Tuesday, May 10, 2011

alison brie maxim

alison brie maxim. Mad Men#39;s Alison Brie
  • Mad Men#39;s Alison Brie

  • mobilehavoc
    Apr 6, 04:27 PM
    Isn't it amazing that so many of these XOOM owners also, coincidentally, "own" an iPad/iPad 2, or their spouse/mom/dog/significant other does?

    Either there's a lot of exaggerating (astroturfing) going on, or someone's spouse/mom/dog/significant other has a lot more sense. ;)

    Why, I own an iPad and a XOOM and a Galaxy Tab and that HP Windows 7 Slate thingy and a Nook and a prototype PlayBook and I can tell you from personal experience that the iPad is like 100x better than all of those! :rolleyes:

    Don't hate. I have money and I can spend it however. Maybe I'll buy an ipad and leave it in the bathroom for people to use as they're taking care of business.

    alison brie maxim. May 19: Alison Brie arrives at the 11th Annual
  • May 19: Alison Brie arrives at the 11th Annual

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 27, 10:32 AM
    I'm a little confused at the magnitude of people's reaction here.

    Cell phone companies already do this. This is how they track potential crime victims locations'. They can access the cellular provider's database and get a ping with a cell tower and location. This is also timestamped. Your cellular provider already has more information than Apple ever had.

    alison brie maxim. Tags: alison brie, elisabeth
  • Tags: alison brie, elisabeth

  • Full of Win
    Mar 22, 03:31 PM
    Not enough RAM to do what exactly?

    To store data temporally. That is what RAM does.

    alison brie maxim. TAG alison brie
  • TAG alison brie

  • Super Dave
    Aug 6, 01:29 PM
    Mac OS X Leopard
    Introducing Vista 2.0




    Is that Vista 2.0 thing real? I hadn't seen it before.

    David :cool:

    alison brie maxim. ALISON BRIE#39;s Recent Photos
  • ALISON BRIE#39;s Recent Photos

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Aug 14, 11:35 PM
    I have enough skill to win the faster races, i just have more fun with a "real" car instead of something with neck-snapping acceleration and tires that stick to the road if you take a hair-pin at 200mph.

    I have a lot more fun driving cars that anyone can afford.

    alison brie maxim. in community and a Dutyhigh quality alison wearing trudy is known for sep Alison+rie+trudy Just like me, thought alison murray co-star chevy chase,
  • in community and a Dutyhigh quality alison wearing trudy is known for sep Alison+rie+trudy Just like me, thought alison murray co-star chevy chase,

  • PetMac
    Aug 27, 03:38 PM
    Long live PBG5NT. It reminds us how great it is to have frequent updates and powerful portables again.

    alison brie maxim. The Alison Brie Poetry Contest
  • The Alison Brie Poetry Contest

  • fivepoint
    Apr 28, 07:52 AM
    I lost it a long time ago. Trump is an asshat that should just shut the **** up and go back to diddling eastern european models and building casinos (is that christian right compliant I wonder?).

    The truth is if Barack Obama was instead Piers Morgan or Simon Cowell and a republican candidate, there would have been an uproar if anyone had dared to ask if they were actually Americans by birth. Its racism, period. The right doesn't want a liberool n***** in the white house. That is it in the ****ing list. Anyone saying that's not what this is about is a ****ing liar.

    Most liberals wouldn't know racism if it bit them in the ass. Are conservatives racist against Col. Allen West? Herman Cain? Colin Powell? Condoleza? Cosby? Step out of your little fairytale world and realize that we've have the same issues with a white Barack Obama. If Hillary was in office, she'd be getting raked over the coals just as hard. Similarly, if Allen West was president he'd be getting viciously attacked by the left. It has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with policy. It has everything to do with reality. If tomorrow Barack Obama turned into a conservative constitutionalist aiming to reduce government involvement in our lives, reducing taxes, reducing deficits, etc. all these same 'RACISTS' as you so conveniently label them would be singing his praises.

