Monday, May 9, 2011

Stepper Motor Controller

Stepper Motor Controller. Using the Motor Controller
  • Using the Motor Controller

  • Fukui
    Mar 30, 02:07 AM
    Globalization is a race to the bottom, and nobody seems to understand that while the 3rd world rises up, the 1st world inevitably must slide down.

    The data ( would say otherwise...

    Stepper Motor Controller. stepper motor controls
  • stepper motor controls

  • Akme
    Mar 30, 08:10 PM
    Still downloading (10 more hours to go)...

    Those who experienced non-quitting iCal in DP1, can you quit it in DP2?
    Also, can the Launchpad icon be dragged out of the dock?

    Please, say 'yes' to the above 2 questions. :o

    Yes to both!

    Stepper Motor Controller. L293D and Stepper Motor
  • L293D and Stepper Motor

  • ucfgrad93
    May 2, 05:07 PM
    I wanna play.

    Stepper Motor Controller. Sample Stepper Motor Driver
  • Sample Stepper Motor Driver

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 10, 06:53 PM
    But the average American gets a refund soooooo 288 clearly wins lol


    So the government has use of your money all year, and you're OK with that?? :confused:

    Stepper Motor Controller. The stepper motor controller
  • The stepper motor controller

  • AppleKrate
    Sep 16, 01:04 PM
    [ Josias] you seem to imply in your previous post that res independence is a feature of Leopard. If so, how do you know this? Link please?

    Stepper Motor Controller. Stepper Motor Controller
  • Stepper Motor Controller

  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 26, 03:11 PM

    Close but no banana. Any type of tablet needs to have at least 1"-1.5" of border so when you pick it up one handed you don't touch the screen. Also I think Apple would NEED to have grips on a couple sides of the thing. I don't know ab out you guys but picking up my MBP one handed is difficult and sometimes scary.
    Also screen size dictates battery life. Granted this picture doesn't depict the screen size but it can't be larger then 12-13" max

    12-13" + Intel Core 2 Solo ULV + the entire backside being a battery + a swivel keyboard on the thing + a modified OS X GUI == Apple for the win.

    Just look at the specs:

    1GHz Transmeta Crusoe

    Transmeta black hole sucking.

    I've always been of the impression, since the time of the pre-release discussions of tablet PCs, that they were a solution looking for a problem.

    I would never, ever want to spend my money on an electronic equivalent to a notepad. And I happen to use notepads, BTW. However, if I was taking notes with it (which is NOT at all what I do with the notepads I own), there's no way in the world I'd be writing on it; that would be far too slow.

    Why would I want to waste my time learning shorthand (which makes the assumption that TPCs could handle various forms of shorthand) so I could do through writing what I can already do at 70+ WPM via typing. And with typing, it solves the whole problem of handwriting recognition, because there ISN'T ANY.

    The TPC market is so highly specialized and so incredibly vertical that I believe it would be nothing more than a distraction for Apple away from their core business and development strengths.

    handwriting on a tablet PC is what I define as bandwidth limiting. In order from fastest to slowest.


    All three can be done a tablet, granted speech to text is still a hit and miss tech, as long as said tablet is a convertible and NOT a slate design. Slate designs, ones that don't have a keyboard are for vertical markets and dedicated devices like multimedia players and the like.

    Stepper Motor Controller. One of the stepper motor
  • One of the stepper motor

  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 9, 08:36 PM
    (Not saying this is your case McGiord)

    I am.

    Stepper Motor Controller. Controller - Stepper Motor
  • Controller - Stepper Motor

  • THX1139
    Aug 7, 10:30 PM
    I wonder if those processors are soldered. I suppose they aren't since it's build to order? Anyone know if there is a way to verify that? It would be nice to finally get a machine from Apple that won't be cost prohibitive to upgrade to faster chips later.

    Stepper Motor Controller. Stepper Motor Controller
  • Stepper Motor Controller

  • lamina
    Nov 22, 11:04 AM
    If Apple came out with a PDA, I would buy it in a split second. I am in the market for a PDA, but I don't like the feel of the Windows OS or whatever is on them.

    I would want it to be slightly wider than the current 5th gen iPod, with the same height, and all virtual controls.

    Come to think of it, why not just make a full screen iPod with PDA capabilities, especially bluetooth. Bluetooth wouldn't be too useful for song transfers (isn't it limited to 1 megabit/s?) but for calendar files and contacts, even pictures, it would be perfect.

