Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Moorhead Sports Center

Moorhead Sports Center. Moorhead Center Mall Antique
  • Moorhead Center Mall Antique

  • shawnce
    Aug 28, 02:25 PM
    from what ive read the difference between Core Duo and Core 2 Duo isnt much
    its not like P4 and Core 2 Duo

    the Core 2 Duo are -10-15% faster at the same clock speed but use more power At the same clock speed they use about the same amount of power but have improved performance AND they support x86-64, have much improved SIMD hardware (bringing SSE much closer to AltiVec in terms of performance per clock) and double the L2 cache. All around this is a better CPU.

    ...however for them to truly shine you will want to pair them with Intel's new mobile chipset that should be out early next year (if not sooner).

    Moorhead Sports Center. IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN
  • IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN

  • Warbrain
    Apr 20, 10:59 AM
    This has nothing to do with GPS or Location Services and turning those off won't change that. It also has nothing to do with tracking your whereabouts.

    The file contains a log of the cell towers you connected to and when. That's it. This is why the dots are in grids that get bigger the as you leave populated areas and routinely include places you haven't been within 30 miles of.

    This information is most likely used for connection quality monitoring and caching for Assisted GPS cold starts. It is also the same information stored by your cell phone provider no matter what phone you use. As such, "Big Brother" already has the ability to access to this information.

    At this point, the only person potentially aided by this discovery is a suspicious spouse.

    This is what I'm thinking; just need to wait to see what else comes out.

    Moorhead Sports Center. Moorhead High School Athletic
  • Moorhead High School Athletic

  • surf2snow1
    Mar 30, 11:48 AM
    I want my 5 mins back from reading this article and writing this post......

    Sue M$

    Moorhead Sports Center. IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN
  • IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN

  • charlituna
    Apr 20, 12:15 PM
    WOW this is a major privacy breach.

    How so. The phone is recording where it goes. There is no proof that it is sending that information to anyone.

    And how likely is it that you are going to be careless with your iphone and/or the computer you sync it to. Particularly without a passcode lock on your iphone to protect your personal data.

    Apple has provided the means to lock your phone, to auto wipe it if someone can't guess your pass code in several times and even to turn off location services and refuse app by app to allow them to use your location. Plus you can encrypt the back ups to your computer.

    Unless you can prove they are transmitting that data to another party without your permission what wrong is Apple doing, what are they breaching.

    Moorhead Sports Center. flooded homes in Moorhead
  • flooded homes in Moorhead

  • obeygiant
    Apr 10, 08:26 PM
    LA Times (http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-ikea-union-20110410,0,4172495,full.story)

    Well, the right has gotten what it wants. Low wages, no benefits, non-union jobs.

    What next? Reintroduction of slavery?

    Current and former plant employees said they resented the unpredictable work hours and high-pressure atmosphere. The plant assesses penalty points for violations of work rules; workers who accumulate nine of them can be fired.

    "It's the most strict place I have ever worked," said Janis Wilborne, 63, who worked at the plant for two years and quit last year.

    Six African American employees have filed discrimination complaints with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, claiming that black workers at Swedwood's U.S. factory are assigned to the lowest-paying departments and to the least desirable third shift, from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.

    "If we put in for a better job, we wouldn't get it � it would always go to a white person," said Jackie Maubin, who worked the night shift in the packing department until last year, when she was fired on her birthday.

    Swedwood has been trying to settle four of the discrimination complaints through mediation. The company initially offered Maubin $1,000. She settled for $2,000. She said she needed the money to keep her car from being repossessed.

    This sounds like IKEA is the one being a bitch.

    Some of the Virginia plant's 335 workers are trying to form a union. The International Assn. of Machinists and Aerospace Workers said a majority of eligible employees had signed cards expressing interest.

    In response, the factory � part of Ikea's manufacturing subsidiary, Swedwood � hired the law firm Jackson Lewis, which has made its reputation keeping unions out of companies. Workers said Swedwood officials required employees to attend meetings at which management discouraged union membership.

    Plant officials didn't return calls and declined to meet with a Times reporter who visited the Virginia facility. Swedwood spokeswoman Ingrid Steen in Sweden called the situation in Danville "sad" but said she could not discuss the complaints of specific employees. She said she had heard "rumors" about anti-union meetings at the plant but added that "this wouldn't be anything that would be approved by the group management in Sweden."

    I can't see how this is "the right's" fault. If so, why doesn't "the left" step in a help out?

    Moorhead Sports Center. IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN
  • IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 11:47 AM
    Why would you think that? The Intel IGP can drive the same resolution on the 15" just fine.

    My Matrox G200 AGP 4x card can drive these resolutions flawlessly, and it has only 8 MB of RAM and hails from 10 years ago. People seriously don't understand graphics performance and where it matters if they really think driving a framebuffer resolution is something we need modern hardware for.

    Moorhead Sports Center. the Moorhead Center Mall.
  • the Moorhead Center Mall.