    Then again, its easier for you to just earn some cheap political points by demonizing your opponents... so, carry on.

    Right, you typically dig through government documents looking for goofy layers (or object) and you're just asking questions about this one document which happens to prove that Obama was born in the United States.

    What I find remarkable is you were one of the ones arguing that all Obama has to do is show the long-form document and now that the White House has, you're still arguing about the document. It's a fair question to wonder why there are layers in a document, but you can't honestly say that such a question doesn't lead down a path that would logically come to the conclusion that a document was a forgery.

    It seems like it changes depending on the settings and edition of Creative Suite you have.

    Yeah it does. ;)

    Those hypotheticals make for easy arguments. You do have a bias against Obama and you should just admit it. When a document comes around that runs counter to your worldview make sure you ask the same kinds of questions.

    Your problem, Hulugu, just like other liberals in this forum blinded by their own bias, is that you decided what I was trying to do before I even did it. I clearly stated my point, I clearly stated I was not a birther, I clearly stated that I had advocated the documents release, I clearly stated I hoped it would shut the issue down for several reasons including the fact that it's a political loser for my side of the aisle... and yet what do you and the others do? Claim that I AM a birther, claim that I'm GLAD there was something odd about the document, claim that my attempt to get someone to clear up the confusion and give the 'simple explanation' was actually a veiled attempt to prove Obama was a Kenyan.

    Sad, pathetic, misguided, and further proof that this forum has a distinct in ability to produce meaningful conversation without hate, vitriol, and meaninglessly misguided attacks. Enjoy.

    alison brie maxim. Alison Brie
  • Alison Brie

  • Multimedia
    Aug 18, 08:53 AM

    I think this speaks for itself.

    When I'm working on one project, that's all my attention to it. When I'd like to encode it, I'd like my however many cores to be at full blast. Sadly, that's not happening at the moment and will remain so until they rewrite h264 encoding.

    Like I said, unless people are doing what you do (sending multiple files to be encoded at the same time all the time) they won't benefit from 4, 8, 100 cores.

    Now if anyone can show benchmarks that show FCP being 40-50% faster on a quad than on a dual when working on a project, I'll shut up :)That chart speaks for NOTHING. Comparing a Mac Pro to old 2004 single core Dual G5 PowerMacs is a completely irrelevant and spurious "test". This entire review is flawed by the missing Quad G5. BTW I don't use H.264 at all ever.

    alison brie maxim. alison brie aots. Alison Brie:
  • alison brie aots. Alison Brie:

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 22, 03:01 PM

    What district/area is this?

    I am in central NJ and counting on some
    stores around here to get a few...hopefully.

    alison brie maxim. Alison Brie Picture amp; Photo
  • Alison Brie Picture amp; Photo

  • relimw
    Sep 12, 11:15 AM
    Very cool. Now to find apps (os10.5 direct blind support?) that can make use of all those cores. :cool:

    alison brie maxim. 49 – Alison Brie
  • 49 – Alison Brie

  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 22, 11:40 PM
    Right, because there can't be any other reason why Blue Velvet, or myself, might support military intervention in Libya, but not Iraq. They are exactly the same situation after all.

    Although I backed the implementation of a no-fly zone a few weeks ago, I wouldn't describe my position as one of wholehearted support. More a queasy half-hearted recognition that something had to be done and that all alternatives lead to rabbit holes of some degree or another. When all is said and done, my usual fallback position is an intense weariness at the evil that men do.

    For the record, I actually supported (if silence is considered consent) both Gulf wars at the start; I believed in the fictional WMD, I believed it when Colin Powell held his little vial up at the UN... but I, like many was tied down with work and other concerns and was only paying cursory attention to the news at the time. Like Obama, I also initially supported the war in Afghanistan, or at least the idea of it, initiated by a Republican president, but since then it seems to have become a fiasco of Catch-22 proportions.

