Saturday, May 14, 2011

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  • BJB Productions
    Apr 12, 09:48 PM just being black and green means 'consumer' now? :confused:

    Haha. You're right. No, but I sure hope there's more customization of screens, timeline size, windows, etc. Not like iMovie; which is one huge block.

    But it's def looking nice. The UI of FCP7 is so old looking. I just hope they don't lose simple things like blade, hotkeys, etc... So it's not a total new learning curve.

    real estate sign posts. Own a Mr. Post Real Estate
  • Own a Mr. Post Real Estate

  • lordonuthin
    Nov 22, 09:39 PM
    looks like our best week at about 1.7m points! maybe we will catch 2 mil/wk when the new guy gets his bigadv points, woo hoo :D

    I'm begining to wonder whether we will get our points back from when that "glitch" hit? I had 1 bigadv as well as several other wu that never got posted, bummer...

    May break down and get something new to run bigadv units on ;) since I haven't been able to get gpu's workin' for more points... since I don't have anyone around to keep me from spending money on computer stuff...

    real estate sign posts. AugSign Vinyl Real Estate Sign
  • AugSign Vinyl Real Estate Sign

  • Counterfit
    Nov 29, 02:21 PM
    Apple to design a car?

    Bobby Rahal will do the devolpment driving for the new "apple turbo". ;)

    I've been trying to find a model of that thing for years.

    real estate sign posts. ASK ABOUT OUR SIGN POST

  • paradillon
    Oct 23, 09:17 PM
    I was helping a neighbor to order an iMac for his son tonight.
    We logged into his apple account to look at the config on his previous order for his other son.
    We got a notice saying the web and phone order system was down while being upgraded.

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  • aswitcher
    Jan 12, 04:39 AM
    Maybe its MacBook Heir...

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  • Stridder44
    Aug 29, 10:47 AM
    I don't care about a measly speedbump. Begin to produce the media center already! How hard can it be? Just slap in a TV-card and beef up frontrow. done.
    ok, slightly over simplified... But I dont see why Apple procrastinate on this matter. They would sell a bundle by releasing an Apple "media center".

    Maybe FrontRow 2 (I believe/assume comes with Leopard) is where this will play in. Maybe instead of making a single device and labeling it a media center Apple will allow for any Mac (any new Mac...) to be used as a media center via FrontRow 2.

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  • Vinyl PVC Real Estate Sign

  • Porchland
    Jul 19, 08:54 AM
    I've watched every movie I own at least 15x, and most of them many more than that. I for one won't rent from itunes, I'd rather not is all. If they make money off of it, more power to them

    I think rental is probably a bigger market, but there are plenty of people like you that want to keep the movie forever. I would like to see Apple come up with a dual model that allows you to rent a movie for 48 hours that will play on all platforms or buy the movie outright.

    The PPV model for $4 a pop seems to make more sense for iTunes than the Netflix model of so many movies at a time.

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  • gazfocus
    Jan 11, 06:47 PM
    I think the comments about aluminium being too expensive, etc, are rediculous.

    Apple use Aluminium in the new iMacs and those prices didn't increase. Also as has been said before, Aluminium is more environmentally friendly, and there is currently alot of pressure on Apple to be "greener".

    I think it is possible to gave an all aluminium line up whilst still having a clear divide between consumer and pro products. Pro products always have higher specs, more BTO options, and larder screens/higher resolutions.

    Personally, if Apple come up with an Aluminium Macbook, I'll certainly be buying one to use as well as my new Macbook pro (regardless of whether it has a built in optical drive or not), although, I'm not convinced the removal of the optical drive would be featured in the consumer line up.

    real estate sign posts. Real Estate Sign
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  • chillywilly
    Jan 6, 08:47 PM
    At macworld 2007 Apple will announce that you can download The Beatles music on iTunes and possible there will be a Beatles branded iPod.
    An all white iPod will be introduced, while the track "Revolution #9" plays in the background.... of course, who would be the surprise musical guest on stage..... Paul or Ringo? (or maybe both... nah)

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  • knightlie
    Jun 23, 03:21 AM
    The Magic Trackpad � � would allow for multi-touch on desktops, enabling many iOS applications to be used on a desktop computer (and obviously laptops could do the same thing with their trackpads).