  • afd
    Apr 11, 08:15 AM
    I can't imagine how Apple could have thought they could keep that private key secret forever.

    been secret since '04

    Moorhead Sports Center. IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN
  • IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN

  • acslater017
    Sep 5, 04:06 PM
    I expect upgrades to the laptops, iMac, and Mini. Also, there is a good chance of introducing either a iPhone or a iHome.
    iTunes Movie Store is certain, although it would be interesting to note how apple goes about selling movies (like the resolution, download times, pricing etc.)

    haha wasn't the iHome that supposed elevator photo thing?

    Moorhead Sports Center. Dragons sophomore center Alex
  • Dragons sophomore center Alex

  • maclaptop
    Apr 19, 09:59 PM
    Please come to Korea. Samsung have been doing this illegally for years, often suing the small person to popperdom. No big corporation is good, but when you attach massive corps under the umbrella of a conglomerate, you combine all of that evil into one massive black hole.

    At least Apple try to get to the bottom of suicides and deaths at their factories; at least they have only one core business to protect ruthlessly. Samsung (indeed, the biggest copycat I've seen) are huge pirates (selling fake DVD's/CD's in their grocery stores; rebadging Mercedes, Nissan, etc., cars for their own line; buying out large portions of most newspapers here). Apple's rise to the top has been fettered with bad, but not outright illegal bad to the extent Samsung's has.

    Now we have bad planting a peck on evil.
    I fly internationally for business, with three visits per year to a different division of Samsung.

    Please do not get me wrong, I am not advocating for them.

    I have a full understanding of the business culture of both Samsung and Apple. The point I'm making is Apple could choose to take the high road, no one is forcing their hand, nor will Apple suffer.

    Apple's track record is too well established, just witness their overwhelming success.

    There is simply no reason, contrary to what some may believe, for Apple to add yet another law suit to the long list they've originated.

    Apple could have chosen to be a world class leader with a great positive aire of confidence, not fear and paranoia.

    It's no secret that Samsung and others run a rough and tumble business in their region.

    Finally, its my preference to choose the products that suit my needs no matter who builds them.

    We live in a global economy without the luxury of choosing the country of manufacturer. While it could be argued "just don't buy from them". We all know that isn't going to hurt a huge company one bit.

    Moorhead Sports Center. IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN
  • IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN

  • LaMerVipere
    Sep 12, 02:08 PM
    I hope Apple releases an iPod software update so those of us who already own 5th generation iPods can take advantage of all these new features.

    Moorhead Sports Center. Athletic Complex.
  • Athletic Complex.

  • asdf542
    Apr 14, 01:44 PM
    I was asking you what I thought would be an easy question for you to answer. I'll ask again, it will work with any USB device, do you think that is an incentive for drive vendors to invest in it? I'll wait.
    Yeah, it is. USB 3.0 is not that big of a step up from USB 2.0 so those that really need the extra bandwidth will not bother with it and go straight to Thunderbolt. Simple as that. Leave your rinky dink Toys R Us low bandwidth peripherals to USB and leave the big boy peripherals to Thunderbolt.

    And I've posted no strawman arguments. I didn't insult you either. It was an observation. Reading difficulty is a problem, sure, but it is a a challenge that many people face. I am hopeful that those with this limitation can better themselves perhaps by taking some courses. Dialog is always better with someone that understands and can follow the discussion.Sure you have, you've completely ignored my other post then changed the subject to reading comprehension to smokescreen the topic at hand. Oh and give me a break with your non-insult ********. You have been making jabs about short buses and taking comprehension classes over a Thunderbolt and USB discussion. If anything you are the one that needs to take some classes, maybe not on comprehension but I'm sure you get the idea.

    To properly recap, I believe it could be a repeat of FW and it could end up being considered 'Mac only'. I know it is subtle that a claim it will be DOA (well, subtle like a baseball bat, I guess), but it shouldn't be this difficult for you to understand. You are really, truly, picking the wrong fight. I think we actually agree on a lot of points. I'd like it to succeed, but can see things that might be obstacles. You don't see those as obstacles or perhaps don't see them at all. But, really, stop arguing against things I never said.Actually let's do a real recap:
    You agree with a claim that Thunderbolt will be Mac only
    I respond with an article that simply states it won't be
    You respond with the reason it won't take off as manufacturers will have to add it separately
    Econgeek tells you it's a completely different scenario because they don't need a license through Apple
    I tell you Intel will be supporting both
    You then start with your strawman argument and ignore a portion of what I stated
    You also follow that up with some insults
    I respond with video proof of why Thunderbolt will be popular with many devices
    You ignore then respond with more insults

    Moorhead Sports Center. IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN
  • IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN

  • ciTiger
    Apr 25, 01:26 PM
    Most people bought the current model for the SB CPU's, nothing to do with thunderbolt. Hideous? Erm subjectively the best looking laptops in production. Go troll somewhere else.


    But if you say this design is hideous than maybe you could indicate us which design is you are so fond of... So we can judge for ourselves...

    Moorhead Sports Center. Roberta Moorhead
  • Roberta Moorhead

  • ergle2
    Sep 10, 01:34 AM
    True, the Pentium M (Mobil Centrino) was a hudge sucess for Intel! The Pentium D (Desktop) was a dual-core disaster, pushing the old "NetBurst" Pentium 4 past all safe design limits.