    Slowly discovering the real agenda and true ineptness of the Bush administration was a pivotal point in my reawakening political understanding of US current affairs after reading Hunter Thompson for so many years. Disgusted and appalled at the casual way in which we all were lied to, I'm quite happy to hold my hands up and say 'I was wrong'.

    Thing is about Obama, I never had any starry-eyed notion about him being a peace-maker. He's an American president, the incentives are cemented into the role as one of using power and protecting wealth. Not that many conservatives were paying attention at the time, but he stood up in front of the Nobel academy when accepting his Nobel Peace Prize and laid out a justification for war.

    Since the second Gulf War, the entire circus has been one of my occasional interests, because I've never seen a political process elsewhere riddled with so many bald-faced liars, grotesque characters and half-baked casual hate speech. What power or the sniff of it does to people, twisting them out of shape, is infinitely more interesting and has more impact on us than any other endeavour, except for possibly the parallel development of technology.

    George W. Bush is responsible for another calamity: me posting in PRSI, one of my many occasional weaknesses.

    alison brie maxim. Alison Brie
  • Alison Brie

  • dougny
    Nov 28, 06:44 PM
    (Did the music companies ask for money for every CD player or Tape Recorder sold? Nope)

    Actually, they do. They also got paid on every blank tape sold when cassettes were big. I think it is crazy for everyone to think that the music industry is greedy when it getting squeezed out of all of their revenue streams. So, Apple makes hundreds of millions off of their back on the itunes site, and a billion off of iPod sales, and they cannot share in the wealth?

    It doesn't cost the consumer any more, why wouldn't you want the people who actually make the music you are listening to get compensated?

    This debate is stale. People want something for nothing.

    alison brie maxim. Alison Brie
  • Alison Brie

  • roadbloc
    Apr 25, 04:34 PM

    1. Android stores the info as well.

    2. Unlike Apple, Android sends it back to Google.

    alison brie maxim. Allison Brie Gallery
  • Allison Brie Gallery

  • daneoni
    Aug 22, 10:18 PM
    Yeah im not surprised. I went to my local store today and saw one in all its glory attached to a 30" ACD. It was VERY fast, system prefs launched in micro seconds, a meaty FCP project opened in less than 5 seconds same for Aperture & Logic, 1080p HD trailers were chewed and spit out using less than 10% of processing power. Totally amazing and best part...its very quiet. I played with a Quad G5 once and it sounded like a jet engine taking off.

    I defo want one but it'll cost me an arm and leg. Sigh...

    alison brie maxim. New sexy Alison Brie photo and
  • New sexy Alison Brie photo and

  • DotCom2
    Apr 27, 09:21 AM
    If I were a criminal or a terrorist I would be upset about this data collection. Since I am not, I would rather the data be kept on my phone if it will help my GPS work better/faster.:rolleyes:

    alison brie maxim. Alison Brie, the sexy star
  • Alison Brie, the sexy star

  • afrowq
    Apr 6, 07:52 PM
    This is Bowl *****!!! Come on man....I see these claims with absolutely NO, ZERO proof to back it up...Links? Pics? Video???? IF anything, MORE people have joined the FCP camp...because more people than EVER are buying Macs! Even though Adobe and Avid are cross platform, the affordability of FCP is a real bonus. Everyone I know that uses FCP and has been using FCP has ZERO interest in flipping. Unless you have an extreme PC...Adobe makes no sense (unless you are using the Quadro nVidia cards in a Mac Pro). Sure, the Merc engine increases performance for a few transitions and filters....but rendering is still necessary in MOST cases! Today's speed of the new Macs....MBP, iMacs, Mac Pros...makes the transition from AVC, XDCam, DVCPro, etc to Pro-Res, is actually a very speedy process. Even Canon stepped up last spring with a plug in to increase transcode speeds almost a 1,000% (used to take a minute or two to transform...now done in 10 seconds or less!!!). Once in Pro Res, editing is an absolute breeze...a cake walk, easy as pie:) Especially if you have a recent generation Mac from the last couple of years.