    Not necessarily. iOS apps need to be touched directly, without a pointer acting as intermediary, whereas a touch/track pad is used to control a pointer on the screen.

    Touch screen and touch pad do not have to perform the same function. To enable iOS apps, the Magic Touchpad would need a screen on it, which would turn it into... an iPad.

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  • Yard Signs for Real Estate

  • kdarling
    Apr 21, 03:41 PM
    To those laughing at this and pointing out that Android phones don't have a file recording your movements

    Yep, apparently Google's engineers also cache WiFi and Cell Ids. Caching makes sense for a lot of reasons.

    The only differences are that with Android, the log is far shorter because older entries are overwritten. And of course the file isn't copied to a mothership computer for all to see. That's a downside of being an iTunes dependent device.

    I do think that guy is right and it is only about caching the cell tower locations. I baffles me however which idiot engineer at Apple thought it would be good idea to store those locations along with detailed timestamps unencrypt and even move it to the next phone if you happen to switch phones. If you work on such a high profile system, you need to make smarter decisions than that.

    Even though it's an understandable coding design goof, I'd hate to be in that programmer's shoes today. Perhaps s/he worked so hard that s/he never even left Cupertino on trips, and so never thought about it being a problem :)

    On such personal mistakes, do big real life probems sometimes hang.

    The Google hotspot data collection thing was similar: debug code left in, and the original developer long gone.

    In any case, all the whining needs to stop. It's clearly an unintentional mistake, again same as happened with Google. Yes, better code vetting is needed. So it goes. Nobody is perfect.

    The second thing that baffles me is Apples blatant incompetence handling these kind of situations. Haven't they learnd anything from antenna gate?

    That's always been Apple's style under Jobs. Pretend that nothing is wrong, and hope it all goes away. Most of the time, it works.

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  • For sale real estate sign on

  • twoodcc
    Apr 30, 06:07 AM
    congrats to lyzardking for 7 million points!

    i see your output is up! care to share what machines you got folding?

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  • U Clips for Sign Posts (15 per

  • kellen
    Jan 27, 09:57 AM
    of course i got it fully loaded with Bose Sound etc.

    Of course.

    Just made me laugh reading that.

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  • appleguy123
    Mar 20, 05:00 PM
    No. Homeopathy does not require people to forgo medicine that actually works.

    Of course it doesn't require it, just like Christianity doesn't require you to stop being gay. However, some who use homeopathy trust it more than modern medicine.
    Also, I never intended to make a metaphor betweenhomeopathy and this app. I was saying that Apple cannot be worried about "medicine without a license" because they allow the homeopathy apps in the store.

    real estate sign posts. elusive real estate sign
  • elusive real estate sign

  • Lollypop
    Aug 16, 07:50 AM
    I wish whoever posted this would get it straight - Microsoft is coming out with zune to compete with iPod. They are the one with the new product that will inevitably suck.

    I don't understand why this post says that Apple is coming out with wireless capabilities to compete with zune - if nobody has wireless out yet, then there is not much a competition. And it certainly isn't Apple hoping to be the ones to catch up.

    The post says apple is going to compete with Zune because everyone knows almost everything about zune, with the exception of having a physical zune apple can at least stay on top by brining in inovative features before zune has them.

    real estate sign posts. Rent 4x4 post
  • Rent 4x4 post

  • aiqw9182
    Mar 25, 12:15 PM
    The SB documentation says it supports Compute Shader 4, a subset of the DirectX 11 level Compute Shader 5.

    What that means in terms of OpenCL, I don't know.

