Monday, May 9, 2011

820 Fifth Avenue

820 Fifth Avenue. 820 Fifth Avenue
  • 820 Fifth Avenue

  • treysmay
    Aug 7, 04:24 PM
    It's almost exactly what I was looking for. I am a student and semi-proffessional artist, the Imac didn't cut it, hd's to slow in macbook pro for video work, and only expandable to 2 gigs of ram for both. the dual 2.0 config will be perfect for running photoshop off of rossetta, FCP, after effects, solid works in bootcamp. Good pricepoint, the dual 2.0 in canadian student discount is close to 50bucks more than the old dual 2.0 OMG WTF. but I was kind of hoping for front row for those nights of book reading and listening to radiohead while stoned, so I dont have to get up if a less ambient song comes on

    820 Fifth Avenue. 820 Fifth Avenue
  • 820 Fifth Avenue

  • twoodcc
    Jul 29, 09:23 PM
    I'd buy in a second, even if I had a Razr.

    i think i'll buy a Macbook instead

    820 Fifth Avenue. Full resolution‎ (820 × 615
  • Full resolution‎ (820 × 615

  • samh004
    May 7, 11:08 AM
    I get the feeling they are not really making any money on it, so it would make sense to give it away as a benefit of "using a mac."

    I can�t remember where it was mentioned, but I recall (dreamed?) that Apple had 1 million paid-up MobileMe members at one stage. If you even multiply that by the lowest amount you can purchase it for, that�s what, $69 million a year. Can�t be losing that much money.

    Maybe an apple giftcard for the difference? Like apple did for the early adopters of iPhone 2G when there was a price drop :cool:

    At least that�d make me buy a product I�ve had my eye on but haven�t had incentive to take the plunge ;)

    The best option is to cover both ends.

    I like this idea� but not the following one�

    Free MobileMe as an iAd platform? That sounds about right. Paid MobileMe without the iAds? I think we're getting somewhere now...

    I�d still pay in this case, but the price better not increase :(

    820 Fifth Avenue. 105 Fifth Avenue, South,
  • 105 Fifth Avenue, South,

  • Chupa Chupa
    May 4, 02:56 PM
    I would get a new iMac now if I knew that Lion would run SL pricing at $29. Otherwise I will wait for a preload. But obviously pricing and a release date won't be forthcoming prior to WWDC at the earliest. Guess we will know more in about 5 weeks.

    On yesterday's MacBreak Weekly they were talking about this. The consensus was that the d/l version will be ultra cheap similar to SL b/c Apple wants people to migrate quickly. And then there will be a retail box that will sell for more for those who either can't or don't want to d/l. There is a patter of this in iLife, iWork, Aperture, etc., where the d/l version is much less expensive than the retail box.

    820 Fifth Avenue. DENIED: 820 Fifth Ave.
  • DENIED: 820 Fifth Ave.

  • Euphonious
    Mar 27, 10:29 AM
    With AT&T's network running SO slow at times, I ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT INSTALL an update which make me use the server farm for streaming my own media.

    A lot of people need to calm down.

    Do you really think that the cloud update is going to stop you playing media that's already on your phone? Do you think Apple's just going to drop the internal memory?

    The cloud option will be just that - an option. You'll still be able to store music and video on your phone. The cloud stuff just extends the possibilities.

    820 Fifth Avenue. Around 820 Fifth Avenue
  • Around 820 Fifth Avenue

  • scottparker999
    May 8, 09:41 AM
    One of the main bonuses of a paid service is that it limits the number of users so they can get an email such as When services become free, more people sign up until people have to settle for, and then the service looses its upper-market feel.

    I would much prefer to apply for a job using the first address for instance.

    820 Fifth Avenue. 944 Fifth Avenue, 5th Floor
  • 944 Fifth Avenue, 5th Floor

  • Eidorian
    Jul 22, 04:15 PM
    Agreed. A light, small, cheap Apple laptop targeted at students would be excellent, and an education iMac that's available to the public would be great too. Unlikely, but I'm with you on this one.

    In other news, I expect the iMac to stay with an X1600 series card (because Apple have historically used the mid-range cards: 9600, X600, X1600 and possibly the rumored X2600s next year) so maybe an X1600 Pro and/or an XT. I also think that they should update the MacBook Pros graphics card because its a Pro laptop with a mid-range card so a Mobility X1800 would be nice.X600 Pro (iSight iMac G5 17") and X600 XT (iSight iMac G5 20") Hopefully we'll see a slight bump on the GPU.

