Monday, May 9, 2011

Tsunami Wave 2004

Tsunami Wave 2004. +was+the+tsunami+wave+2004
  • +was+the+tsunami+wave+2004

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 22, 03:01 PM

    What district/area is this?

    I am in central NJ and counting on some
    stores around here to get a few...hopefully.

    Tsunami Wave 2004. The tsunami that shocked the
  • The tsunami that shocked the

  • rjohnstone
    Apr 25, 03:06 PM
    You obviously missed the point that they do not track anything. It's just a log file on your iphone, it stays with your iphone. I GOT even more news!! I FOUND a file on the iphone that stores text messages. YES PEOPLE text messages. I can read your text messages from this file if I have your phone!! Oh ya, I know you can launch the SMS app, but WHY WOULD APPLE NEED TO STORE TEXT MESSAGES ON MY DEVICE?!?! I'm suing!!
    Just like web caching, storing text messages is part of the function of the messaging app. It serves a purpose of giving YOU a history.
    And guess what... you can clear it. ;)

    Tsunami Wave 2004. tsunami wave /aaeh
  • tsunami wave /aaeh

  • Popeye206
    Apr 25, 02:10 PM
    I think this IS a privacy issue. That data could end up in the wrong hands. Does anyone store a text document on their iPhone with a list of their bank details and passwords? No, because it could end up in the wrong hands. So could this data that's being collected.

    This data shouldn't be recorded without permission, no matter what's being done with it.

    Dude... what the heck are the "wrong hands" going to do with it? Visit the same 7-11 you go to and buy a Slurpie?

    Tsunami Wave 2004. +was+the+tsunami+wave+2004
  • +was+the+tsunami+wave+2004

  • littleman23408
    Dec 3, 03:03 PM
    Do you get a prize car for finishing a series in Aspec races with all gold? Like I just need to finish one more race, but I can't find a used car to get into it. It's the first series of races, beginner I am assuming.

    Tsunami Wave 2004. Patong Beach hit by a Tsunami
  • Patong Beach hit by a Tsunami

  • georgee2face
    Mar 22, 02:17 PM
    I hear that the PlayBook is really easy to hold one-handed. If you know what I mean.

    it un-nerves me that I think I do! :)

    Tsunami Wave 2004. the similar tsunami wave,
  • the similar tsunami wave,

  • philbeeney
    Aug 5, 07:11 PM
    Here, let me show you the art and science of rumoring (, Apple-style.

    Now that is so true to life. :D

    Tsunami Wave 2004. +tsunami+2004+wave
  • +tsunami+2004+wave

  • BGil
    Aug 7, 04:42 PM
    Which takes us back to the behavior that was the default on VAX systems running VMS 20 years ago... Microsoft is implementing something similar in Vista as well.


    Yeah, Apple is definitely copying Microsoft now... it's pretty undeniable. Time Machine is virtually identical to Microsoft's backup system for Vista.

    "Previous Docs" from Wikipedia:
    "Previous Versions", previously known as Volume Shadow Copy in Windows Server provides read-only snapshots of files on local or network volumes from an earlier point in time. A new tab in the Properties dialog for any file or folder provides users with straightforward access to these previous versions.

    System Restore, Shadow Copy, and Backup in Vista now run on the same technology (so they are considerably different than the XP versions).

    iChat basically got the remote screen sharing feature that Microsoft shipped with XP in 2001 (included in Windows Messenger) and the presentation/app sharing features from Windows collaboration in Vista.

    Mail and iCal got a bunch of features from Outlook 2007 and Windows Live Calendar/Mail.

    Dashboard's ability to clip web pages is straight out of Active Desktop.

    the Spotlight improvements were things that Indexing Server in XP/2000/2003 already did. Even windows desktop search (enterprise) and Vista include that functionality as well.

    Spaces is virtual desktops just like the powertoy MS released years ago

    Core Animation looks like Apple's response to all the DX and WPF (Avalon) animation tools in Vista.

    Tsunami Wave 2004. the tsunami wave height at
  • the tsunami wave height at

  • Super Dave
    Aug 5, 06:26 PM
    Besides, I still think Apple WOULD love to include an iSight in their displays.

    Too many people have dual displays (well people who shell out the dough for Apple's HD displays do) to put iSights in each one.