    Intel said they'll continue to evaluate OpenCL during 2011.
    It doesn't mean anything, as I've noted about three times already.

    real estate sign posts. Real Estate Yard Signs
  • Real Estate Yard Signs

  • k8to
    Aug 31, 12:09 AM
    Grah. I hope this rumour proves incorrect. A processor that can't do x86-64 is planned obsolescence. I don't want to buy a computer that will be unable to run software in a few years!

    real estate sign posts. 10 real estate sign posts
  • 10 real estate sign posts

  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Jul 18, 10:30 AM
    ideally i would expect something like the 480p HD trailers they have at, but given the size of these files (let's see 1.5 minute trailer at 480p (848x400 it says) is 40MB, so say, a 120 minute movie at similar bitrates would be 3.2 GB) you're going to have to rent it the night before you want to watch it just so it'll download, even at fast broadband speeds.

    Your numbers are pretty close to acuritre. I used the Spiderman 3 trailer for my numbers. It's encoded at 421.8 KB/s (3.2953125 Mb). So for a 2 hour movie (120 minutes, or 7200 seconds) that's 3,036,960 KB which is 2.8839 GB. To downlaod in real time, you would need at least a 3-6 Mb connection since typically, you only get the bottom of the promised speed. This means my 1.5-3 Mb DSL conection would take roughly 4-5 hours to downlaod the movie. Not good!

    real estate sign posts. Sign panel attached via safety
  • Sign panel attached via safety

  • thejadedmonkey
    Aug 7, 07:07 AM
    -Soltaire game as a dashboard widget

    Yes! Take Solitare, the number 1 Windows game, and make it even easier to keep hidden when your boss walks by!:D

    Apr 10, 11:20 AM
    I do and have been the last 10 years

    Helped learning to ride a motorcycle also

    I remember getting into an auto and mistook the brake for the clutch one time

    I used to get confused riding old British motorbikes. I'd often knock it down a gear or two instead of finding the rear brake. :o

    Mar 22, 04:58 PM
    Do people seriously have that many songs?!!! seriously?!!!

    220gb = 50,000 songs?!!!!! That is totally not necessary.

    Apple discontinue that dinosaur! It makes you look bad to just have it on your website.

    this has to be the dumbest thing i've ever read on here

    and i was around when that one guy kept talking about how he 'future-proofed' his mac, so

    Apr 27, 11:59 AM
    You can't be more wrong. I was writing Web Apps in the 90s using mod_perl, Apache and PostgreSQL.

    Other OSes have also had Applications associated as a word to describe the software that runs on them by the media and internally, see this 1989 reference to OS/2 :

    I was simply suggesting that Apple used the term "App" as a familiar leaning to the way they call software "Applications" in Mac OS. Also, Apple have being refering to software that runs on their operating systems as "Applications" since 1980: -

    The Apple Lisa (precursor to the original 1984 Macintosh) had an Applications folder in 1980.

    The Macintosh has obviously had an Applications folder from 1984 to present

    In terms of GUI history and it's conventions, there was the Xerox Alto as far back as 1973 but from all the screen shot hunting I've done, it seems to have no Applications or Programs folder because it has a "starting point" (indicated by the Start box) and then a list of files to open, some of which end in .run which presumably are executable programs/applications: -

    So yeah, "The Macintosh" wasn't the first GUI that had APPlicationS but Apple appear to have a LOT of prior use of the term with the Lisa OS before it in 1980 and GUI consistency between Mac OS X and iOS being a cut down version OS X, they logically refer to Applications on iOS devices in a cut down form too.

    Apr 19, 11:24 AM
    Brian Tong also claims to have dated women and have friends...both statements are so obviously contradicted by his horrible fashion sense and self destructive tendency to embarrass himself with every spoken word. He looks like a Shaolin Monk merged with Amy Winehouse.

    I am considering making this my signature.

    Jan 12, 05:38 PM
    I'm just going to continue to play dense because.

    Anyway, I wonder if Time Canada is going to blow the story again.

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