Monday, May 9, 2011

Knocking On Heavens Door

Knocking On Heavens Door. Knockin#39; On Heaven#39;s Door
  • Knockin#39; On Heaven#39;s Door

  • Chupa Chupa
    May 4, 02:52 PM
    I think I still prefer a hard copy. If I download then I still have to burn a DVD for backup and emergency boot. I'd rather have a professionally burned copy that is going to be reliable long term.

    Also I don't have a big pipe to quickly download a 3GB package. I'm living in the slow lane here w/ 2mbps DSL.

    Knocking On Heavens Door. 05 Knockin#39; on Heaven#39;s Door
  • 05 Knockin#39; on Heaven#39;s Door

  • ChipperVW
    Sep 11, 11:19 AM
    Hoping there's a new iPod worth buying. I just sold my 5G iPod and 4GB Nano last night!


    Knocking On Heavens Door. Knockin on Heaven#39;s Door
  • Knockin on Heaven#39;s Door

  • snberk103
    May 6, 01:28 PM
    I said some stuff, and....No, that's not how it works -- YOU are supposed to do that to support your argument, not me :-).... Cheers!

    Okay. 'No one' was a hyperbole.

    Gosh, I can't get anything past you guys today! ;)

    Yeah, I'm having a tough day too ... :)

    Knocking On Heavens Door. Knockin#39; on Heaven#39;s door de
  • Knockin#39; on Heaven#39;s door de

  • navguy
    Jan 7, 06:14 PM
    it definitely is a strong consideration with a few add'l features for $10 more ... including that it works w/ both iphone and ipod touch, works w/ cases/skins, rotation notches seem firmer, and bluetooth works while off mount ... if you can get over the overall cost, the extra $10 is probably worth it.

    i received the TT car kit as a gift ... and enjoying it every day :D

    Knocking On Heavens Door. Knockin On Heavens Door
  • Knockin On Heavens Door

  • netdog
    Jul 30, 04:42 PM
    do you think they'd make it work with cingular and the rest, or do think they'd make their own service like helio?

    I would bet it will come out as GSM initially, though perhaps they will release a CDMA as well.

    Knocking On Heavens Door. Knockin#39; On Heaven#39;s Door
  • Knockin#39; On Heaven#39;s Door

  • dukebound85
    Apr 10, 05:49 PM
    Anything can be confusing and "ambiguous" if you throw enough uninitiated at a situation. It's just that people that lack proper knowledge or training would rather say something is "ambiguous" than admit that the problem lies with them.

    Always blame somebody else for problems, never yourself.

    Pretty much

    You get 288 if you know what you are doing and do not make the necessary assumptions that you have to make in order to get 2

    Having passed through college or any math class doesn't prove anything, even that someone is working in a particular field doesn't necessarily make it an expert in the subject.

    When your job relies on solving equations and manipulating them, you can bet it does as far as understanding the fundamentals of solving equations

    Math is a language we engineers, scientists, economists, etc... are fluent in.

    To us this is not-ideal delivery method, but it has a definite meaning.

    Looking at the thread, I think there is a clear dividing line. Native math speakers: scientists, engineers, programmers, etc... say 288. Others who are effectively non-native speakers may interpret 2 due to their lack of fluency.

    I agree

    If the person who wrote the equation meant 2, he would need to rewrite the expression with () encompassing the entire denominator

    When dealing with equations, you can not guess what is implied. You have to use a consistent framework and follow it verbatim.

    Knocking On Heavens Door. Knocking On Heaven#39;s Door by
  • Knocking On Heaven#39;s Door by

  • Vantage Point
    May 7, 04:55 PM
    Well, I just bought it because I need to sync my computers. However, I do not believe Apple would do this for free :rolleyes: At $99/yr list price it is a lot but I wouldn't mind paying $25/year. Better yet, Apple should include it as a free service for those with Apple Care to leverage people into buying the extended service, For others, charge $25 - $50/year. Heck, we pay a premium for Apple products, they should throw us a bone every now and then.