    Ohh Apple please come out with a PDA. I don't even want the cell phone feature.

    Stepper Motor Controller. stepper motor controller
  • stepper motor controller

  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 08:08 AM
    Bit harsh, but true.

    Probably because there is no need for it in that range? Plus most Mac Pro users won't use Apple displays IMO

    Stepper Motor Controller. Design Stepper Motor
  • Design Stepper Motor

  • Full of Win
    Mar 27, 12:09 AM
    If true...sounds like iPhone 3GS and iPad 1 owners are going to be shown the door.

    Stepper Motor Controller. Ursa Minor motor controller
  • Ursa Minor motor controller

  • prominence
    Nov 12, 08:48 AM
    So now BTL says that the shipment is coming in on 12-2. What happend to 11-11? How do you all feel about this? I personally am not sure if I should cancel or not.

    You know, I was a lil mad at first when I saw that, but the facts are that Apple wasn't going to ship theirs until Nov 25th with a Dec 2nd estimated arrival date, and for saving $40.00 I'm willing to wait a few extra days.

    And at this point.. like the previous poster said.. $87.00 is worth it for me when regular mounts without anything are around $40, so $87 is decent for bluetooth, GPS chip and cool look/setup.. however $120 ($130 when adding in tax) just isn't worth it in my opinion.

    Stepper Motor Controller. control the stepper motor
  • control the stepper motor

  • Mr.damien
    Mar 31, 05:09 AM
    Update: TechCrunch reports that this is indeed the "golden master candidate" build it discussed over the weekend, although the designation remains an internal one for the time being with Apple not expected to push out a final release candidate until around its Worldwide Developer Conference in early June.
    We were all wrong but we won't admit it so now we say that it's an internal secret ... :rolleyes:

    Stepper Motor Controller. Windows 3-axis Stepper Motor
  • Windows 3-axis Stepper Motor

  • toddybody
    Apr 24, 08:28 AM
    Very interesting...I think we'd be better off with a res bump in the notebook line. Aside from the air...things have been stagnant there for. While.

    Also, people are getting all this retina/ppi discussion muddled. PPI IS fixed
    and not based on viewing distance. On the other hand, the eyes capability to perceive those pixels IS dependent on viewing distance. No, an iMac does not need to have a 7xxx Display to be it's viewing distance shouldn't be what the iP4 is. Sould be more to the tune of 24inches

    Stepper Motor Controller. Bipolar stepper motor control
  • Bipolar stepper motor control

  • macduke
    May 6, 12:17 AM
    This seems like an inevitable move in the convergence of iOS devices and Mac computers. They will eventually be the same thing. Powerful, robust, thin, power efficient, easy to use touch interface. Lion is moving in the direction of the iPad and iOS in general. The iPad has been gaining more Mac-like features and robust applications. I think the time tables are probably off. I don't see this happening for 4 to 5 years at the earliest. But with billions upon billions in cash reserves, Apple can pretty much do whatever they want!

    Stepper Motor Controller. stepper motor controlpc and
  • stepper motor controlpc and

  • ivladster
    Apr 18, 04:21 PM
    While I don't care who sues who - in the end the laywers win.. and yes, Samsung UI is very similar to iPhone..

    However, the iPhone GUI isn't new at all.

    Take a look at this screen shot of the SE P910 UI, released well before iPhone.

    Conceptually, the UI is very similar - in that that you have:

    (1) application icons
    (2) Application short cuts ( at the top )
    (3) Power , strength and other status indicators etc ( at the bottom )

    I'm sure there are many other examples of conceptual similar iPhone UIs that contain the same properties and behaviour and layout out ina similar fashion.

    NO It's not, are you crazy. That looks horrid. iOS icons have unique look to them, placement is not patented. The look is.

    The lawsuit goes after Samsung trying to replicate and confuse customers into thinking that it's an iPhone.

    Stepper Motor Controller. Mos Stepper Motor Controller
  • Mos Stepper Motor Controller

  • iMacZealot
    Jul 29, 08:47 PM
    I'm not could be the next great product to be unveiled @ WWDC, but it seems a little soon and I just can't really see Apple making a phone. Sorry. While I'm sure if it is true, it'd be a cool phone, but it just seems like one of those rumours that comes up occasionally and then goes away, just like the Tablet Mac. On the other hand, the Marklar rumours were true, so I don't know. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

    Yeah tell me about it.

