Tuesday, May 17, 2011

canon rebel eos xsi

canon rebel eos xsi. Rebel XSi or Canon EOS
  • Rebel XSi or Canon EOS

  • dpruitt
    Apr 18, 03:20 PM
    What is most sad in this article is the amount of greed. Apple gets its displays, processor, etc from Samsung. However, this is not enough. Samsung wants more, so they try and copy what Apple is doing. Corporate greed at its finest. Apple should have also included in the contract, "We'll buy parts from you, but you are not allowed to build a competing product".

    canon rebel eos xsi. canon-rebel-xsi-front.jpg
  • canon-rebel-xsi-front.jpg

  • ZorPrime
    Nov 23, 01:08 AM
    The difference? For all intents and purposes the iPhone is a toy... Its not a business tool its a consumer product. A product that will sell like mad in traditional phone vs. iPhone markets but Blackberrry/Treo vs. iPhone? Not a chance in [bleep].

    PS- That being said I WANT to be proven wrong. I want Apple to provide an expierence that covers music\contacts\calendar\todo\e-mail all in one sexy device but watching Apple over the years I've lost faith they they will try anything daring. Anything that really does take on the big guys. I'm willing to bet that whatever is released will be music\phone and if you are REALLY lucky limited calendar\contacts with no way to imput info. Prove me wrong Apple. Please.

    Excellent and poignantly expressed points. The first iPhone, if/when is materializes might most likely be a phone v iPhone scenario competing against something like Sony's W950i (http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/SY_DisplayProductInformation-Start?ProductSKU=W950&Dept=audio&CategoryName=pa_mobile_phones).

    It would definitely be awesome if Apple could get the users to drop their CrackBerries for something more wholesome. j/k :eek:

    P.S. It's been a while since I've posted, so please forgive my late interjection into the middle of this conversation. :o

    canon rebel eos xsi. Canon Eos Digital Reble Xsi
  • Canon Eos Digital Reble Xsi

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 18, 05:02 PM

    The LG Prada was announced in September 6 months ahead of iPhone1 announcement (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LG_Prada_%28KE850%29).

    Odd, the link you included in your argument states the Prada was "announced" on December 12, 2006.

    The iPhone was announced on January 9, less than one month later.

    And the Prada looks more like a BlackBerry than an iPhone to me. The Prada and iPhone are almost nothing alike, aside from the size and shape of the earhole.

    canon rebel eos xsi. Canon EOS Rebel Xsi
  • Canon EOS Rebel Xsi

  • digitalbiker
    Aug 4, 10:10 PM
    OK, being an Australian, and blissfully ignorant to the ways of the American, when is Thanksgiving? Before or after Paris?

    I say new iPods at Paris, and maybe some software. It would be great if all Macs were Core 2 Generation before the Paris Expo.

    After Paris. Nov. 23, 2006 to be exact. Too bad you Aussies don't celebrate Thanksgiving. It is all about eating, drinking and watching football.

    canon rebel eos xsi. Canon Eos Rebel Xsi
  • Canon Eos Rebel Xsi

  • e-coli
    May 7, 11:18 AM
    It should be free. It's craptastic; painfully slow and full of bugs.

    canon rebel eos xsi. to the Canon Rebel XSi kit
  • to the Canon Rebel XSi kit

  • kalsta
    May 6, 10:04 AM
    Exactly what I was thinking. Although glass sizes differ across states in Australia as well. Here in WA if i go for a pub I'll either ask for a pint (a big glass) or a middi, handle, pot etc (small glass) or a schooner (tall glass slightly smaller then a pint) although never have asked for a schooner and see no need.

    I've been to WA a couple of times… Had fish and chips with friends on the docks at Freo… all very nice! But I nearly fell over when they handed me the beers and told me the price. Don't ask me if it came in a pint or a schooner though. All I remember was it was expensive and I didn't even enjoy it. It was Redback I think — made with wheat, and not my cup of tea.

    What were we talking about again?

    canon rebel eos xsi. canon eos digital rebel xsi
  • canon eos digital rebel xsi

  • Turbojugend27
    Aug 2, 12:28 PM
    Meh to the Mac Cinema displays, just buy an LG (since they make them for Apple) it will be 500 dollars cheaper and have more features on it. I hope they put the new chips into the Imacs, I need a new one ASAP.

    canon rebel eos xsi. Canon EOS Rebel XSi
  • Canon EOS Rebel XSi

  • BRLawyer
    Nov 27, 03:29 PM
    It is always so refreshing to meet someone who knows more about your business than you do. I was going to respond to this, but have decided to just accept you do not like tablets, and nothing is going to change your mind. :mad:

    Nope. Tablets are indeed interesting, and I am sure Apple would do a great job at relaunching them...I just think there is no real market for them, as they are just squeezed between powerful notes and powerful PDAs/cellphones...not to mention that handwriting recognition is still NOT up to par.