    Knocking On Heavens Door. Knockin#39; On Heaven#39;s Door
  • Knockin#39; On Heaven#39;s Door

  • CalBoy
    Apr 15, 11:20 AM
    To answer your question, any country that genuinely wants to improve their economy, as well as the lives of its citizens, would have 0% taxes on capital gains, income, and corporations. Most countries don't do this, not because it isn't true, but because it isn't human nature. Politicians seek power, approval, legacy, etc., all of which require taking money and spending it.

    No they do it to manage the negative externalities of capitalism. There is no perfect world where business ventures generate absolute gains for everyone. We have governments (and pay for them) so that life isn't nasty, brutish, and short.

    Now, I finally get to use the phrase "beg the question" in its correct meaning (a pet peeve of mine; Jon Stewart and Conan O'Brien always use it incorrectly). Saying that investors are investing in Asia because of growth and nothing to do with taxes, is merely begging the question. Didn't I mention in my previous post that taxes hamper growth? China was a communist country, in effect, a 100% tax. Call me crazy, but I think the change in that tax rate has contributed significantly to China's growth. Hong Kong was one of the first regions in Asia to grow. Let me give you one guess why Hong Kong has been an economic powerhouse for several decades now.

    Hong Kong has been wealthy for a long time, and a lot of it is due to the fact that it was a Royal Colony during the Second Industrial Revolution and a major port for the Royal Navy. At the peak of the British Empire, Hong Kong was one of the colonies that received a large boost from the opium trade in China. Modern Hong Kong wasn't dependent on low taxes; it was dependent on aggressive government spending.

    As for mainland China, it hasn't been "communist" for a very long time. Moreover, no one is advocating a 100% tax on all goods and services. Anytime you go from one extreme to a moderate position, you'll see improvements.

    In the US, we are flirting with the other extreme at this time. Taxes are at historic lows and we have a terrible economy to show for it. Clearly the 0% mantra does not work because as the marginal rate drops further and further, more people find themselves in poverty, unemployed, and with a smaller share of the pie.

    Knocking On Heavens Door. 6-20-09 Knocking on Heavens
  • 6-20-09 Knocking on Heavens

  • kavika411
    Apr 20, 09:59 AM
    Please! Make the damn phone bigger! Oh no, it may weigh a few more grams. Currently, the iphone4 is a tiny phone. For us adults, please increase the screen size, and probably, the width.

    I don't necessarily want it to be bigger just to be bigger, but I am tired of the now-stale marketing schtick Apple does year after year, "The new iPhone/MacBook/iPad/iPod is now ten percent thinner/lighter, smaller!!!!! And the crowd always goes crazy. It's just getting dumb at this point. Like with the iPad, there is absolutely no need to make the iPad any thinner or lighter; 90% of the people who buy one immediately buy a case which inherently makes it thicker and heavier. Same with the iPhone. I see them around all the time, and I honestly don't remember the last one I saw not in a case that made it bulkier and heavier.

    Knocking On Heavens Door. Knocking On Heaven#39;s Door by
  • Knocking On Heaven#39;s Door by

  • zelmo
    Nov 26, 11:47 AM
    I've always thought the tablet PC was cool tech in search of a practical application to take off in popularity.
    Using a tablet as remote for your iTV media center? check
    Using a tablet to wirelessly surf the web/email? check
    Using a tablet as portable music and video player? check

    With the right specs and price, Apple could pull this off.

    Knocking On Heavens Door. Knocking on Heaven#39;s Door
  • Knocking on Heaven#39;s Door

  • Little Endian
    May 9, 10:25 AM
    I don't know about completely free and with all the same features available now. Free would probably bog mobile me down to a joke status and even now I would hardly call mobile me performance stellar. Perhaps tiered pricing and plans would be more suitable.

