Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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  • mwswami
    Jul 21, 05:08 PM
    Problem with that arrangement is that you are limited to the use of two cores for any one appication and there are already several I use that can use up to almost 3 at once. It would also get very confusing which mini you are on at a given moment.

    Yeah I could also get a second G5 Quad. But that would be cheating. :D

    Got it. Thanks!

    If you haven't seen it before, I found this (http://www.macminicolo.net/) very interesting.

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  • JAT
    Apr 20, 12:15 PM
    Not at all. I'm only showing where Apple has done what they don't like being done to them. Only a die hard defends them at all cost.
    No, only an irrational person defends them at all cost. A die hard is one who puts up with occasional mistakes in the products.

    Did threads just get merged again? Because the last dozen posts are complete rehashes of earlier posts.

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  • SeaFox
    Jul 14, 08:12 PM
    I suspect they will choose one format over the other because all the systems (except potetially the MacPro) apple makes will only have one optical drive. Forcing them to choose a standard for media delivery.

    Maybe not... (http://www.eetimes.com/news/latest/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=190300953)

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  • TripHop
    Jun 14, 06:52 PM
    I understand your frustration, but apple kept us all in the dark until the very last minute. Before 3:30 no body knew anything. It will take it a little while to roll down hill.
    I think we all know how secretive apple is don't we?

    I just manage a store in the best region in the company. We have a very effective chain of command here in E. Texas.I called all 3 corporate stores in my county and none of the managers knew about the conference call and none of them know how they're going to handle pre-orders tomorrow morning. They ASSUME it will be the way they pre-sold Evo phones which was with a $50 deposit. But they don't know anything about PIN numbers or anything else the East Texas administration or national is telling you. One manager reported there's a pre-opening conference call scheduled for California stores tomorrow morning. The other 2 didn't even report that to me. But just called my closest store and the manager says the 8:30 conference call tomorrow morning is a weekly event and nothing special for the pre-order instructions. :confused:

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  • Rihanna short hair styling

  • Geckotek
    Apr 7, 10:29 PM
    Every day Apple stores get shipments of iPads....but they don't sell them when the arrive. They hold them for the line that forms the next morning.

    Seems odd to me. Like they are purposely making a spectacle in front of the store every morning.

    This morning the store I went to had NO AT&T models?!?!?! So tomorrow morning there will be yet another line of those that failed today (including myself).

    On topic, I called Best Buy and was told that unless I pre-ordered before the day of the sale, I could not get an iPad 2. My co-worker walked in last week off the street and purchased one. Why the inconsistent message? I don't get it.

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  • peharri
    Aug 11, 01:10 PM
    If Apple does decide they're going to compete with, rather than cooperate with, existing cellphone manufacturers, they will lose their dominance over online music.

    They have to cooperate with cellphone manufacturers because MP3 playing cellphones will end up being the future of portable music. Apple cannot make its own phone and expect to have even 10% of the entire market. Without its dominant market share, the iTMS will end up looking less attractive to the music industry - an industry already, by all accounts, upset with and wanting to get away from, iTMS - and will be deserted faster than you can say "90% of phones support Windows Media".

    I don't believe this story. It doesn't make sense. Jobs crowing over a new product which by rights ought to be veiled in secrecy strikes me as insane. Apple producing a cellphone strikes me as insane. If I were a shareholder, I'd be calling up Steve Jobs personally and demanding answers.

    That said, if it's any good, it's quadband, and supports EDGE and Bluetooth (and maybe UMA if the carriers can get their fingers out), I might buy one.

    selena gomez hair short and curly. Selena Gomez HAIR Poll: Wavy
  • Selena Gomez HAIR Poll: Wavy

  • cgmpowers
    Aug 7, 04:23 PM
    Microsoft officially CANNED Virtual PC... Apple's been giving accolades to Boot Camp and Paralles.. The 'ribbing of so-called "Vista 2.0" on the banner'..