    How much does it take to break a Verizon contract again...?

    It's $175, and I think it'd be worth it. I never get more than maybe three bars, and let's just forget their international plans. I think I'm going to switch to T-Mobile in a few weeks. My Verizon phone was $1.50 a minute internationally and it didn't even work in Rome and my aunt's T-Mobile phone I borrowed for my trip to Singapore was $0.99/min. and worked so well.

    Stepper Motor Controller. L297 Stepper Motor Controller
  • L297 Stepper Motor Controller

  • StickNutzman
    Mar 28, 09:45 AM
    That's just getting complacent in my opinion, people like myself like changing phones yearly, no new iPhone means no return business, I'll try something else instead, bad move if true.

    Sure you will. :rolleyes:

    Stepper Motor Controller. Easy and Cheap Stepper Motor
  • Easy and Cheap Stepper Motor

  • tokevino
    Aug 7, 03:51 PM

    Aug 2, 11:23 AM
    Its been my experience that after the Expo there's always something released about a month or so AFTER the expo.

    In addition to that, isn't there a Paris thing in September or something in September?? I remember seeing September on a calendar somewhere that related to Apple...

    Christopher Powers

    Apr 23, 04:42 PM
    And what about a big resolution to support big TV screen. With an airplay like to output the mac screen to the plasma, LCD, LED or DEL TV.

    Apr 18, 03:36 PM
    Wow. Any breakdowns of what patents Samsung are allegedly infringing on that our local patent experts can give some insight into?

    probably the use of Capacative technologies over resistive (less desireable)

    Nov 27, 09:33 PM
    Really? So please find me market share data on Tablets...even better, find me a Tablet that costs less than a small notebook. No, you won't find it,'s not about having one, it's about wanting to have one...and most people don't these days...that's why Origami flopped.

    BRLawyer... you talk about market share and other quantitative data as if they were the last and only delimiting factor. Obviously YOU do NOT use a tablet. Allow me to enlighten you about the benefits you do not know about or care to investigate:

    1. Tablets allow me to lecture while writing and projecting simultaenously, thereby allowing me to retain a written record of what I actually keep.
    2. Because I am involved in about 10 educational and professional committees, I use the MS OneNote program to create virtual file folders. Sure, you can do this with Mac journal type programs, but I am able to write within each folder in my own handwriting, which not only increases my memory retention, but is far more polite when you are in the mixed company of those with more power and money than you.
    3. Because I am able to keep handwritten notes, I am able to reduce the amount of paper I carry with me. It is both tiresome and counterproductive to retain endless amounts of paper files.
    4. I am able to receive assignments, faculty reports, articles, journal papers, etc., and ink them digitally and then return the marked document WITHOUT printing out and hauling around what amounts to about a vertical foot of paper. I challenge anyone to mark up and edit a document faster using a keyboard than they can with a "pen" type arrangement.
    5. In science and engineering fields where you often have mix of graphical, formulaic, and written data, it is far superior to write out notes of mixed symbols than to type them on a keyboard. The keyboard is faster argument ONLY applies to situations where you do not have to interpret and draw diagrams.

    The argument that tablets are only useful for artists is totally without merit: explain to me then why the Deans of both engineering and science at my university use tablets.

    I must stress that too many people harp on the need for the OS to interpret handwriting perfectly. What many people discover after using a tablet is that often you leave your notes handwritten: they are yours, filed away for your use, and for your reference.

    Is the tablet perfect? No. Is it for everyone? No. Is it cheaper than a notebook? No. However, your market share - not enough people use or need one - argument is without substance. Since you bring up "there are cheaper notebooks" point, why don't we just use this oft-tiresome rant against Apple itself? Many have in the past. At less than, what, maybe 10% of the market - even if it is higher - why should Apple exist at all? Anything less than, say, 20% is pretty low market share - why bother with Apple? Furthermore, there are many, many models of hardware comparable to Apple's, and at far lower price. Why then should Apple products even exist?

    I do not know why so many are so resistant to the tablet idea from Mac. You don't like it - don't buy one. Accept that there are others who would benefit tremendously from such a product, even if it is a small market segment.

    Mar 30, 07:49 PM
    That is the way Lion works. You just run the downloaded installer from the disk image. No need to burn to DVD or USB. The installer runs for a bit in your current OS, then reboots itself to complete the installation.

    Thank you, appreciate the detailed reply

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