    However I believe Apple could and should lower the price. I have been using Mobile Me since itools and have been paying the $100 a year Apple tax for the past 5+ years. Well sort of... The first year year hooked me in at $49 and I got another couple years on discounted terms. The progression of itools>.mac>mobile me has seem many improvements and added features, but really come on!! $100 a year for services that you could get for free or half off is pretty steep, sure the integration and seamlessness is nice but its far from perfect.

    I have actually been planing to cancel my mobile me plan for the last two years but both times auto renew and laziness sucked me back in. All I know is that this year will most likely be my last unless Apple dramatically improves performance, adds more features, or drops the price. After all itools used to be Free and was an added benefit of using a mac.

    Knocking On Heavens Door. Knocking On Heaven#39;s Door
  • Knocking On Heaven#39;s Door

  • beatybeaty
    Apr 26, 03:52 PM
    Why do these numbers never make sense to me? Massive iOS device sales, no reports of Android sales, yet -bam - Android takes over the world? I just don't get it...

    There are reports like this, then debunked, then a new one, then debunked. What is really going on?

    Knocking On Heavens Door. Knockin#39; on Heaven#39;s door de
  • Knockin#39; on Heaven#39;s door de

  • Popeye206
    Apr 20, 04:51 AM
    This will definitely be the first iteration of the iPhone that I will pass on. It's certainly not much of an upgrade from the iPhone 4.

    LOL! Sorry... not just laughing at you, but these are all pretty vague rumors so far so we have no idea what's really going to be there.

    Besides things like faster processors, upgraded cameras, more RAM, 4G, and/or RFID what the heck else can you pack into a phone that isn't addressed at the software level?

    However... with that said, I did also hear from the neighbor of a friend that has a friend that works for a supplier that makes the buttons on the iPhone that the new iPhone will definitely have buttons. :p

    Knocking On Heavens Door. knocking on heavens door
  • knocking on heavens door

  • skinnylegs
    Mar 29, 09:07 AM
    As much as I enjoy Apple products and services, it's nice seeing someone beat them to the punch. This can only be a good thing for all of us.

    I see cloud services as an exciting technology. I'm rockin a Macbook Air and the only files I keep on the 64 GB SSD are documents. All music, pictures, video and movies are on a 500 GB external HD. Obviously it requires little or no effort to plug said external HD into the Air but it would be nice to shed it. It would also be nice not having to sync music over to the iPhone.

    I say bring it on!

    Knocking On Heavens Door. Knockin#39; on heaven#39;s door.#39;s.
  • Knockin#39; on heaven#39;s door.#39;s.

  • ElGringo
    Aug 7, 04:01 PM
    You know, I bought a dual core 2.0 G5 PowerMac a bit back for the ability to expand as needed. Since then I have added a second hard drive and NOT ONE PCIe card. Why? Because NO ONE out there makes a PCIe USB expansion card that is compatible with Deep Sleep Mode.

    Maybe the new Mac Pro's will usher in some better options in this area. I don't want hubs and the subsequent extra wall warts that go with it. I want more USB prots, not more wall warts.

    How long has PCIe been around in the PowerMac's and now Mac Pro's and there still isn't a solution for this????

    Anyway, a bit of a sidetrack, but the new Mac Pro's do look sweet!!

    Knocking On Heavens Door. Knocking on heavens door.
  • Knocking on heavens door.

  • GadgetAddict
    Apr 20, 12:32 AM
    Why do we still call it iPhone 5? Everything points to iPhone 4S.

    Knocking On Heavens Door. Knockin#39; On Heaven#39;s Door
  • Knockin#39; On Heaven#39;s Door

  • onigami
    May 6, 02:00 AM
    This story broke 5 minutes ago and I'm already over it... Who cares if Apple wants to use something they think is new and revolutionary? Your opinion isn't going to stop them. While you're over here thinking "I can't do bootcamp with ARM" Apple is thinking "Bootcamp will be obsolite when we get done here" :apple:

    You must really love the stuff you write. You must also love the sound your voice makes when it talks. Since clearly what we write will have no impact whatsoever, why bother even having a forum? Hell, why even write a post like that?
    Get that iPhone out of your ass, seriously.