    It's obviously not such a secret after all that MS apps will eventually be allowed to run ontop of OS X withouth ever installing a Windows operating system..

    My bets are on some kind of Boot Camp-ish feature that will allow for native installation of Windows applications -- without Windows -- right into OS X. It would obliterate the need for applications to be written for both Windows and Mac.

    <ducks and waits for flamers to whine about how impossible this is>

    selena gomez hair short and curly. Selena Gomez Hairstyles
  • Selena Gomez Hairstyles

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 28, 04:14 PM
    Can we all agree to this:

    Yes, some people are racist. They hate Obama and always will.
    Some people aren't and still hate him. They always will. That's politics.
    Some people love conspiracy theories. This will never die for them. Neither will 9/11 theories, Bush's service record in the National Guard, Bill Clinton killing lots of dudes to hide affairs/scams.

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  • godrifle
    Nov 29, 12:27 PM
    ... Is Ford going to start asking for a share of the groceries I haul in the trunk?

    selena gomez hair short and curly. Selena Gomez HAIR POLL: Wavy,
  • Selena Gomez HAIR POLL: Wavy,

  • SPUY767
    Jul 27, 04:03 PM
    It's always a little alarming when a post starts "sorry if I missed it but..."

    The 2.7 G5 will be the highest clocked chip in a mac for a while, but probably not the fastest. In a number of benchmarks, Yonah has already beaten dual G5's, the conroes and woodrests will likely widen the gap even more.

    I'm sorry. I thought that it was adequately implied that I meant the fastest chip, to date. Anyway, that's what I meant if I've been misunderstood.

    selena gomez hair short and curly. selena gomez hair short and
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  • daneoni
    Aug 27, 05:24 AM
    Damn PowerPC fans.

    Apple is INTEL now. We Love Intel Because Stevie Tells Us So.
    We hate AMD and IBM. Should Apple ever move to another CPU provider, we will seamlessly transition to hating Intel again. This is the Way of the Mac.

    What's so good about G5's anyway? They are slow, too hot, and skull juice.
    Why do we love Intel? Because Steve says to, and Core 2 Duo is powerful, cool, not permanently drunk, allows us to run Windows and helps Apple increase its market share.

    We love ATi because just like Intel, their products are the best at the moment. We still love nVIDIA because their GPUs are in the Mac Pro.

    We love Israel because they make our Core 2 Duos and we love China because they make our Macs. We love California because that's where Our Lord Stevie J is (Don't particularly care about the rest of the US, sorry guys).

    We love our Big Cats because they run so fast and look so clean and powerful (Hmmm... Mystery of OS codenames revealed?) and of course because they are not Windows, which are susceptible to breaking...

    People who live in Windows shouldn't throw Viruses?

    Off track...

    Anyway, Rawr to all you PowerPC fanboys (And girls)

    Intel 4EVER!

    ...yeah whatever you say fanboy

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  • Lincoln
    Aug 5, 03:29 PM
    I am really looking forward to this year's WWDC - a chance to see Leopard and see how it stacks up against Vista.

    Also hoping that the Mac Pro is finally realeased and to see who is right about the processor (Dual 2 Core Duo low end, Xeon CPU middle and Dual Xeon's high end?).

    Finally, it would be nice if the Mac Pro's get the new Core 2 Duo chips.:D

    I think that that we'll have to wait for Paris for the iMac update and new iPods.

    Lets see what we get.:rolleyes:

    Edited bad typing

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Feb 28, 09:12 PM
    Very sorry.
    I have dyslexia, so I read sentences in my head, not words. When the words fit, my brain just makes that model of what it thinks the text said.
    Sorry for getting mad. :o

    I have dyslexia as well. Word of advise. When ever something gets you all mad like that always and I repeat ALWAYS re read it a few times before posting. I have caught myself a few times. Not that it always works.

