Monday, May 9, 2011

donald trump younger

donald trump younger. donald trump young. week
  • donald trump young. week

  • pubwvj
    Aug 25, 05:19 PM
    I'm having a problem. Last year I bought an iBook that was supposed to come with a free iPod. I got the iPod, called in and registered, did the paper work for the rebate and sent that in right away. Never got a check. I called up to find out where my rebate was and they are telling me that they aren't responsible for rebates lost in the mail - tough luck. I've been through many phone calls with many people at Apple on this. It's going nowhere. It is absurd that this happened. I bought the iPod and iBook directly from them through the Apple Store. They have all the information, which they have verified they have. But they won't send me my $179. Beware, Apple is not standing behind their rebate offers.

    2nd Problem, Apple sent a repair guy out to fix a iMac. He did but when he put the case back together he didn't do it right. Now the case is partially open. Minor but annoying.

    3rd Problem, I have an Apple product, which I won't name as I'm trying to get it taken care of right now, and it keeps failing, the replacement fails, etc. What happened to quality manufacturing? Apple's losing it.

    donald trump younger. words for Donald Trump.
  • words for Donald Trump.

  • rickjs
    Apr 6, 03:19 PM
    did you feel dorky typing XOOM so many times. I would, because its dorky. It's the same reasons that everything in "Xenon: Girl of the 21st Century" was dorky

    Yeah but it kinda grows on you. I really don't like iPad 2 as a name very much, but it kinda grows on you too.

    donald trump younger. donald trump young. magnate
  • donald trump young. magnate

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 11, 01:54 PM
    Doesn't Europe have many many carriers in each country? There's no carrier that spans the entire EU, is there?
    We have many carriers in each country in europe, but we all of them have the same system which allows roaming between networks.
    Who wants to pay 400$ for a phone that will look like an antique 12 months from now? That's a lot of money to pay for the status of having a brand new phone.
    Why not?
    People pay $399 for an iPod today that is antique within 12 months...

    donald trump younger. Donald trump Jr and his wife
  • Donald trump Jr and his wife

  • Stella
    Mar 31, 04:01 PM
    Android is a good OS, and even better when the phone it comes in is offered for free.

    Free phones are usually hard to beat. I'm sure the iOS would win if the iPhone came free with contract.

    In come countries it is possible to get an iPhone free on contract... for example, Vodaphone in UK.

    donald trump younger. Donald+trump+younger+years
  • Donald+trump+younger+years

  • Glideslope
    Mar 31, 06:14 PM
    I've really loved my experience with Android so far. I've had an iPhone and a iPhone 3G and I am an iPhone developer.... yet I use Android.

    Android will always be "open source" and this is not inconsistent with Google applying more control to stem inoperable fragmentation. These two ideas are not at odds.

    I cannot wait for Google to do what I think Amazon is currently trying to do with their new App. Store.

    That said I really like the new iPad 2, but sadly my next purchase would prolly be a i7 MacBook Pro.

    Fragmentation, more control, more fragmentation, more control, more......

    Microsoft, Vista, more Microsoft, more Vista, more.....

    Too late. What comes after Honey Comb will be the test. Honey Comb = Mobile Vista. :apple:

    donald trump younger. Donald+trump+younger+years
  • Donald+trump+younger+years

  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 15, 04:42 PM
    You can be quiet now. Go on Dell's medium/large business site, which is the *only* section you can find the Woodcrests in single/dual configs (HP doesn't have theirs out yet), and configure one with a decent video card, 250GB HD, no monitor, and any of the rumored processor configurations (which I think some are not correct), a DL DVD+/-RW burner, and optical mouse and you tell ME how much it costs.

    I will tell you how much... Very Expensive.

    I must say it boils my blood to read some of the ignorant posts on here. Give me the top parts in a small box, all for $999.

