Monday, May 9, 2011

Homefront Video Game

Homefront Video Game. portion of the video game.
  • portion of the video game.

  • dukebound85
    Apr 10, 11:07 AM
    I wish there was a poll option of who is getting 288 and is say in a technical field such as engineering/stats/physics, etc

    My guess is that 288 is coming from people who use math extensively and 2 coming from those who may not...

    Homefront Video Game. Homefront Video Game Features
  • Homefront Video Game Features

  • toddybody
    Apr 7, 11:57 AM
    The last part was about the next revolutionary product.

    Don't think they will be complacent, but most likely without Steve Jobs they'll have a harder time.

    As far as complaining about C2D, MBP res, etc. , add Blue Ray that's never an issue for me.
    I don't buy any Apple product until I check out it's what I want or it's close enough to jump.

    I was on the sidelines until 3rd gen ipod, on the sidelines until MBP's fell into my price range ( I like to buy one generation back), and currently on the sidelines until ipad 3 or 4 as well as iphone 5 or 6.

    Good things come to those who wait. (I am from a generation that can wait without withdrawal symptoms)

    I never would suggest that Apple is going to tank/go back to HP manufactured iPod

    I just want other companies to succeed, if only to make my Apple products that much better. For instance, Id love to see the iP5 have a 4inch screen (im sure many disagree)...that could be a possibility because of some HTC success (Evo, Inspire...etc). BTW: Glad to hear youre a very contemplative buyer, it always pays off. Stay well friend, have a wonderful day.

    Homefront Video Game. More video game novelizations
  • More video game novelizations

  • teme
    Jul 21, 02:53 PM
    About MacBook... when Merom is released, Yonah's price will drop. This would help Apple to make a $999 MacBook with 2.0GHz Core Duo. The more expensive model could be a $1299 Macbook with 2.0GHz Core 2 Duo.

    Homefront Video Game. Overall Homefront holds its
  • Overall Homefront holds its

  • don.keishlong
    Apr 5, 09:45 PM
    Hmmm... I think I'll go jailbreak my iPod touch now.

    Maybe then I can get a toggle switch for wifi on my home screen. :rolleyes:

    You're an idiot

    Homefront Video Game. Homefront Video Game Review
  • Homefront Video Game Review

  • cgc
    Aug 4, 09:12 PM
    although the Merom is average faster than Yohan 10%~20%:cool:
    Even accounting for the 8% increase in clock speed that's an nice performance boost.

    Homefront Video Game. video game attention in
  • video game attention in

  • Mjmar
    Mar 26, 10:00 PM
    Fall iPhone 5?

    Homefront Video Game. the game Homefront before,
  • the game Homefront before,

  • CalBoy
    May 5, 02:27 PM
    Sorry it took so long to respond to this; I assure you it took only a second to Google (this is just the first result I found):

    All of that is about the private sector switching to save money on their bottom line, something which I already mentioned should happen (and will without intervention).

    The question is if the government mandated the metric system for EVERYTHING, from speed limits on the roads to the measurements on a box of Betty Crocker brownies. Many of these things won't actually lead to any increased economic efficiency because certain products can only be produced locally (say weather reports) and consumed locally. The cost of these industries switching would be quite expensive with no real economic gain because the products and services can't be exported or imported.

    Is that wink a small admission of how silly your system really is? :) Sure, the math was simple, but how meaningful are all these crazy fractions? If I actually had to try and picture what these fractions represent, I'd want to convert the denominator into a multiple of 10 first in order to try and picture it. I might note that twice 48 is roughly 100, so I know we're dealing with a bit over 26%. Other fractions could prove more difficult. With the metric system, you never have to do this. You're always dealing with base-10, which is something we all understand and can picture, without having to memorise particular fractions and what they represent.

    No the wink was just to say that 1) I would use a calculator, and 2) even if I couldn't, multiplying fractions is not hard at all.

    Well, we could certainly argue that international communication would be a LOT simpler if there was only one language � and it would be! However, the reality is, we have a world with not only a diversity of language, but a diversity of culture, and the two are intricately linked. That makes the world a very interesting place, and being able to speak multiple languages would be a wonderful skill to have when travelling and engaging in other cultures. People are generally proud of their heritage, culture and language, and there aren't too many people suggesting the world should lose all of that richness in the interest of conformity. (Well, there are such people, but I think we can agree they're generally pretty scary.)

    This is off topic, but language is but one part of culture. Customs, celebrations, and even measures, are all marks of a culture. In the process of colonization and free trade, we've actively destroyed many languages, customs, celebrations, and measures. I think we typically don't consider the loss of a measurement system to be too catastrophic because of the many conveniences that can be had from uniformity. But the same is true for language as well. I think the real reason we tend to gloss over measures is because they are typically easier to learn than a new language. Anthropologically speaking, however, they are very valuable in exploring a culture.

    What is different about the US that it can't do likewise? I honestly find it perplexing. Be honest now� Is it because the French invented it?