    Besides, most mock-ups here show a rather enhanced iPod, than a REAL tablet...so this means most people want/need only a grown-up PDA, instead of a tablet as such...and I couldn't agree more.

    canon rebel eos xsi. canon rebel xsi eos. for Canon
  • canon rebel xsi eos. for Canon

  • twoodcc
    Aug 3, 11:48 PM
    Yes! This Would Favor Steve Announcing Full Line Shift To Core 2 ASAP Monday. My favorite scenario may come true. :)

    didn't i read this exact same thing earlier today?

    anyways, i hope your right, but for some reason i don't think it will. only time will tell.....

    canon rebel eos xsi. ProductWiki: Canon EOS 450D
  • ProductWiki: Canon EOS 450D

  • kavika411
    Apr 15, 08:18 PM
    I didn't miss it, you did. here, I'll bold it, underline it and put it in red so it's easier for you to catch ...

    Then I'll refer to the definition so you might know what that word means ...

    pri�ma�ri�ly (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/primarily)   �adverb

    1. essentially; mostly; chiefly; principally

    Then I'll give you an example that demonstrates a different perspective on wealth ...

    I am a graphic designer. My primary focus is on creating print and web solutions for my clients. While I do get paid, money is neither the source of my production and creativity, nor the material with which I work. It is a by-product of my labors, not the sole focus of them.

    Thus I have a different perspective on money and wealth than itcheroni.

    I hope that clarifies that for you.

    Your inability and insecurity to come within even the same area code of your own prior rhetorical question - choosing the greener pastures of everything-unrelated-to-something-you-started-but-can't-finish - says everything.

    Unlike you, I don't need to have "the last say." On this Friday night, I leave it to you to finish. Feel free to finish with something more relevant than your last posts, such as the syllabic definition of boredom, or a picture of a skateboarding dog.

    canon rebel eos xsi. canon rebel xsi eos. canon
  • canon rebel xsi eos. canon

  • Satori
    Apr 7, 09:32 AM
    Shame - a bit of competition couldn't hurt iPad development.

    canon rebel eos xsi. Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS /
  • Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS /

  • CalBoy
    May 5, 05:49 PM
    Talking about the cost of swtiching, I might just add� Stepping out onto the moon cost a pretty penny too. I guess beating the Soviets to bragging rights in space was more important than implementing common sense on the ground.

    What does that have to do with anything? :confused:

    Even if this was somehow relevant, yes, it probably was more important to achieve a scientific feat at that point in time. The Apollo missions created generations of people who became interested in science, raised educational standards nationwide, and brought forth thousands of advancements that we still use in our daily lives.

    Hang on� You're not distancing yourself from the illiterate masses now? I thought you agreed with them? ;)

    Not with their reasoning. My scientific literacy is pretty good, and I don't have an inherent mistrust of science which many Americans do. This makes them resist things that are advocated by the scientific community, whether it's evolution, vaccination, or evidence-based medicine. So when scientists clamor about changing to the metric system, it raises two questions in the minds of people; 1) Why should I trust this person? and 2) Is the change really necessary?

    I don't doubt scientists when they advocate for the metric system, in science. Howeve, since most of the advantages of the metric system are really reserved to the sciences, the question of whether or not everything in life should be metric really isn't a scientific one; it's an economic and convenience one. In my daily life I do not need to easily convert between the mass of water and its volume or take temperatures relative to the boiling point of water.

    Well, I assume the US population ain't getting any smaller the longer you put it off.

    No, but that doesn't mean that we should transition now either. It all depends on the ease of transition. This is why I think long term transitioning is the only real option available. Do things piecemeal in order of greatest economic return, and if there is no economic return on a particular item, forget it. There's no point in switching to something that is going only cost money; at some point there needs to be a positive return for it to make sense.

    canon rebel eos xsi. Canon EOS Rebel XSi w/o Lens
  • Canon EOS Rebel XSi w/o Lens

  • dr Dunkel
    Apr 25, 09:45 AM
    Why should God allmighty (Steve) not lie to his minions?

    canon rebel eos xsi. canon rebel xsi body.
  • canon rebel xsi body.

  • arcite
    Apr 7, 10:03 AM

    canon rebel eos xsi. Canon Eos Digital Rebel Xsi
  • Canon Eos Digital Rebel Xsi

  • Eidorian
    Mar 30, 10:56 PM
    I don't know why but my MBP 13 i7 2011 is showing "Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB graphics" on the About this mac screen on Display tab.:eek:

    BTW I'm using an External Display.

    That's the graphic core onboard the Core i7 die. It doesn't change to ATi graphics when you use something graphically intensive?It is the 13" Macbook Pro. It only has Intel HD graphics.

    canon rebel eos xsi. Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi
  • Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi

  • milo
    May 4, 05:09 PM
    And there's been exactly 0% of Operating Systems sold on the app store. And 0% of stories that downloading Lion will be excactly like downloading every other app on the app store.

    That's almost verbatim just what I was about to say.

