Saturday, May 21, 2011

long haired dachshund black and brown

long haired dachshund black and brown. 4 month old red long haired
  • 4 month old red long haired

  • Don't panic
    May 4, 11:52 AM
    Don't make me turn you into a mouse.

    If i remember right, last time you tried we had to take you to the White Witch of Cupertino Mountains to get rid of your tail...

    long haired dachshund black and brown. long haired dachshund black
  • long haired dachshund black

  • vincebio
    Nov 22, 12:29 PM
    Mr Palm, Apple fan boys:

    The perfect smart phone has already been created and is out in the wild: SONY ERICSSON P990.

    Wifi, location free, 2 mp camera with flash, keyboard, MP3 player, videos, etc.

    yeah. except they forgot to put RAM in it...and the firmware is crap so far..and the battery last about...erm, 24 hours..and they wont support mac..ever!

    great phone though!:)

    long haired dachshund black and brown. long haired dachshund black
  • long haired dachshund black

  • mdriftmeyer
    Apr 21, 08:14 PM
    The Xserve was pretty much another solution too. Same hardware different form factor.

    Another solution that didn't serve as a GPGPU Render Farm.

    long haired dachshund black and brown. long haired dachshund black
  • long haired dachshund black

  • iphones4evry1
    Nov 4, 12:48 AM
    If TomTom can turn this car mount into a full-on media center, that hooks the iPhone to the car stereo and uses it's speakers for speaker phone and has a better microphone than the iPhone, this car kit could take off and become an entire media center in itself. They could become the standard for iPhone-car media centers! :)

    long haired dachshund black and brown. long haired Dachshund dog
  • long haired Dachshund dog

  • Old Smuggler
    Sep 11, 02:34 AM
    I can't see how Apple can begin an sell movies and not also sell a Media Mac.
    It would be like iTMS and no iPods... how well would that work? :rolleyes:

    Has anyone ever considered that the media mac would not be a hardware upgrade to the mini but a software one via itunes 7
    or is it just me?

    long haired dachshund black and brown. long haired dachshund black
  • long haired dachshund black

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 24, 04:18 AM
    Retina 27'' LCD should be 7200x4080 pixels. I think we can't expect it in near future... but i'd love to see it :)

    No, it wouldn't. Please understand what Retina means ;) :

    For all we know, the 27" already is a Retina display. It depends on what distance you find normal sitting away from it.

    long haired dachshund black and brown. Adult Dachshund (long hair)
  • Adult Dachshund (long hair)

  • Bengt77
    Aug 4, 06:42 PM
    We can all hope! ;)

    Yeah, that's probably what it will turn out to be: hope, rather than reality. But when an iMac comes out with any Core 2 Duo processor and Leopard pre-loaded, I'm buying. An updated graphics card is higly welcome, as is more standard RAM, but the processor and OS are most important to me. Too bad Leopard is still quite some time off...

    Does anyone know, if a new OS comes out soon after the release of a new computer model/revision, how long that 'soon' may be for Apple to offer a free upgrade to that new OS to all buyers of that particular computer? (Is that still understandable English? Worse, is it still English?)

    long haired dachshund black and brown. long haired dachshund black
  • long haired dachshund black

  • iStudentUK
    May 3, 06:17 AM
    You think you've got it bad? In Britain we have
    milk and beer by the pint
    coke by the litre
    roads by the mile
    tablecloths/fabric etc by the metre
    petrol/diesel by the litre
    fuel efficiency is measured in miles per gallon but carbon emissions are measured in grams per kilometer.
    weight of people in stones and pounds
    sugar/flour etc in kilograms
    fruit by the pound
    cheese by grams
    bread loaves are labelled in grams, bread rolls sold by the dozen.
    height in feet and inches.

    It is a mess here. I wish we would switch fully to metric. I think we are getting there, very slowly. For example, 15 years ago the weather used to always be in oC and then oF, now just oC is very common. Supermarkets sell fruit and veg with the per kg price much larger than per lb. The around the corner sells milk by the litre which is nice. More and more people are using metres and kilograms to measure their height and weight. Some things are more problematic, there are millions of pint glasses for beer and all our road signs would be a fortune to replace with kilometres!

    The imperial system is crazy, but I think it will slowly but surely die out in the UK. Metric was pushed in about 40 years ago? Give it another 40 and I think we will be fully there!

    Hopefully our American cousins will finally see sense and start talking in civilised speak soon.

    long haired dachshund black and brown. long haired dachshund black
  • long haired dachshund black

  • DTphonehome
    Jul 30, 09:26 PM
    Some rumors for the Verizon Chocolate ( suggest an AUGUST 7TH Release Date. That's the same day as the start of WWDC, when Apple's new products will be announced! Just a coincidence?

    There's signs all over NYC saying 7/31/06 for the chocolate.

    long haired dachshund black and brown. long haired dachshund black
  • long haired dachshund black

  • spicyapple
    Jul 29, 11:29 PM
    The Apple iPhone would have to be better in functionality than a Blackberry to be considered useful, unless they can work out a better input device method or utilize Microsoft's Vista speech recognition program.

    long haired dachshund black and brown. long haired dachshund black
  • long haired dachshund black

  • coder12
    Apr 18, 04:10 PM
    Have you looked at the TouchWiz UI? It's almost identical to iOS - dock at the bottom, pages of icons in a grid and you even remove applications in the same way as you do on the iPhone. I've nothing at all against competition for iOS, but they shouldn't just rip the design off

    Thanks! I was gonna post that myself but you already did it for me :)
    I'm not for this, but samsung really should go out on a limb and develop their own "style" of os for their little phones, or just use android default or wp7. I remember using a galaxy and thinking, "wtf mate?".