    Ultimately I think it comes down to the fact that the US is one of the few countries that had a great deal of popular sovereignty determine the outcome of whether or not we should switch to the metric system. Most other countries enacted policy through a quiet parliamentary action that was later carried out by agencies or at a time when most people weren't active in politics. Still others had theirs done at the point of a gun.

    In the US there are a lot of veto points in the legislative process, making any significant change hard to do. Americans also tend not to have a great deal of respect for the sciences (scientific literacy is appallingly low) so it makes it a tougher pitch to the everyday person. Then there's also the issue that to most it's a solution for a problem that doesn't exist; why should they care about a measurement system when the one they are using right now is working for them?

    You're not stepping out onto the moon this time. Just about every other country on the planet (and there are quite a few of them!) have gone before you, and it worked out just fine. Sure, it takes some time, but not as long as you might like to imagine. Let me come back to my own experience� I was born in the 70s, around the time Australia was just starting to transition to the metric system. The older folk may well have had a difficult time with it, but if so I was blissfully unaware of it. I came to learn what an inch was, since most rulers had inches on one side and mm/cm on the other, and people still, to this day, casually talk about their height in feet and the weight of newborn babies in pounds. (Yes, some old habits die hard.) But these sort of things are the exceptions. The transition to metric was so efficient, I, as a first generation growing up with it, didn't even notice there was a transition happening.

    Seriously, you should be looking to Australia and other countries with successful transitions and learning from them, instead of just perpetuating all these fanciful stories of how terrible it's going to be to change.

    The issue goes beyond just the prescribed time period to shift, however. As I mentioned above, there are a lot of infrastructure concerns. Not to mention that Australia in the 1970s was 13 million people, or about 24 times smaller than the current US population. The only other countries that were on this scale were India and China when they transitioned, and both had much less infrastructure and an already illiterate population that could be trained from the ground up.

    Any realistic transition for the US would take decades.

    Homefront Video Game. duck Video game homefront
  • duck Video game homefront

  • bastienvans
    Mar 30, 06:10 PM
    I sure hope so, downloading now to try but it's coming rather slowly...

    Keep us posted!

    Homefront Video Game. Homefront by THQ - Game caused
  • Homefront by THQ - Game caused

  • marvel2
    Nov 13, 10:47 AM
    Good for you Marvel2. How about a review after you use it. Tstreete did a great one but another perspective is always welcomed.

    BTW do you use Navigon? Did you get the Live Traffic update? Love to hear how they each or both worked with the kit.


    I'm going to use it for a few days and a couple trips around town first before I give a review. But my intial impressions of the kit is that it works just as advertised. Doesn't feel cheap, BT syncing is very easy and syncs every time I plug the phone in. Speaker volume is clear but may need to be louder. I still have to give it some time and adjust to my liking first (my car is pretty loud). And yes, I am using Navigon, but I have not yet downloaded their Live Traffice update.

    The key for making this purchase for me is to have at least the option to allow the calls to come in through the car's speakers while using the built-in mic on the dock.

    Also, the youtube video shows the guy had it stuck on his dash with the adhesive? Anyone have driver's point of view, pictures with it mounted with suction on the windshield? There's no way I'm sticking this thing to my dash.

    Per the manual, calls will not come in through your car's speaker but instead the TomTom car kit's speaker.

    I currently have the kit mounted on my windshield but I also tried mounting it on my dash. If you do not want to put that adhesive on your dash, buy a Sticky Pad ( and lay it on your dash. Now mount the TomTom kit as you normally would on the sticky pad as if it were glass. It sticks and works very well. Alternatively, you can put the adhesive disk on the sticky pad if you want the suction cup of the TomTom kit to cling to a hard plastic surface. When you leave your car, just peel the Sticky Pad off of your dash and it will not leave any residue. Essentially it is a GPS friction mount. Or you can buy this (, but its just too big for my tastes.

    What is the name of the store that you got it from? I'm curious to know if I could find one in my area

    Here is their website ( They are an authorized third party Mac reseller sort of like MacMall, but with a physical location. You can try calling other third party Mac resellers in your area if you don't have "The Mac Store" in your area.

    Homefront Video Game. Homefront Newspapers Guide
  • Homefront Newspapers Guide

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 11, 07:27 AM
    Only for those with a lack of understanding of basic math. Again, the problem is not the equation per say, it's the people that don't understand mathematics.

    Nobody uses / when writing down by hand (they do when programming on a computer- fine), or at least they shouldn't. It doesn't matter if / has a strict definition if it is not strictly enforced. I did a chemistry degree, and that obviously involves maths. Yet, if someone had emailed by an equation like this I would have asked for clarification, because I know they are thinking in terms of two lines (using ______).

    I'd say it is an assumption to presume that / literally means / in this case. The most likely scenario is it is only being used because this is a forum, in writing (or in proper software like LaTex) it would be written on two lines. The most logical answer is 288; however, I can't say what the original author intended.

    Hum, no it's not. Where did you this "clarity" from ? / is the division sign. Even if it is a fraction sign, 48/2 is the obvious fraction. Anything else requires assumptions and interpretations which have no room in mathematics.