    I was about to say something but saw another posted did.

    what it does show is that the brain is wired a certain way. I personally believe homosexallity is both a choice and genetic.

    We all fall on a scale that goes from complete homosexaul to straight. Now majority of people are much closer to the straight side and all clustered over there. Then people who are spread out across the all the way to the other end. I do not know how many fall in the bi range compared to complete homosexual cluster.

    What this means is some people are much more predisposed to be homosexual than others.
    I will repeat there is nothing wrong with it and I have said before they should have the right be married. We have little control over who we are attracted to. We can over ride it somewhat but only to a point. Mostly it feel we take the predisposition and induld it and we go that way.

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  • Half Glass
    Aug 18, 11:29 PM
    "Quad Core Ready" - that would make a nice bullet on a software package wouldn't it?

    Better yet: "MultiCore Ready".

    So the webpages at Apple.com suggest the improvement of Xeon vs Quad G5 in FCP of 1.3- 1.4 times as fast as the Quad G5.

    However, notice that it is footnoted that these results were obtained using a Beta version of FCP:

    selena gomez hair short and curly. selena gomez hair short and
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  • SodaPopMonster
    Aug 11, 10:13 AM
    Wow, must be hella good.

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  • Anonymous Freak
    Jul 15, 02:16 PM
    Can anyone tell me the purpose of dual drive slots nowadays? I can see the use for them (and had computers with) when they were limited to one function, i.e. DVD-ROM for one and a CD-RW for the other but now that everything can happen in one drive with speed not being an issue, is it really nececcary to have two?

    Early Blu-Ray burners can't read or write CDs, and are slow at DVDs. Maybe we'll see a Blu-Ray burner and a high-speed DVD�R(W)/CD-R(W).

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  • fivepoint
    Mar 17, 10:33 AM
    Back in Ron Paul warned us about Barack Obama and the fact that his foreign policy would almost certainly essentially mirror that of the Democrats and Neo-Cons for the past 60 years.


    �Change� means nothing. It�s just a word, and it�s a clich�. If you just repeat it it has no meaning. You have to say, what are you going to change, and I would argue, you offer no change. You have the same foreign policy, you want more troops in Afghanistan, you�re not talking about only going to war with a declaration, you don�t want to deal with the monetary/financial crisis in this country, you want to keep the system together for the benefit of the banks and the big corporations and the politicians. What kind of change you have on social policy? Do you care about sick people using using Marijuana, have you come out for that? [...]

    [Obama] doesn�t want change, he wants the status quo. [...] If you want change, what you need is someone who�s going to make sure you�re never going to have a draft, and we�re going to bring our troops home, we�re going to balance the budget, we�re going have sound money� [Obama] never talks about any of that.

    Since that day, Obama has failed to close Guantanamo, failed to end the war in Iraq, escalated the war in Afghanistan, promoted and maintained the Patriot Act, and today stands as the worlds' most powerful advocate for American military involvement in Libya!


    The Obama administration is seeking a UN Security Council resolution authorizing a wide range of possible strikes against the regime of Libyan leader Col. Muammar al-Qaddafi, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

    The move comes as Qaddafi forces have made "significant strides" in Libya, the State Department said.

    The Obama administration and other supporters of action against Qaddafi were pushing for a Thursday vote on a draft resolution. Russia and China have expressed doubts about the U.N. and other outside powers getting involved.

    The U.S. wants the Security Council to approve planes, troops or ships to stop attacks by Qaddafi on the rebels, according to a diplomat familiar with closed-door negotiations Wednesday.

    The Obama administration said it would not act without Security Council authorization, did not want to put U.S. ground troops into Libya, and insists on broad international participation, especially by Arab states, the diplomat said.

    Yet another war, yet another military action which will inevitably cause 'blow-back', started by a man who sold himself to you as a military dove. When will the people realize that there's essentially no difference between the two parties? One advocates bigger government, but they both vote for it. One advocates for bigger military, but they both vote for it, there's no difference between them... and the end result is a trillion + of dollars in annual deficit, a failing economy, and a debt hole so large we may never be able to dig ourselves out.

