Monday, May 9, 2011

Potera Za Sreckom

Potera Za Sreckom. Versace Sunglasses Men
  • Versace Sunglasses Men

  • twoodcc
    Aug 3, 07:23 AM
    It's not a "chintzy marketing ploy by Intel". It's a scientific test conducted by two Intel Marketing engineers which I always believe because Intel employees are honest people with families and friends who love them. :)

    intel employees don't lie? please tell me you didn't just say that

    Potera Za Sreckom. DTLR at Northlake Mall in
  • DTLR at Northlake Mall in

  • Andronicus
    Mar 28, 09:53 AM
    Sort of relieved no iPhone 5 announcements, Im firmly bogged down into a 2 year contract.

    There will be an iPhone 5 annoucement. Don't believe everything you read.

    Potera Za Sreckom. at the Detroit Auto Show
  • at the Detroit Auto Show

  • Eidorian
    Jul 21, 02:03 PM
    Sheesh. This is a 180 from waiting for G5 updates.They're much more predictable with Intel's roadmap.

    Potera Za Sreckom. Towers of Hanoi for Windows
  • Towers of Hanoi for Windows

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 18, 03:34 PM
    I'm surprised it's taken this long, to be honest: I've thought for a long time that Samsung's phones in particular are pretty much a blatant rip-off of Apple's industrial design and user interface.

    Indeed, the haters will scream and rant about this lawsuit, but Samsung has a special knack for making their devices look exactly like Apple's equivalents.

    Potera Za Sreckom. 3LHT3PINKCASE. 6.5quot;
  • 3LHT3PINKCASE. 6.5quot;

  • Xian Zhu Xuande
    Apr 5, 02:08 PM
    Disappointing. Apple could have left this one alone.

    Lame. You can be sure Toyota will capitulate to the Apple strong arm.
    It doesn't make sense for Toyota to make a stink over this. It just doesn't make good business sense. There's a reason why businesses aren't managed in the same ways children bicker behind schools.

    Potera Za Sreckom. Warbirds Red Baron - 2010
  • Warbirds Red Baron - 2010

  • koruki
    May 6, 02:17 AM
    ROFL this one made my friday

    Potera Za Sreckom. 1/6 Carat Diamond
  • 1/6 Carat Diamond

  • Benjy91
    Apr 25, 09:58 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    Interesting how the guy is a total dick when writing to Steve. Nice to see SJ keeps his cool when these idiots with a massive sense of entitlement choose to hit the send button.

    Hes not acting like a dick, he's just worried because of what hes heard.

    I know your email to Steve would begin with "Your Royal Appleness" and end with "Your faithful Man-Servant"

    The man has heard his phone is tracking his location, and is naturally, entitled to be worried.

    Potera Za Sreckom. Picture in Waynesburg, PA
  • Picture in Waynesburg, PA

  • gugy
    Jul 30, 01:19 AM
    I don't think I've hated any company so passionately as I hate Verizon. I have not one positive word to say about them. If/when Apple announces a phone, I'll pay the early termination fee on my Verizon contract and jump to the carrier with Apple's phone. Hopefully that'll be Cingular.

    Interesting I am the opposite of you. I hate Cingular and I am OK with Verizon.
    The big question is if whatever Apple comes up it needs a good network.
    What good will be an amazing phone with a crap network and service. In the past I had Cingular and just hate it. Now I have Verizon, I do not love it but at least I can use it at my home and office and IMHO is better than Cingular.

    So I just hope I can have an Iphone that actually works wherever I go.

    Potera Za Sreckom. Wednesday, April 13, 2011
  • Wednesday, April 13, 2011

  • Erwin-Br
    Apr 26, 02:38 PM
    Once again, the seperating into 'smartphone' and 'tablet' markets makes little sense.

    As the capabilities of both devices grow we'll soon find that the only difference between the two is screen size.

    That's bending the definition of a phone to the extreme. I can make phone calls on my Mac Pro too. It's only a teeny bit bulkier than my phone :rolleyes:. Should I consider my mac Pro as phone? Of course not.