    It's a joke. The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Note the username is Don't Panic.

    What do you get if you times 6 by 9?

    Homefront Video Game. the video game Homefront#39;s
  • the video game Homefront#39;s

  • Phil A.
    Apr 18, 02:48 PM
    I'm surprised it's taken this long, to be honest: I've thought for a long time that Samsung's phones in particular are pretty much a blatant rip-off of Apple's industrial design and user interface.
    HTC have shown that they can produce an innovative and different interface with their Sense UI, but Samsung seem to just want to rip-off Apples look and feel

    Homefront Video Game. fictitious video game that
  • fictitious video game that

  • BJB Productions
    May 7, 11:29 AM
    "It should be free. It's craptastic; painfully slow and full of bugs."
    --I agree with you, this is why I dumped it; I did not want to pay $90 for a service that was slow, and buggy. I switched to Gmail, although I still liked Mobile Me calendar, photos etc better.

    If they want to compete with Google, I think this is a good idea. I like Gmail better than Mobile me mail, but I love the other features of Mobile me like calendar, photos, iDisk, etc. Google has also still a very "basic" feeling to me. While Apple has a much nicer look and more options.

    Homefront Video Game. Homefront Review | Video Game
  • Homefront Review | Video Game

  • bloodycape
    Apr 18, 04:31 PM
    I hope what comes out of this is Samsung is forced to use standard android interface(which is alright), which would lead to faster software updates on a phone with pretty competitive hardware.

    Isn't Samsung making the cpus to iphone and ipad? If this turns sour could this mean, maybe Apple will go with upcoming Tegra 3 cpu(which has rumors of a quad core version), or TI with their nice hardware?

    Homefront Video Game. homefront game preview dubai
  • homefront game preview dubai

  • thisisahughes
    Mar 27, 05:58 AM
    won't it suck if there isn't a new iPhone until Oct?

    that's an understatement.

    Homefront Video Game. video game sales charts,
  • video game sales charts,

  • MikeTheC
    Nov 25, 11:18 PM
    thats wat im talking abooot, but i hope apple cleans up the interface a bit... hehe

    Ok, how about this:

    Homefront Video Game. The video game industry is a
  • The video game industry is a

  • wovel
    Apr 18, 04:01 PM
    Not at all. They can use those components for producing Galaxy devices. And they can use free Foxconn resources (since they would not be assembling iPhones anymore) for assembling. :D


    There would still be minuscule demand for the galaxy lines. Just millions of people using old technology while Apple found our bought a new supplier :)

    Homefront Video Game. Homefront Review
  • Homefront Review

  • akm3
    Apr 24, 09:37 PM
    Wow, that would look rly horrible, i mean 960x640 on a 27 inch screen:eek:

    Just joking, u probably meant DPI.

    At least the video cards would be able to drive decent frame rates :p

    Homefront Video Game. Homefront gets new trailer
  • Homefront gets new trailer

  • Stridder44
    May 6, 01:18 AM
    No way. Intel is fantastic, their CPUs are nearly unmatched, and while Intel itself can be finicky sometimes, it's not worth the headache of transitioning again. Not unless ARM has some amazing crap up it's sleeve that will de-rail all of Intel's market share. This rumor makes sense on some low end laptops, maybe, but the entire lineup? Hell no. Plus I've gotten used to being able to run Windows in Boot Camp.

    It's taken Apple over a decade to get where we are now. Why would they throw all that away? Not to mention that ARM has absolutely nothing that comes even slightly close to even mid-range Intel chips. And even in two years time, I'm very doubtful.

    Homefront Video Game. the Homefront video game
  • the Homefront video game

  • GregA
    May 6, 03:58 AM
    Why do you think, MS is making an ARM version of Windows 8? Because ARM is gona be the actual feature x68 enemy. Time will tell.

    Or they want Windows phones on ARM... which they already are aren't they?.

    Just like Apple put OSX on ARM 5 years ago (aka iPhone OS).

    Aug 11, 09:32 AM
    Why would they keep a 32-bit processor in the macbook when they're pushing 64-bit with Lepoard?Yes but remember Leopard is not going to be only 64-bit, it will run 32-bit and 64-bit applications side by side.

    Apr 9, 06:21 PM
    Official Google answer.

    Mar 31, 08:18 AM
    Really? In what sick and twisted world are you living? What's so very different in Lion that it's "not true desktop OS"? Launchpad the end of all?

    He speaks about inverted scrolling.

    P.S. Lietuvos Rytas is better :P

    Apr 24, 01:52 PM
    Now this, this is awesome. :apple:

    Nov 22, 08:31 AM
    i am sure apple is finding the world of phone carriers complex and difficult.

    The biggest hangup of theirs is probably the sale of media and ringtones. They simply probably do NOT want Apple to provide the solution. Even if Apple's storefront is better, they will not want money going elsewhere.

    that said, Apple's best option here is to simply launch the product themselves. Offer a GSM phone that is unlocked. The phone companies will get a clue later on when people want the product

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