    Jiggie2g, your assumptions are way off. I configured the Dell Silentwave mentioned with:

    One 5130
    1GB DDR2 667
    250GB HD
    DVD+/-RW burner

    price: $2983

    Far from $1199. Oh but wait, you pulled a good move. Talking about woodcrest systems and giving a theoretical pricing for a Conroe system. Nice move. ;)

    Anyway. Us loyalist Mac buyers are fully aware of current pricing and when price and specs are announced we will make a decision to buy or not to buy. I doubt Apple insults us. Maybe you, even when the data puts the pricing in the same spectrum, you will buy Dell anyway to make yourself feel good. Cheers.

    donald trump younger. donald trump young. donald
  • donald trump young. donald

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 18, 07:55 PM
    Would also like confirmation on this from someone
    that works for Radio Shack. Here's why....

    If you did not get a PIN it's hard to even pick a store
    to try and buy a phone from on launch day.

    Most stores were unable to even preorder one phone
    for their customers. I called 4 stores in my area and
    only one of them was able to generate a single pin.

    The store manager told us that the way Radio Shack
    determines how many phones they will get is by how
    many 3GS phones they sold over the year.

    There are so many factors that play with each
    individual store not to mention the fact that I don't
    think Radio Shack has a huge supply of phones coming
    to them in the first place.

    donald trump younger. younger donald
  • younger donald

  • maclaptop
    Apr 12, 10:33 PM
    I wouldn't worry. I have an insider source who assures me Apple is basing its entire iPhone 5 product launch on when your contract ends. Here's a direct quote from Steve Jobs:

    "While the antenna issues forced us to accelerate our product cycle in favor of a redesign a year earlier than expected, and while the earthquake/tsunami disaster in Japan has added several of its own complications, rest assured that Apple will take every conceivable measure to ensure that the iPhone 5 ships at a time close to the end of mlmathews' 3Gs contract. We have been quite fortunate with the success of out iOS devices in recent years, but we're not about to start pushing our luck here."

    You're right.

    I have confirmation that the upcoming iPhone release date is Tuesday January 17, 2012.

    donald trump younger. Donald+trump+younger+years
  • Donald+trump+younger+years

  • marksman
    Mar 23, 08:24 AM
    Complete BS "iphone" lookalikes date back to ebfore the iphone was anounced. So either some companys have people who can predict the future, or the design and tech behind the iphone was aused BEFORe it was released and apple just changed excisting designs.

    Ipad is basicly a large smartphone.

    LOL what?

    Perhaps you just dont have any experience with other UI's? That people jailbreak to specificly change certain parts of it shows there is something lacking.

    The context where UI and grid-like were used were not correct.

    Better notifications, different user profiles, better accesibility on settings, better multitasking, better start screen , more interactivity on the home screen,...

    People are saying they want the UI changed because it LOOKS dated, not because of anything it allows the user to do.

    You dont seem to understand what he is saying.

    multitasking is being able to run different programs at the same time. The ipad 1 isnt really capable of this as it laks ram to hold those programs in memeory.

    Apple solution is a cripled form of multitasking. Certain task can be done in the background and even certain programs are allowed to run completly in the background yet this all has to be coded AND remains hampered by the lack of ram.

    I am pretty sure I know what Apple does and the person I was replying to did not, not sure why you are defending them when they clearly did not understand it.

    Even in the browser you have trouble keeping open tabs as they constantly need to refresh as you switch as it runs out of memory.

    Yeah on the original iPad, and on the original iPhone as well. With the memory added now it is not a problem. Again people complaining about things they don't even understand.

    So you really think an extra 256MB of ram would have destroyed the battery life on the ipad? Strange how it DOESNT do that on the iphone 4 or comparable tablets.

    The original iPad had only 256mb of ram because Apple wanted to reach a killer price point, at $499. They managed to do it, and do it in Spades. This one factor alone has made it amazingly difficult for anyone to compete with the iPad in the space to deliver the specs and price point. You notice the iPad 2 has more memory right?

    If you got any source to back this up, post it otherwise its a myth like the "multitasking destroys battery life"

    WAT? Do you know how computers work?