    820 Fifth Avenue. 820 Fifth Avenue
  • 820 Fifth Avenue

  • ct2k7
    May 9, 12:05 PM
    There are changes coming to MobileMe, but I can't say anymore due to an NDA.

    820 Fifth Avenue. 820 Fifth Avenue. 36”x36” Acrylic on Canvas By: Adrian Scott
  • 820 Fifth Avenue. 36”x36” Acrylic on Canvas By: Adrian Scott

  • syklee26
    Sep 11, 11:14 AM
    airport extreme base station has wait time of 1-3 weeks.

    new version that streams video might be on the way.

    820 Fifth Avenue. with Purse | Fifth Avenue,
  • with Purse | Fifth Avenue,

  • sisyphus
    Sep 10, 11:44 PM
    You also forgot the iPhone, the Newton 2, the Conroe mid-tower, the new Apple iCredit Card, and the iGlasses Cinema Display mini. :rolleyes:

    820 Fifth Avenue. 105 Fifth Avenue, South,
  • 105 Fifth Avenue, South,

  • Chundles
    Sep 11, 01:00 AM
    Common mate, the Gong isn't a city ;)

    I get ~8000kbps so Movie downloads works for me - if the price and quality and DRM are right.

    I totally agree - the Gong isn't a city, it's just a big ex-steel town with no redeeming features other than some nice beaches. I'm serious.

    Trust me, if I could get 24mbps ADSL2+ I'd be screaming from the highest peak in the land (actually, Kosci's not that high, let's go "highest peak in Australian sovereign territory" - leave out Antarctica because not everyone recognises our claims there - and go with Mt. Mawson on Heard Island.) for Apple to bring movies and iPhoto photobooks and TV shows and all the whizz-bang stuff to the wide brown land.

    For now however, I'll simply rise and give a "standing meh."

    For those of you who don't know what a "standing meh" is, it's like a standing ovation only expressing total disinterest.

    EDIT - And don't say "Common" when you mean "Come on."

    820 Fifth Avenue. 820 Fifth Avenue 36”x36”
  • 820 Fifth Avenue 36”x36”

  • doubleusn
    Mar 29, 09:34 AM
    Looks nice as a place to store off site backup type stuff, but I still don't see how all this space as a digital music locker for streaming (again the back up part is nice) is all that viable at this time (Amazon, Apple, whoever) as data is getting capped more and more, and will cost more money as more things look to help you blow past your data-cap.

    iTunes on iPhone in auto = no data usage, no interruptions.
    iTunes on iPhone in auto streaming = data usage, and stream issues ...3G is not everywhere yet.

    It is the future, but I until the US cell company's play ball on a cost effective way to do it (the att/tmoe merger won't help) then I don't see this working so well in the US.

    820 Fifth Avenue. (856 Fifth Avenue)
  • (856 Fifth Avenue)

  • SirHaakon
    Mar 29, 06:12 PM
    Here's an album for 99 cents; increase your storage by 15 gigs for just a buck.

    820 Fifth Avenue. Fifth Avenue
  • Fifth Avenue

  • alhedges
    Mar 26, 11:09 PM
    I think that Apple will introduce IOS 5 in June/July, when it introduces the iPhone 5 (assuming that's what they call it). If there is some aspect of ios 5 that they can't get ready until Fall, they may have an ios 5.3 update in the Fall. But holding off on ios 5 until the fall will simply make the iP5 less appealing...and introducing ios 5 when you don't have a product to sell is simply a waste.

    And I don't buy the iPad 3 in the fall rumor, either.

    820 Fifth Avenue. NEW YORK CITY FIFTH AVENUE

  • CmdrLaForge
    Nov 26, 01:58 PM
    I see this being used as the interface remote for iTV. As a full-blown PDA device, no.

    I assume it is just a tablet Mac.


    P.S: What does the ribbon mean?

    820 Fifth Avenue. 820 Fifth Avenue
  • 820 Fifth Avenue

  • 3N16MA
    Mar 28, 12:10 PM
    Wow, this has to be bs. I cannot believe Apple won't introduce any hardware in WWDC '11.
    They're planning on stretching the iPhone 4? Good job Apple, don't complain about losing customers now. If Apple releases the next iPhone after 2 years, then they are officially going to lose whatever market share they had.
    I'm still going to wait for another announcement because every report said that there would be an iPhone 5 this summer, it makes no sense.