    When you voted for 'change' in you really voted for more of the same. Expansion of the government, expansion of the Military Industrial Complex, and the direct and indirect reduction in personal liberty. There was only one candidate in 2008 and will likely be only one candidate in 2012 who ACTUALLY stood for REAL change... and that is Ron Paul.

    The difference between Ron Paul and Barack Obama (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVKSfwfy0h8)

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  • Dont Hurt Me
    Jul 15, 09:30 AM
    well, that looks a real mess.. but I suppose it's a good idea since heated air tends to rise.. :-)Not really a mess but not anywhere near quicksilvers ease of use but still holds a ton of optical and a ton of hard drives. Apples Powermac G5 series are kind of pathetic in this respect.

    Im still hoping apple throws away the radiator and go back to something Quicksilver like.

    selena gomez hair short and curly. Selena Gomez Short Hair Curly
  • Selena Gomez Short Hair Curly

  • Vegasman
    Apr 27, 09:27 AM
    For those of us who regularly travel for work between locations but stay away for more than a week, it will be a hit in performance. I just hope there is a setting that allows a larger data file to be kept.

    Wow. Was your iPhone really THAT slow the first time you used it. I don't recall those complaints hitting the news (yet).

    Mar 23, 03:54 AM
    To be fair, every smartphone on the market is an iPhone clone and every tablet an iPad clone, so it is all related to Apple in that way.
    Complete BS "iphone" lookalikes date back to ebfore the iphone was anounced. So either some companys have people who can predict the future, or the design and tech behind the iphone was aused BEFORe it was released and apple just changed excisting designs.

    Ipad is basicly a large smartphone.

    Apr 8, 01:31 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I was at BB yesterday and inquired about buying one. They has them but the manager wouldn't sell me one. He refuses to tell me why and I was told that he was instructed to hault sales temporarily. Hmmm

    Aug 6, 12:04 PM
    To me the answer to the whole IR/Mac Pro/Front Row thing is obvious - put an integrated IR receiver into the keyboard. The keyboard would come with the Mac Pro (unlike the display) and is rarely under the desk. :)

    Plus they could sell the keyboard for any Mac (including ones that don't have Front Row - they could include the app with it).

    Why sell a new keyboard for front row, if you can sell a new Mac to the same person? Including the sensor in the Cinema Displays would enable Apple to sell more of their display, on which they probably have a very good profit margin (when you compare to other manufacturers).

    They could also just put it into the tower. Even if that is under the desk, it might not be that much of a problem. In my experience the sensor responds very nicely to the remote even if the line of sight between them is somewhat obstructed.

    However the best solution I think, was suggested by someone on these forums. I don't know, whether it has been quoted here already, because I did not go through all the messages. This poster suggested to combine the sensor with an external iSight. That could be connected to any monitor and would probably have a good IR reception because of beeing on top of the monitor and thus very exposed.

    Jul 30, 07:42 PM
    Perhaps I have overstated my case. Intel is shipping Merom chips, but laptops with Merom inside are not expected in retail channels until the end of August--perhaps because of limited supply?

    I hope not. Visions of Motorola hauntingly return.

    Aug 17, 03:42 AM
    I think movie editing depends a lot on the speed of the disk subsystem. After all Mini DV is 12GB per hour. That's a of data. When yo "scrub" a shot all that data has to move off the disk and onto the video card. Even with 16MB of RAM not much of the video data can be help in RAM. So the G5 and Intel machine have disks that are about the same speed. Speed of a disk is measured by how fast the bit fly under the read/write head not the interface speed. So I am not surprized the Intel Mac Pro is not hugly faster for video.

    Mini DV is 3,600,000 bytes per second. That is nothing. That is just slightly above what a wireless network will do.

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