world. Microsoft, RIM, and Symbian are all very outdated and behind. I think it is all very interesting. I wasn't alive when the personal computing revolution went down, but this is the same type of revolution.

    It is very relevant because it seems like Google is becoming the new Microsoft. There are some big differences though that make me not despise Google, such as how they are pretty open. I rejoice in Microsoft failing because the world and technology is a better place without them hindering innovation and progression with all their illegal proprietary lock-in antics they constantly shove down peoples' throats! :rolleyes: RIP Micro$oft! :p

    derrick rose wallpaper. chicago bulls derrick rose
  • chicago bulls derrick rose

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 03:42 PM
    Will the "cloud" be hosted by Amazon in their North Virginia datacenter? :eek:

    I'm sure users will love that "cloud", at least as much as they love the Playstation network...

    Yup, and early PCs had bugs too. Keep living in the past . . .

    Apr 6, 01:39 PM
    i think some people just hold their preference too dearly sometimes, and then insist that anything that falls outside their comfort-zone is annoying.

    that's like saying it's annoying because in another language you have to say 'house white', instead of 'white house', or english is better because you only have 'the' and not 'la' or 'le'... or german is annoying because 'no' sounds like '9'.

    in my opinion nothing is annoying about one or the other, they're just different.
    take control of the situation and become fluent in both.

    approach it with the right frame of mind.
    you either 'want' to learn, or you 'have' to learn.

    Fgirl, I just wanted you to know that I think your post is right on target and I enjoyed reading it.

    I'm what I call "bi-platform" in that I use Mac in my personal life and Windows at work. I'm "fluent" in both and agree that it's not typically one being better than the other, but just being different.

    For the OP, in terms of general navigation and customization I would say a Mac can do everything you are wondering about. It will do it differently than Windows does, but it can do it. The "shift" vs. "cmd" for shortcuts is an example. The buttons function the same, it's just a different button on a mac keyboard than on a PC keyboard.

    Best of luck with your decision.

    Oh, and for the person who made the "troll" post... seriously??? The OP put "for switchers only" because he wants to hear from people who have actually made the decision to switch. He wants to learn from their experiences as opposed to just getting bashed by Apple fanboys who'll belittle his question and not provide any genuine help.

    May 2, 09:25 AM
    So few virus for MAC than when one appears it is news... :)

    Sep 20, 09:47 AM
    I'm wondering why they couldn't/wouldn't just combine the mini and the iTV into a single unit. The mini's size could allow for a DVD slot/player/burner and maybe even allow for the Mac OS in the box, so you don't need another computer to stream your media from. In fact, I assumed that was what the Mini was ultimately destined for anyway.


    What do you thnk the iTV offers that a Mini doesn't? I'm not sure it offers anything other than freeing the Mini so it can be used as a computer in front of a computer monitor somewhere else (which is apparently Jobs' view of where a computer should be).

    I might have the wrong end of the stick though.

    Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 07:20 PM
    Homosexuals have a right to live the same lifestyle as anybody else, under the Constitution and under the UN Declaration.

    Maybe with better furnishings, though...

    So skunk is talking about legal rights.

    May 5, 08:59 PM
    I challenge you to walk down the west side, anywhere... but take 9th avenue from say... the 57th St to the mid 30's. Just get in a cab. Make a phone call in regular traffic. I'd be willing to wager that at least 75% of the time you drop a call, once, if not twice during that trip. It happens to me nearly every day.

    i really don't understand all the people in NYC who have dropped calls multiple times a day.

    i live in brooklyn, ny and work in manhattan. i have NEVER experienced the amount of dropped calls as some people on macrumors (who live in the nyc area) have.

    i want to know how many calls for those who have all these "problems" with AT&T make a day. i do not have a land line, so my iphone is the only phone i have. i have owned an 1st gen iphone and i have had a 3Gs for almost 1 year.

    i make, on average, about 5 - 20 calls a day. i may experience a dropped call or a call that didn't go through about 3 - 5 times PER MONTH.

    the only annoyance that i have experienced more often than i'd like has to do with visual voicemail. sometimes, when i try to play my messages via visual voicemail, it never connects. so i have dial my iPhone's # and check my messages the old school way. but that doesn't happen that often.

    for all those people who have dropped calls every day, are your iPhones jailbroken? i am not sure that would have anything to do with it, though.

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