    Now...that said, absolutely, I totally agree improvements can be made. As mentioned many times....media management and better integration between other programs in the suite. However, being a long time FCP user, I'm "used" to the export/share option and don't find it too difficult.

    Motion is the program I would like to see take a big step forward. I am also a heavy Adobe user and have the entire CS5 Production bundle...but NOT for Premier...I solely use PhotoShop and After Effects. AE has been my go to animated title compositor. Motion, while decent...is certainly behind the eight ball in comparison to Avid and AE for these tasks.

    However...most, if not ALL of the pros I know that have been using FCP continue to do so....and there are more motion pictures, BIG ones...this year, edited on FCP than I can remember in years past. Pulling this BS out of your arse is crap. The iToy phenomenon, in my very humble opinion will actually HELP the Pro Apps...as Apple is making more money than EVER!!! This will afford them the expertise they need to develop the pro apps...more so than they've ever been able to do in the past. Keep in mind...for these iToys to be great, they need content....and again, IMHO...I think Apple knows this, and would be happy if every app, movie, song, etc...that resides in iTunes, Mac Store, App Store, etc....was created WITH their soft/hardware as well. Again, just my opinion....Apple won't shoot themselves and the entire creative community in the foot....just when they've becoming the HIGHEST gaining computer sales platform in the world!!! They're selling more computers (MB, MBP, MBair, MP, iMacs) then EVER...and I attribute that somewhat to the excellent user experience so many folks have had with their "iToys". You gotta figure some of those folks will be "Pro" creative guys. And enticed they will be (my Yoda impersonation) by the hardware and software that Apple offers....so if anything, there is Growth in the Pro sector...hardware and software both. NOT a mass exodus. Again...if you truly have proof that "All those Pros have already left Mac"...I'm all ears. If anything, they've made significant gains. Hence the reason AVID has DECREASED their pricing from the astronomical rates it used to cost...and the proprietary rigs you had to have to run the program.

    Sorry for the rant. But what you've stated is absolutely NOT true my friend. Period. And THAT is a fact! If you're deciding whether or not to stick with FCP, cool...fine to make that point. Don't make up BS about other "Pros" and their Post Workflow. Other than the BBC switching to Premier, I can think of NO other real, true professionals that have abandoned FCP because it's lacking. It's still a VERY powerful program. Getting older, several places to shine it up, but it still does the job and does it well.


    I don't need links, videos, etc. to prove my point. I know it's the case, because I've seen it with my own eyes. And frankly I don't care to impress you with pointless links and statistics. I am a professional, and I work with professionals, and several of them have already switched to Premiere. That, my friend, is a fact, and it's all I need.

    alison brie maxim. Alison Brie is so adorable we
  • Alison Brie is so adorable we

  • xxBURT0Nxx
    Apr 7, 09:54 AM
    It's not false per say, at least not 100%. Of course, graphics in such systems are usually IGPs, but before the Core iX line of processors, anyone could license and build chipsets for these processors and include a different IGP than Intel did. Intel however refused to license this for the new processors, including the SB line and thus nVidia who was making chipsets could not produce an IGP for the new platform.

    So yes, essentially Intel told Apple they had to use the 3000 HD as an IGP, where before, Apple was using nVidia's tech. There was even a massive lawsuit about all of this, between Intel and nVidia which ended with nVidia stepping out of the chipset business alltogether.

    So the poster you were replying to wasn't 100% wrong at all. It is in fact a testament to Intel's incompetence how all of this was handled, since an old MBA with a 320m outpaces new SB machines that have a much more powerful CPU in graphics performance.