    You know how long it takes me to create an ARM version of my code on the Mac App Store?

    Two minutes.

    What do you want, a gold star? A cookie?

    Your app is prolly simple enough that you could do that. Consider more complex apps such as games and video-editing that require extensive use of the x86 architecture. That's the real problem.

    And in all seriousness, that is the real issue. Switching from x86 to ARM RISC is a really big problem because the benefit of x86 is that so much work has been done on it, porting Windows apps and/or games is simply a software coding issue as opposed to hardware. Even if ARM had comparable processes to x86 to compensate to some degree, that's still another series of steps to go through.

    And there's no real reason or benefit for them to switch to ARM. They have an incredibly solid partnership with Intel (they got Thunderbolt first, for Pete's sake), and what devices that could use ARM-like processors are already built in-house. If they really wanted a low-cost processor for laptops (again, no beneficial reason), they could just go for the AMD's Trinity platform with Fusion APUs. They already have Radeon GPUs in their entire lineup, don't see why they can't switch. Or even better, just build x86 chips in-house like they do with the A series.

    Knocking On Heavens Door. knocking on heavens door. taken at 30000 feet between ATL amp; DTW
  • knocking on heavens door. taken at 30000 feet between ATL amp; DTW

  • lilo777
    Apr 18, 04:35 PM
    Apple *have* patented the look of icons: and Samsung clearly infringes on them.

    (I'm not sure if a similar, US patent exists.)

    I doubt that "looks" can be patented in US. Anyways, according to this article: "The patent application was originally filed in September 2010 and also encapsulates designs pertaining to the reflective nature of icons in the iPad dock (wherein the reflection also describes the function of said icon/app).". There is nothing reflective about Samsung icons.

    Knocking On Heavens Door. knockin#39; on heaven#39;s door.
  • knockin#39; on heaven#39;s door.

  • codeus
    Apr 21, 04:40 PM
    quite right... no xserve is FUBAR.

    Sep 11, 01:57 PM
    What we should get:

    Movie Service with 1280x720 movies, Airport Extreme AV with composite, s-video and hdmi outputs.

    What we will get:

    Movie service with 320x240 movies, Airport Express AV with compostie and s-video only.


    Apr 23, 10:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    As I said a while ago, the next gen of MBP's will have a really good screen as a main selling point.

    No one listens!

    May 4, 02:51 PM
    Another stone in the OD's grave...
    I would prefer USB sticks...

    Mar 29, 02:51 PM :p

    craigslist takes 1st - 1000th place for all the state/city sub categories.

    Mar 29, 12:16 PM
    I was excited about this at first but... this just seems like an incredibly stupid fad. Instead of spending time to put the music on my PMP, I sync to the digital cloud, then stream the music to said player. Yeah, in an era where unlimited data is becoming more not less scarce, that's just what I need, data surcharges. This just appears to be yet another fad intending to push consumer technology in the wrong direction.

    I completely agree. I see a scary thing starting here. It used to be overage for "minutes" on phones (which almost never happens how). But now they want you to have "caps". They "claim" that the "typical user" doesn't regularly reach the cap. But with more and more of services with offerings like the cloud come into play. EVERYONE will be hitting those caps. Hell, just UPLOADING your music to the "cloud" may do this for some. Not to mention, if you get close you know that certain companies *cough-comcast* SLOW your internet speed down, right?

    Not to mention, you've got these companies who want to charge you for data...and then because you want to use your data a certain way, want to charge you more. (WiFi sharing of iPhone internet, thanks AT&T)

    Comcast doesn't charge me extra because we share our internet between 2 computers, 2 iPhones, an iPad, PS3, Tivo, Kindle 3, PSP....etc...

    We're heading down a dangerous path... stunted and/or limited internet and stringent data caps.

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