    You should perhaps look beyond macrumors, plenty out there and depending on the consumer some better other worse then the ipad 1 and 2 .

    Plenty of what out where? Tablets? Are you serious? The Xoom, some tiny galaxy tab that is not really a comparable device? Are you serious that there are plenty out there? When the iPad 2 was already finished being designed and developed there were NO other legitimate tablet models in the marketplace.

    And britney spears sold a lot of almbums at a time, so at that time she was "the best"? BS of course.

    LOL what? So Apple sells a lot of expensive computing devices because they suck? Your point doesn't make sense. It is like you are just spinning in circles with this post about to throw up.

    Wich will be no different then for the iphone, and we both know within 2 years android outsold the iphone.

    So you don't understand the primary differences between the cellphone market and the launch of the iPhone and the tablet market and the launch of the iPad. If you did you would understand why this is not the case.

    Not to mention Android is an OS and the iPhone is a piece of hardware. You do know the difference between an operating system and a piece of hardware right?

    donald trump younger. donald trump young,
  • donald trump young,

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 22, 12:13 PM
    Funny also that we heard a DAMN THING from the media regarding the fact that ONLY CONGRESS can declare war.

    What was your beloved Reagan up to in Grenada then? :rolleyes:

    donald trump younger. donald trump young.
  • donald trump young.

  • bigbossbmb
    Aug 19, 08:19 PM
    That's why I'm waiting until December 10 to mail in my Crossgrade form and DVD. I wanted to get all the updates until the offer expires December 20 on the install DVDs I get with my Crossgrade. Thanks for pointing out that detail. :)

    I really doubt that they are going to put the new updates onto the crossgrade discs. I just got mine and it didn't include the 5.1.1 update...maybe a 5.2 update would be different. But I don't think it is really a reason to wait.

    donald trump younger. Donald Trump Ivanka Trump
  • Donald Trump Ivanka Trump

  • Teddy's
    Nov 29, 11:07 AM
    ...Major labels ceased to produce anything of worth quite some time ago.

    Oh yes! some major label releases:
    Grwen Pstefanny, Perris Hill Tong, Christeena Aguelara


    donald trump younger. show Donald+trump+young
  • show Donald+trump+young

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 22, 08:19 AM

    They are supposed to.

    However, nobody knows how much stock
    Radio Shack is going to receive.

    There are those that have reserved phones.
    Stock may only cover those. Perhaps there
    will be a few extras.

    RS is on the low end of the totem pole for
    receiving stock of these new phones so I
    suspect there will not be many on hand.

    donald trump younger. Young Donald Trump takes a
  • Young Donald Trump takes a

  • morespce54
    Aug 11, 12:18 PM
    Using TimeMachine, Steve is going to release it two years ago.

    LOL !!!!!!! Stop it !!!!! :D

    donald trump younger. donald Donald+trump+young+
  • donald Donald+trump+young+

  • AhmedFaisal
    Apr 29, 05:49 AM
    Step out of your little fairytale world and realize that we've have the same issues with a white Barack Obama. If Hillary was in office, she'd be getting raked over the coals just as hard. Similarly, if Allen West was president he'd be getting viciously attacked by the left. It has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with policy. It has everything to do with reality. If tomorrow Barack Obama turned into a conservative constitutionalist aiming to reduce government involvement in our lives, reducing taxes, reducing deficits, etc. all these same 'RACISTS' as you so conveniently label them would be singing his praises.

    Oh I see, and by questioning his birthplace you, Trump, Palin and your ilk are really criticizing his policies. Wow, again, you proved the old mantra, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS.

    donald trump younger. Donald+trump+younger+years
  • Donald+trump+younger+years

  • regandarcy
    Apr 6, 04:06 PM
    I've never liked backlit keys and have it turned off on my MBPs. I find it annoying, personally, but I do touch type so I'm never looking at the keys. I totally understand those who do want that feature (and Apple should add it to the MBA because it appears to be important for a enough people), but personally I don't care for it and am glad I can turn it off.