    I know about the whole nvidia/intel lawsuit, but to say that intel forced apple to use the IGP is not correct imo. Yes they may have said if you want to use integrated graphics, they must be our integrated graphics on sandy bridge, but obviously apple could still have chosen to use discrete graphics as they did in some of the macbook pros, however seeing them absent on the airs and the 13" mbp shows that apple didn't have enough space to include discrete on top of the new processors. I see what you are saying, but the op said intel made apple use their graphics in a machine that costs this much!?!? not true apple could have easily added amd graphics if they wanted to, however due to cost/design/whatever they use integrated graphics in their smaller laptops!

    alison brie maxim. Alison
  • Alison

  • Gugulino
    Apr 7, 02:49 PM
    There is also IPTV. The VOD offer of our triple pay provider includes also HD titles, which are pretty good in quality (720p and DD 5.1). The OS of the set top box is Windows ME or something. The only Windows in our household :D

    alison brie maxim. Alison Brie
  • Alison Brie

  • blackburn
    Mar 26, 05:45 AM
    I still don't get it, why do we apple users have to pay for os updates? The hardware is already expensive as hell.

    Jun 9, 06:43 AM
    RadioShack store manager here and i have some very interesting information if you guys don't already know this. Please quote this as much as possible to get the word out.

    How can I check which stores will be carrying the phone on launch day? And also, if I go into a particular store next Tuesday and pre-order, you're saying I will be able to pick that phone up on the 24th?

    Nov 28, 07:06 PM
    Sounds like trying to get royalties off of blank CDs by selling "Music CD-Rs" at a higher cost.

    Apple could just let them distribute Universal-branded "Music-Ready" iPods that are set at $50 more than any standard iPod. See how well that'll go for 'em.

    Mr. Gates
    Jun 8, 11:20 PM
    You mean "The Shack"

    They are pretty much ONLY a phone store now

    They lost the Mojo

    Boycott them

    Aug 26, 07:39 PM
    I hope they use Conroe in the iMac over Merom. Conroe is faster than Merom at cheaper prices. But it would mean more hardware tweaking that plopping a Merom in there.

    Jun 11, 03:50 PM
    I used to work at radioshack too and the resources there suck. Activation will take longer than usual and they can mess up your account/credit. I hated activating phones cause it was a hassle since we were not connected directly with carriers.

    Now for Radioshack. Brother-in-Law goes and his credit gets run twice by child who works at Radioshack and signs him up to expensive plan. So they have to call their 3rd party service provider and the manager there and employee make a big mess of his ATT account and turns out the phone they had was from a customer return, not even brand new. He ends up just getting bad credit after 4 hrs in the stuffy dusty shack. We go to apple next week, now he has to put deposit cause his credit was messed up but guess what? thats right apple waived it as they saw the mistake and he gets a brand new phone. :) Radioshack = worse place to get any phone Apple = smart well trained employees

    I just talked about these cases closest to me but I'll tell you those Radioshack employees are the worst to buy any cellphone from. you take a risk with your credit, used phone possibly, long activations, and bad locale.

    Just wanted to say that generally when people have these types of experiences, they are at RadioShack franchises and not company-run (corporate) stores. I have worked at both in the past, and though it's been about 6 years, I can say that things were definitely very different.

    Franchise stores, at the time, did indeed work through 3rd party processors for cell phones so it was easier to mess things up. However, it was all through a web interface so more often than not the problems stemmed from the interface crashing or it not being up to date with the latest promotions, etc, than actual user error.

    Corporate stores also ran through a web interface but it was directly through the carrier so it was much more reliable.

    The bigger problem with cell phones at RadioShack was consistency. The sales flyers would always talk about this deal or that deal, and oftentimes that deal wasn't even offered to franchise stores.

    I think a bit of this has been resolved, and I wouldn't mind getting a phone through RadioShack nowadays if there was a good promotion.

    However, as someone else said, RadioShack prices on most other things are ridiculously high. I felt terrible when I saw a guy at our store sell this old man a 30-ft HDMI cable for $300. Not kidding at all. I don't know how they stay in business, their prices on most things are not competitive at all.


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