    David :cool:

    Tsunami Wave 2004. Tsunami - Global Wave
  • Tsunami - Global Wave

  • macintel4me
    Aug 7, 07:46 PM
    thats a kinda harsh requirement, i would think it will allow you to choose local/external hard drive/network server.
    Buts till, it will cost lot of space, no matter where the space is from.
    From the Apple website...

    Backup Disk: Change the drive or volume you�re backing up to. Or back up to a Mac OS X server computer.

    Tsunami Wave 2004. Tsunami Waves Channeled Around
  • Tsunami Waves Channeled Around

  • dgree03
    Apr 6, 02:43 PM
    That's what I've gone for, Wifi only. With the wireless hotspot feature of the Nexus S, a 3G version seemed pointless for me.

    I thought the same thing, until i bought my 3g Xoom. Then i felt finally freedom! I have a rooted EVO and with my ipad 1 I would tether all the time. Take my phone out, start wireless tether, put my phone back, kill my phone battery.. rinse and repeat.

    Now I dont have to kill my phone battery tethering, nor do I have to deal with the hassle of enabling tether on my phone all the time.

    Tsunami Wave 2004. The initial response teams
  • The initial response teams

  • Thex1138
    Apr 19, 07:34 PM
    So what's your point? The presence of competition does not harm a competitor? Seems contrary to that whole "competition" word.

    And your next point is what? A successful company should allow a competitor to use it's technology/patents to compete with it? All at the same time as just taking it from all the competitors that sue Apple on the other companies' patents, right?

    How many anti-Apple suing trolls here are also pro-other company suing Apple trolls in other threads?

    So you don't like the way IP law works? Vote for someone who will change the legal structure. Until then, corporations are going to work in the environment your legislators and courts created. Hate the game, not the player.

    Where did i say I don't like how IP works buddy? Where in my post does it read 'don't like the way IP law works' ? Wipe your tears and try again... Don't make $#!t up.

    the rest of your blurb about stuff in your head that I didn't event write isn't worth responding too...

    My anecdote premise was pretty straight forward...
    Two dudes who come from some place where they don't read tech feeds as often as the rest of us here... they go to a city shop and get sold phones that look like the ones they heard about...iPhones... the premise is not necessarily from the US... from any country on the planet where average Joes go to a tech shop to buy a smartphone... they look and feel and work in very similar ways which causes confusion.

    P.S. The whole point of Apple's patent leverage is that they have... patented everything about their devices... form factor, processes, icons and interface... When you read deep into the context and content of Apple's submission which includes these comparisons and that Samsung copied everything and then applying a slight-of-hand to make it look a little different...

    Like i say.. a bunch of Jawa's selling second hand Android's

    Tsunami Wave 2004. nemcova recalls her tsunami
  • nemcova recalls her tsunami

  • gnasher729
    Apr 25, 03:14 PM
    Apple did a shoddy programming job by not encrypting the data. Thaty is why Apple is under pressure by the various govenments and rightfully so. Nobody says Apple is using this data in a malicious way.

    If Apple is under investigation by the British government, then I am sure that Apple has a few employees living in Britain, and if there are more than a dozen, then with 99% probability the British government has "lost" sensitive information about the children of one of those employees.

    Tsunami Wave 2004. The first wave of the 2004
  • The first wave of the 2004

  • conradzoo
    Aug 11, 05:49 PM

    Can somebody explain me the differences between the cellphone market between the US and Europe.

    Will a 'iPhone' just be marketed to the US or worldwide (as the iPod does)?


    Tsunami Wave 2004. survived the 2004 tsunami
  • survived the 2004 tsunami

  • Full of Win
    Mar 31, 02:27 PM
    Good. I hope they take one of the last strengths of the iPad ecosystem away from it.

    Tsunami Wave 2004. +was+the+tsunami+wave+2004
  • +was+the+tsunami+wave+2004

  • shawnce
    Aug 6, 02:45 PM
    So to post my top bets for WWDC...

    1) A much clearer roadmap for 64 bit support in Mac OS X. I believe they will outline full 64 bit support across all non-10.4 deprecated frameworks (I believe in the initial release of 10.5). Of course it will also fully support 32 bit applications run side by side with 64 bit applications.

    2) Resolution Independent UI will be ready for main stream use with display products possible with in the next year or two (would love to be surprised with 150-200 DPI or so display of course).

    3) Quartz 2D Extreme will be ready for main stream use along with some good news on the OpenGL front.

    4) Full roll out of the unified user interface look and fell across all frameworks and Apple applications (at least most).