    Look. A tablet is not a phone, okay? Nobody is going to carry an iPad in his pants all day.

    A tablet is much closer to being a replacement to a laptop than to being a phone.

    Potera Za Sreckom. The Towers of Hanoi
  • The Towers of Hanoi

  • appleguy123
    May 3, 06:42 PM
    No traps in the current room so we can leave without searching the current room.

    There could be treasure here. Searching this room is guaranteed to be safe, as far as I can tell.

    Potera Za Sreckom. (attr) for Conant Ball
  • (attr) for Conant Ball

  • danr_97070
    Jul 21, 03:05 PM
    This definitely increases the chances of Apple introducing new MBPs at WWDC. Could be a huge event!

    My PB is only a year and half old, but Merom-based MBPs are looking awfully tempting...

    Here are my predictions for WWDC; I think it will be an amazing event!

    * Quad core Woodcrest-based PowerMac. Overclocked with Intel's new

    Potera Za Sreckom. Idiopathic Short Stature
  • Idiopathic Short Stature

  • WildCowboy
    Aug 3, 11:23 PM
    are people not expecting merom to go immediately into the macbook as well? i don't see a reason for apple to purposely gimp their best-selling notebook when a merom chip is supposed to cost the same as its yonah counterpart.

    Why not? They did it with the iBooks for quite some time...

    Potera Za Sreckom. from extremely dry skin.
  • from extremely dry skin.

  • Cavepainter
    Mar 29, 09:40 PM
    I really do like the concept of having an enormous amount of online storage, immediately accessible from anywhere.. but ultimately I see this as an issue of me having to pay someone else for granting access to things I already own.

    Do you like paying a fee to your bank when you take out YOUR OWN MONEY from the bank? Your bank says its because its a "convenience", which of course it is....but when I have to pay them money to get something that is mine, I have a problem with that.

    Remember when television was free? We just had to put up with advertisements, and for that, we got free TV. Now many people pay 79 bucks a month or more to get cable or satellite TV. Time have changed. Now we are paying alot of money just to get tv, something that once was free of charge. Oh, yeah, and we still have ads. Funny how that works.

    Of course companies like Amazon and Apple are not in it for your convenience, they're in it because if everyone eventually has all their files stored online in the cloud, there's TONS and TONS of money to be made- for ever. If I have a computer, phone or music listening device with ample amounts of storage space, these companies don't make any money off of me after I purchase that music from itunes or wherever. (And if I have cds or blu ray movies, they don't make any money on me at all). This cloud concept provides some convenience, but more importantly guarantees a steady flow of income for these companies for many years to come.

    Flash memory storage capacities are growing yearly.. and prices are continuing to drop. Now companies are starting to ship secure digital cards with capacities of a staggering 128 GB on a tiny compact flash card! Ultimately I think most people will be able to have enormous amounts of files locally on their own phone or portable computer.

    Potera Za Sreckom. Universidad De Chile
  • Universidad De Chile

  • blow45
    Mar 29, 07:35 PM
    Why couldn�t you let it slide? Assuming you don�t like people �imposing� their beliefs on you, why would you impose yours on others? I think there�s a word for that.

    You are talking about imposing beliefs to a guy sporting a gay marriage signature (which I am all for, but I wouldn't want to push it down people's throats via my signature here, which btw is a political issue and the only way he gets away with is is because he's best pals with the moderators here)? In any case I called him an uber belief commisar but as you say, there's another word for that, and I was implying fascist of course, but I guess an expletive would be best suited.

    All of a sudden people can't offer their prayers to people suffering in Japan, because Aiden Shaw doesn't believe in God...whatever lola wants, as the song goes...:rolleyes: I would have banned this .... on the spot for calling someone's God a "spaghetti monster", it's one thing not to believe, and quite another to mock what someone holds sacred, but this guy is apparently un-bannable here...