    So in your world a 'real refresh' is when the externals change? Don't judge a book by it's cover, the 3GS was a massive upgrade.

    The iPhone 4 got massive external and internal changes while the 3Gs just got internal changes. iPhone 4 is a bigger refresh than the 3Gs. I never said the 3Gs was not a real refresh I said it was not as big as the iPhone 4.

    820 Fifth Avenue. have views of Fifth Avenue
  • have views of Fifth Avenue

  • polaris20
    Apr 18, 04:37 PM
    many of this board's comments are great examples why our founding fathers, with great wisdom, chose to form our country with a republic for its government rather than a direct democracy.


    820 Fifth Avenue. saks, saks fifth avenue,
  • saks, saks fifth avenue,

  • aafuss1
    Sep 11, 08:35 AM
    At least, us Aussies have Telstra Bigpond Movies (but for PC). Apple should add a downlodable iPod games section-featuring new authorized quizeses and other games

    820 Fifth Avenue. Bash at Saks Fifth Avenue
  • Bash at Saks Fifth Avenue

  • prady16
    Sep 15, 05:57 PM
    Any idea about the pricing of the new MBPs ?

    May 9, 09:41 AM
    I don't know if anyone has mentioned this so far, but to me it is very obvious the reason why some features will be free.

    The iChat and a/v integration on the next iphone.

    Obviously iChat needs either a mobile me email address, or an AIM username, or some other less common ones.
    Needless to say, AIM is not very popular outside of USA. Everyone uses hotmail or gmail afaik.

    If they really want to plug the new iChat, they need to get as many people using it as possible, so therefore the @me email addresses will probably become free, and maybe more features with it

    Full of Win
    Apr 21, 05:08 PM
    I think the next Mac Pro refresh will be a huge milestone. Not only will it be the first case redesign in nearly a decade and add all the latest tech (USB3, sata III, thunderbolt, etc) but I believe Apple will take this opportunity to finally revise the pricing structure. Over the past few years, Apple has been making a clear shift towards the consumer market. Part of that is arguably negative ("dumbing things down") but the positive is more reasonable prices. The Mac Pro is the only computer left that hasn't been revised. My hope is that Apple will create a few models of the new Mac Pro, at least one of which is an affordable mid-range consumer tower starting under the the $2,000 mark.

    Unfortunately, they will probably wait to use the new performance desktop/server sandy bridge CPUs which Intel won't have ready until Q4 2011 (or later). If that's true then we won't see these new beauties until 1H 2012. :(

    Basically, what many of us have been asking / begging Apple to do; release an iMac w/o the display and with removable hard drives.

    Aug 7, 03:42 PM
    It's still a QUAD at $2,124. Even if it's 2 GHz, that's still utterly insane, especially when a *single* 2 GHz Woodcrest outperforms a 3.5 GHz Pentium 4 easily IIRC.

    That is information what I am waiting for before calling it lame or excellent...

    Another problem IMHO is that you now must buy a Quad config, if you want 2 HD's or a good grfx card.

    Many people will pay for the 3rd and 4th core without ever using it.

    I think Apple could have done with a Dual Core config (Conroe) as low-end Mac Pro machine: give the buyer the expansibility of a Pro machine, but keep the price in a pro-sumer level.

    I wonder how much faster the Quad 2.66 really is than a Quad 2.5 GHz G5. Something tells me that Apple is usually rather positive regarding the new machines.... ;)

    Jul 30, 09:53 PM
    As the previous post states, the typeface of that add should have caught anyone, apple undertook a subtle identity change around the time it introduced G4 ibooks, most significant was a change in typeface.....

    I think the rumour is nothing but a rumour, wasn't it a similar mysterious source who mentioned to a gas station attendant the pending arrival of 42" Plasmas or some $#!+???

    Dec 5, 11:41 AM
    Magellan is doing something good, they are providing a 20 dollar voucher towards their carkit if the app is bought between 12/4 and 12/8 I believe. Such great marketing. I won the thanksgiving day contest so I may just use that voucher if the tomtom car kit does not ship before Jan 5

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