    long haired dachshund black and brown. long haired dachshund black
  • long haired dachshund black

  • snberk103
    May 3, 10:52 PM
    Lord, lol! :D

    Feel sorry for you, bud. XD

    One more Canadianism.... The Globe and Mail today was reporting on the Bin Laden raid. Apparently his balcony had a wall 2.2 metres high, just enough to conceal a man 6 ft 4 inch. You can't make this stuff up. Most Canadians just make the conversion and move on.:D

    long haired dachshund black and brown. Long Haired Dachshunds by
  • Long Haired Dachshunds by

  • Ca$hflow
    May 4, 07:11 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Actually 3 bags containing 4 liters.

    long haired dachshund black and brown. long haired dachshund black
  • long haired dachshund black

  • ABernardoJr
    May 6, 01:22 AM
    No.. They make mobile processors. Low power usage.
    If you read the article again, it ays the rumor is for laptops. Very doubtful apple will move the desktop line to an ARM processor as there is nothing that competes with the current tech.
    For laptops (specifically the air), the move may make sense. I don't see apple moving the whole macbook pro line to ARM. maybe the airs and the regular macbooks.

    The short story is that Apple is moving the laptop line, and presumably desktops too, to ARM based chips as soon as possible.

    Anyway the main reason why I feel reluctant about this hypothetical (and I stress hypothetical) situation is the potentiality of troubles that would come from transitioning everything again (like others have said).

    P.S. Is anyone else slightly concerned with the site's name being "SemiAccurate"? lol It's just a name of course and I'm half joking, but still :D

    long haired dachshund black and brown. long haired Dachshund dog
  • long haired Dachshund dog

  • Multimedia
    Sep 16, 11:17 AM
    so help me out here..

    BTO = anything purchased online? (even if the config doesnt change at all on a MBP) vs. me walking into a store and getting one today?

    what im getting at is i would like a Merom MBP but if i want to take advantage of the iPod edu deal i have to buy today, the 16th.

    so then if i get the current MBP id have to keep it unopened until the announment on the 24th? then take it back to the store?

    if ship dates go into October, when will the stores have em in stock?

    does that make any sense :DI think if you risk it, they may let you keep the premiums. I forgot about the deadline today. That would indicate they may announce the new MBPs Tuesday as others have predicted already according to the student Free iPod offer deadline. Thanks for the reminder and good luck.

    long haired dachshund black and brown. long haired dachshund black
  • long haired dachshund black

  • uv23
    Jul 23, 12:02 PM
    I too am holding out hope for a 13" MBP. The 13" MB isn't powerful enough graphically and the 15" MBP is too big.

    long haired dachshund black and brown. long haired dachshund black
  • long haired dachshund black

  • KingYaba
    Sep 16, 06:00 PM
    It's always the next "event" apple holds. Oh, I swear it's coming! I just know it! That powerbook g5 is coming, I can smell it. :p

    long haired dachshund black and brown. long haired dachshund black
  • long haired dachshund black

  • Malcster
    Aug 3, 10:58 AM

    allegedly a banner from WWDC 2006...

    oops! seen it another thread now, my bad.

    long haired dachshund black and brown. Little rown long haired
  • Little rown long haired

  • codyc815
    Apr 26, 04:50 PM
    However Apple lost my custom today. All these stories about putting the release date back and rumors about a 'small' update.....

    Wth, Apple didn't push a release date back, there was never a release date. Just because you assume they'll introduce something the exact same time they did last year and they don't, that's not their fault.

    May 7, 01:13 PM
    I'm pretty sure this will happen since I just bought a MobileMe Family box to renew my accounts that expire at the end of the month.

    Just my luck. ;)

    Sep 11, 12:26 AM
    IF that TiVo rumor is true, it will be a dream come to life!

    Proud owner of a Mac....and a Tivo w/DVD burner.

    Mar 29, 09:04 AM
    Hilarious that companies are copying Apple rumors now.

    Arn, we need an article that Apple is developing a space ship!

    Jeff Bezos (Amazon CEO) already has a company devoted to space research.

    Mar 28, 12:19 PM
    The iPhone 4 got massive external and internal changes while the 3Gs just got internal changes. iPhone 4 is a bigger refresh than the 3Gs. I never said the 3Gs was not a real refresh I said it was not as big as the iPhone 4.


    Anyway, i think Apple is just shooting themselves in the leg if they plan to release the iPhone 5 later. I'm gonna give it a day or two for reports from other sources.
    Everything so far has pointed to a Summer release, so it makes no sense for it to just change all of a sudden.

    Mar 31, 01:25 AM
    Very true but those Macs are portables, not iMacs and certainly not the overpriced and overpowered Xeon server driven Mac Pro's that replaced the affordable and (at the time) upgradeable G4's and G5's we all used for our work. What happened to the dedicated 20/23/30" LCD CCFL Apple Cinema Display line, or even the Apple Studio Display line before them? Replaced with ONE 27" LED LCD based off the 27" iMac (basically an iMac without a computer). Times change, I get it, but why do they have to leave us power users who supported them before the iPod and need Apple systems for work behind? It's costing us thousands to switch to Windows systems and applications such as Avid and Premiere Pro/Adobe Suites.

    IDevices are amazing, but please, don't make the already dwindling prosumers systems become iOS systems for the average Joe. There are a lot of people on here that are new comers from Apple's iPod/iPhone influx that don't know/understand what this is doing to those who really need OS X and affordable mid-towers and top notch displays again� and once built in California, now "designed" in California. Man, sad times for us and the states on that change...

    They sold well over 1 million desktops/workstation units last quarter and will surpass that quite handily this quarter.

    People who think they know Apple's long term strategy as iOS only know nothing of Apple.

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