    Potera Za Sreckom. announcer Ted Williams,
  • announcer Ted Williams,

  • applefanDrew
    Mar 27, 01:05 AM
    I'm starting to wonder if a Iphone 5 is even going to come out this year i mean with the Verizon IPhone launched in February "kinda close to June - July IMO" so they might wait tell june of next year where we get AT&T and a Verizon IPhone upgrades.

    just my thoughts on it. of course Apple is a secret company so we won't know tell it happens:)

    There will be a new iPhone during calendar 2011

    Potera Za Sreckom. Colchester Zoo Map
  • Colchester Zoo Map

  • iliketyla
    Mar 29, 01:36 PM
    Are you willing to pay more for your Mac gadgets so they can be made here?

    I'd pay a premium for products manufactured in the US.

    Products might be more expensive, but there would be more Americans employed. As much are there is a downside to producing here, there is also an upside.

    Potera Za Sreckom. NTS barber scissors / hair
  • NTS barber scissors / hair

  • Rocketman
    Nov 26, 06:46 PM

    Whoever named a microphone "micro" in the 60's needs 1000 people to buy him a beer.


    Send it via the internet!

    Potera Za Sreckom. Matinée SF Club promo ad.
  • Matinée SF Club promo ad.

  • inkswamp
    May 4, 02:47 PM
    Fine. Seems like a logical move, but if Apple wants me to foot part of the bill for distributing their software (via my paid Internet connection) then I certainly expect a significant cut in the cost of the upgrade.

    Potera Za Sreckom. Warfield San Francisco
  • Warfield San Francisco

  • Yvan256
    Jul 30, 09:33 AM
    Really, guys. How many times have we been through this?

    As many times as "Apple is switching to Intel", I'd guess.

    [...] Americans are used to getting free or cheap phones when they sign up for a carrier contract. [...] The way I understand it, the rest of the world pays full retail everytime they want a new phone. Is this right?

    It's true in Canada, too. I went with a 3-years contract with Bell Mobility and my phone (a LG something) was free.

    Aug 11, 09:08 AM
    It sure does. Quite exciting really. I think all consumer products will get Core 2 Duo (merom + conroe) in September. Although, seeing as Merom is socket compatable with the current line up, I dont think we will see a Conroe in the iMac.

    I tend to agree that they may use Merom in the iMac but since they put Woodcrest in the Mac Pros it gives me hope that they won't use Merom in the iMac and just use it in the portable line where they really belong.

    Mar 29, 08:57 AM
    And Amazon thinks crippling ioS compatibility will be good business? FAIL.

    May 4, 03:30 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8C148)

    Here's my problem with this distribution method for an OS:

    I have 4 Macs in my house. Previously, I'd buy a Family License DVD and go from machine to machine installing it.

    If I have to DL it from the App Store, I've got to download it 4 times! I don't care about paying for multiple licenses... I do care about blowing out my internet bandwidth downloading the same multi-gigabyte file 4 times. :mad:

    There had better be a physical-media option!

    Copy it to a USB drive or disc. Why would you keep downloading it?

    Mar 31, 06:22 AM
    Sounds just like some bloke from Apple. Snow Leopard's the last of the true desktop OS's. Lion is the bridge, and whatever follows will either be primarily iOS, or so close it's of little consequence. I'm so glad I hung onto my 2010 MBP.

    Let's not forget it was the iPod that saved Apple and marked it's beginning as a gadget & entertaiment company. I had a nasty feeling then it would mark the decline of Apples great computers & here we are. How ironic it is that most people are unaware that a Brit actually invented the iPod and like so many other things, Apple stole the thing and ran with it. True "innovators" at Apple, yeah right.

    iOS has good features like full screen, launchpad, invisible scrollbars, AppStore. And Apple is just incorporating those features, and so far so good imo.

    I doubt they'll lock down OS X because we still need to use it to develop on, don't be afraid just embrace the new features you like.

    Apr 26, 03:15 PM
    They can activate it in the store for you and do a personal setup if you want. setup your email etc..

    You do not need a computer to own the phone. (updates going forward i believe require a computer but over the air updates are on the horizon)

    My iPad i haven't yet synced with my computer as an example. walked out of the store smart cover on and my email already setup.

    what about future updates? what if you can't go to a local apple store? i can but what about others who don't have one nearby? something apple should think about.

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