    5) Improved Quartz API to allow for more advanced window styles and effects.

    6) PowerMac replacement with Quad core model... a true workstation class system (likely similar enclosure to what we have now in the PMG5).

    ... gotta go.

    Tsunami Wave 2004. The Physics of a Tsunami Wave
  • The Physics of a Tsunami Wave

  • skunk
    Apr 27, 04:51 PM
    The bigger deal here is the tendency of some fathers to name their kids the EXACT same name they have and add a "2nd". I've always thought that practice couldn't be stupidier. :PIt's just like kings, innit?

    Tsunami Wave 2004. or a tsunami wave will
  • or a tsunami wave will

  • Bilbo63
    Apr 19, 06:44 PM
    Which launched 6 months after the original iPhone...and was displayed in February of 2007 with an entirely different interface.

    The point is no one will ever confuse this with Apple's iPhone... But what Samsung is doing now is another story.

    If you look at each item that Apple takes exception with individually it seems silly, but when you put them all together in a single device it's a twin to the iPhone... An iClone.:rolleyes:

    Tsunami Wave 2004. wave of the 2004 tsunami
  • wave of the 2004 tsunami

  • artpease
    Aug 5, 06:14 PM
    Point is, without an IR sensor in the display, you wouldn't have the OPTION of hiding the computer away.
    Yes, but just my opinion, Apple needs to get over this 'Only new computers get FrontRow' crap and provide a USB repeater. Geez, people aren't buying new computers to get FrontRow, they're buying them to get Intel, so providing FrontRow to legacy systems isn't going to cripple sales! The only error in that opinion might be the mini, both the G4 and Intel minis are so crippled, neither makes any sense in a home theater setting but, providing a USB repeater for the G4 mini might effect a few Intel mini sales.

    Tsunami Wave 2004. Satellites Map Tsunami Wave
  • Satellites Map Tsunami Wave

  • handsome pete
    Apr 6, 12:42 PM
    What businesses out there can just switch operating systems on a whim because they latest and greatest came out for another platform?

    Not that I disagree with what he said, but there are a good share of big post houses that had switched from Avid to FCP or vice versa. Also, from Avid/FCP/other to Adobe.

    Not on a whim of course, but it's certainly not crazy to think companies will switch platforms if a better solution is out there.

    Apr 27, 04:41 PM
    The bigger deal here is the tendency of some fathers to name their kids the EXACT same name they have and add a "2nd". I've always thought that practice couldn't be stupidier. :P

    Sep 19, 06:17 AM
    Key word being DESKTOPS.

    Again: NT was widely used on desktops. Maybe not by your Average Joe, but LOTS of people used it on the desktop. I used NT-workstation back when I studied, my friend used NT on his PC, lots and lots of companies ran NT, the list goes on. Hell, there were propably an order of magnitude more NT-desktops out there that there were Macs of any type!

    I still don't know personally anyone who uses OS X. Does that mean that no-one uses it?

    MP machines were server based long before they were included in desktops. I'd like to see where people had dual Xeon based DESKTOPS 'cause I've never seen it.

    There were plenty of people running SMP-systems. I personally knew two guys who had SMP-PC's. Just because you haven't seen anyone use one, does not mean that they weren't there.

    Jul 20, 11:25 AM
    Somehow I doubt that Intel would change thier roadmap for/because of Apple. They are probably one of their smallest customers :P

    For an individual customer Apple are actually quite large. They are also high profile.

    Aug 6, 11:28 PM
    Great joke, thanks very the same line as Tiger Computer Dealers, right?

    We already have a Mac Pro line of products, we are also the owners of AppleLocks, and MacMice. The Tiger thing was silly.

    Aug 6, 07:42 PM

    What os x needs to kill vista is to stop rehashing the same tired window metaphors and come up with something killer. Even if, at first, it has to fit into a new view INSIDE a window. It's been 15 years that researchers have had better and cooler ways to get around and use a computer. Spotlight is the perfect technology to slay the hierarchy metaphor but a poor poor implimentation. Even something as elementry as "bumptop" or ZUIs, but hopefully along the lines of Jeff Hans work which I'm sure we're all familiar with by now. or god forbid something original.

    apple puts one tiny little gadget such as a gyroscopic sensor in a laptop and people have been going nuts writing cool software. imagine what would happen if they actually tried

    Jeff Han rightfully mocks Bill AND steve (

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