    The number of lazy, complacent, disorganized, people that "don't want a disc lying around, or "don't want to keep track of one, is just hilarious.

    Or sad, depending on how you look at it.

    I don't see what's so lazy or sad about choosing a download over having to go to a store or have a physical disk delivered. Seems like the smarter option to me. And no, I don't want unnecessary physical media cluttering up my space. But that's just the tip of the iceberg, I'm much more excited about the advantages of a download than just getting rid of the physical disc. Sure, I'll back up the copy but I'd much rather have the option to put that backup on a disk with a bunch of other material than have a bunch of shiny coasters lying around.

    so...for those who cant wait to see the dvd drive removed from the macbook(pro)/mini..etc...how would one burn it onto a dvd?

    You wouldn't, and you wouldn't need to. I'd much prefer having it on a USB stick.

    It would be nice to know more details.

    (1) How will users on other than FAST cable modems get Loin?
    (2) How can we make emergency backups? I've been in a number of places were downloading gigabytes of data was not a viable option.
    (3) Did this idea spring from the "mind" of the same genius who came up with the New and Improved Apple Discussion boards?

    It would be nice if people would read the article instead of just posting questions that are already answered.

    canon rebel eos xsi. EOS Rebel XSi details from
  • EOS Rebel XSi details from

  • Number 41
    Mar 29, 01:22 PM
    Hard for me, even as an Apple fan, to weep too much for a company that chooses to do business overseas isntead of here in America, employing Americans.

    Hopefully the situation in Japan improves -- for reasons beyond this.

    canon rebel eos xsi. Canon EOS Rebel Xsi Resources:
  • Canon EOS Rebel Xsi Resources:

  • treblah
    Aug 3, 11:56 PM
    The "tests" kind of sucked and wasn't that informative. Didn't tell us a whole lot...but either way I hope they get into the MBPs!!

    AnandTech to the rescue!

    canon rebel eos xsi. Canon EOS Rebel Xsi Canon
  • Canon EOS Rebel Xsi Canon

  • Westacular
    Apr 23, 04:51 PM
    I think Apple is simply futureproofing here, and we won't see Retina displays for 3+ years, when it would be more feasible.

    I agree with you, though, it would be nice if Apple was more serious about their GPUs. Maybe the switch to retina will force them to be.

    Agreed re: future-proofing, but are you seriously suggesting that Apple isn't serious about GPUs? They've probably got a higher "minimum acceptable" standard for GPU performance than any other manufacturer. The one thing they don't do is chase the bleeding edge super-high-end gaming GPUs.

    Also: games don't HAVE to render at native display resolutions. And as resolution gets higher, the artifacts from not being at the native level become much less visible.

    Apr 18, 04:24 PM
    NO It's not, are you crazy. That looks horrid. iOS icons have unique look to them, placement is not patented. The look is.

    The lawsuit goes after Samsung trying to replicate and confuse customers into thinking that it's an iPhone.

    I said *conceptually* they are the same, they both share the same common properties and looks - i.e., grid, shortcuts, status bar etc ( as I pointed out ), yes, the placement it different - but that is irrelevent?

    It doesn't matter if it looks 'horrid', thats an opinion - by today's standards OS9 looks 'horrid' - IMO.

    Apr 14, 10:02 AM
    You can always donate to the federal reserve. Don't let me stop you!

    Pardon me for trying to spread the responsibility across the board.

    I realize how grossly unfair that is. :rolleyes:

    Apr 5, 01:20 PM
    another reason why it pays to think before you act

    Mar 31, 06:38 AM
    mac os x kitteh and the one after that mac os x kitteh galore


    Mar 28, 10:11 AM
    Who even knows what hardware changes the iPhone 5 is going to make?

    iPhone 4 was a major, major, major upgrade. It is still an exceedingly modern iPhone, and it's hard to imagine what they can upgrade from this device. Sure, the new device will be "faster." Sure, it may have more RAM and sure it may have a better camera. It will probably have a larger flash drive inside to hold more music/movies/apps.

    It might even have a slightly larger screen and/or be thinner. That said, the iPhone as it stands is a nearly perfect device. The only significant upgrade I can think of would be to have 4G radios included to increase data transmission rates.

    The iPhone 4 screen is already about perfect. The build quality and construction is incredible.

    When the first iPhone came out it was clearly lacking a decent camera and 3G. When the 3G came out the build quality was reduced and it was too slow with too little RAM. When the 3GS came out the construction was still poor and the screen was beginning to get long in the tooth.

    The iPhone 4, on the other hand, has it all from a hardware perspective. For a phone it's speedy, the buttons feel good to press and it doesn't break easily. It's also totally and absolutely gorgeous and from a tactile standpoint, it is feels good and substantial in your hand.

    Having to "wait" another few months for an iPhone 5 shouldn't be a problem, because getting an iPhone 4 is the equivalent to buying a truly amazing device without any significant flaws.

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