    I'm with you buddy. I totally don't need it either. Even if I was a hunt and peck guy, I could see keyboard fine in a dark room just by the light of the screen so I don't see the point. But that's just me. Personally I'd rather not have it drain my battery.

    But since I am such a good touch typist, I don't have to worry about that. :-)

    But to each their own.

    donald trump younger. Donald Trump isn#39;t going to
  • Donald Trump isn#39;t going to

  • Raid
    Apr 28, 11:04 AM
    I really have nothing to add to this thread, the whole thing was silly from the get go and is just a fantastic example of how American politics is more show than substance. (and a over-the-top- soap opera at that!)

    But I saw this today and thought I would share:

    You may now continue distract yourselves from real issues.

    donald trump younger. Donald+trump+younger+years
  • Donald+trump+younger+years

  • opinioncircle
    Mar 20, 07:56 AM
    Until we have publicly funded campaigns, there will be no change. As long as it costs millions to get elected, business will continue to set policy, maintain the farce of two different parties and basically run the country, a situation I think the OP of this thread is in favour of.

    Agreed. The 2012 race seems to be one for the books as far as campaign contributions are concerned.

    This should all go public.

    donald trump younger. Donald+trump+younger+years
  • Donald+trump+younger+years

  • syklee26
    Mar 26, 01:27 AM
    I have a feeling Apple won't charge $129 for Lion. It is not going to be easy to tell users that, after charging only $29 for SL, they are back to charging $129.

    I feel like Apple may charge around $49 for Lion.

    This is unless Jobs is going to be at WWDC with some really awesome secret features in his sleeve, like he did with Leopard.

    Aug 25, 02:46 PM
    dotMac support is horrible! There have been a ton of problems with their email service being labeled as a spam source lately. They aren't fixing the problem and there is no way of contacting support besides some worthless email form that only gets you canned responses in reply. They have no phone support either.

    So, for a $100 a year service you get a blacklisted email address and no support. Yay for Apple!

    Sep 13, 07:56 AM
    and this got negative votes because...??????????


    Jul 14, 03:55 PM
    So why use woodcrest WITHOUT dual processor configuration? Makes no sense, any single proc models should be conroe.
    4M of L2 cache is another good reason. According to recent reports, only the "extreme edition" of the Core 2 (aka Conroe) chip will have 4M. And it will cost more than Woodcrest.
    Macs have ALREADY had two optical bays (including twin CD drives). And none of these configs include two drives, you'd only have a second one if you wanted it.
    Where have you been shopping recently? Only one model PowerMac has ever had two optical drive bay.

    The MDD G4 PowerMac towers (August 2002-June 2004) have two optical drive bays. The G4 PowerMacs that came before only have one (the lower bay is only big enough for floppy-size devices, like zip drives.) The G5 PowerMacs only have one externally-accessible bay of any size.

    I would love the ability to install two optical drives, but your claim that Apple is currently shipping this somewhere is simply not true.

    Apr 10, 02:05 AM
    I'd wait for Haswell or maybe even Rockwell which will be the 16nm shrink of Haswell.

    Rockwell doesn't exist anymore, it's Broadwell now ;) After that it will be Sky Lake (16nm) and Skymont (11nm).

    Aug 19, 02:25 PM
    All that I get from that quote is that they are using older models, but that they will, obviously, be rendered in the new GT5 engine. So, the marketing team can say all they want, but actual screen shots of Standard™ cars do not show much improvement, if any at all, resolution increase notwithstanding.

    Based on what, old gameplay footage? Game are often tested with old resources while the new models are being built. God of War used a stick man with a sword until they got Kratos done.

    Look at this pic:
    That rx-7 looks tons better than anything GT4 ever had, but its still not as nice as the "premium" cars. I am assuming of course that this is live-rendered, and i believe it is due to the jaggies on the rear of the rx-7, which i can't imagine they would let slide on a pre-rendered shot.

    Time will tell, of course, but i'm certain they didnt just import models from GT4. What the hell would they have been doing for the past 5 years?

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