    Core 2 is the all new rework that saved Intel!

    Core 2 isn't "all new". It's an evolutionary design based on Core tho some parts are borrowed from other Intel designs (the Memory Disambiguation tech was originally designed for the unreleased, unlamented Tejas, for example).

    Other changes include a full 128-bit path to the SSE registers, meaning that all SSE instructions can now complete in a single cycle, L2 shared cache instead of separate L2's per CPU, an extra integer unit, etc.

    And, of course, the 64bit extensions :)

    Sure, there's enough in the way of changes/additions to render it worthy of being considered a new microarch, but those changes are evolutionary.

    Ironically enough, there's a direct line from Core 2 going all the way back to P6, whereas NetBurst really was "all new"!

    Moorhead Sports Center. teammate Kaitlin Moorhead
  • teammate Kaitlin Moorhead

  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 09:27 AM
    Der. No! The Conroe CPU is the desktop version of the the Merom CPU which is not currently used in any Mac.I don't get where this Conroe in the iMac thing came from either. The power it draws and heat it produces even puts the 970FX to shame.

    The bench marks show that the Conroe based CPU's are going to smoke the AMD competition. :)Yeah, the FX-62 has some competition. Even the 1.86 GHz model can compete in some tests.

    Moorhead Sports Center. IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN. 2009 IIHF U-18 International Hockey Tournament in Fargo Moorhead.
  • IIHF U-18 International Hockey at Moorhead Sports Center, Moorhead, MN. 2009 IIHF U-18 International Hockey Tournament in Fargo Moorhead.

  • JAT
    Apr 11, 12:05 PM
    Try proofing before posting articles.

    "especially when there it is possible to be an officially licensed AirPlay partner."
    They do appreciate notice of such things, but you could try using a friendly tone.
    True, but if you've just spent �450 on the receiver and another �100 or so on speakers you'd maybe resent having to shell out more for AirPlay.
    I've never quite understood the mindset that '$600 is ok for a PS3, $300 is ok for an iPod Touch, $2000 is ok for a pieced gaming rig, $200+$30/month forever is ok for a smartphone....but spend another $30 to get a necessary accessory??? You bastards are ripping me off!!' :rolleyes:

    Also, people should really plan ahead and not expect others (say, Apple) to accomplish setting up their home for them. Expecting and whining about getting any speaker and any song on any device to communicate without YOU having a bit of forethought is silly. If you have 10 rooms with speakers, then set them up right with potential 'friends' iPods' hookup somewhere. Put your iTunes server on the most intelligent computer for whole house audio and set it up appropriately. You should be happy it no longer costs $10000+ to do such a thing. Whether it's a few AEXs or other means, you can get what you want, go do it.

    Moorhead Sports Center. of high school sports
  • of high school sports

  • Speedy2
    Mar 29, 03:42 PM
    Now read through the rest of the posts after that and discover that Finder does not support Cut and Paste.

    There are plugins for that. Works fine on my Mac.

    God, you people pretend as if there weren't any solutions to common problems out there. It's nice if certain features are there out of the box, but people who actually miss CUT+Paste are smart enough to install a simple tool.

    Personally, I like the XP+Win7 Explorer better than the Finder.
    However, both of them could very well do with tabs.
    But you may guess: there are plugins for that. Good ones.
    I wouldn't wanna miss that feature!

    Moorhead Sports Center. Down UNDer Sports Bar,
  • Down UNDer Sports Bar,

  • Denndave
    Sep 26, 01:27 PM
    Why doesn't Apple just sell the phone themselves??? That way, people all over the world can buy it. Why doesn't Apple sell it themselves on their website and their Apple Stores?

    Please, please, please, do not switch to Cingular just for this phone! They are known for having the worst customer service in the USA. It was a nightmare being with them (5 calls a month to Cingular customer service, at ~45 minutes each, to correct their billing mistakes). I switched to T-Mobile, and they are FAR better. Their customer service is a excellent.

    Getting back to the main subject though... If this product is being sold as locked in the USA, I will just buy an unlocked one from Europe and have it shipped to me.

    Moorhead Sports Center. Moorhead - Wellness Center
  • Moorhead - Wellness Center

  • aswitcher
    Sep 15, 06:36 PM
    I'll be very tempted if it has;
    All the display info in the latest iPods
    4-8 GB
    Full iLife intergration (iSync, iTunes, iPhoto, iCal, Address book (with pictures), Mail)
    Earphones (Pref BT and acts as hands free)

    iChat with BT for Audio?
    IR remote feature
    Light / Flash

    Moorhead Sports Center. Urban Plains Center, Fargo, ND. www.fargomoorhead.org
  • Urban Plains Center, Fargo, ND. www.fargomoorhead.org

  • Gem�tlichkeit
    Apr 20, 01:26 PM
    Just read the licensing pdf posted in this thread.

    The bold part of section 4 is what this is talking about. You can opt out of it collecting location data if you turn off location detection. It's collecting data based on you agreeing to it.

    Apr 28, 03:24 PM
    Well MS has two games to play on:

    1. Tablet/Phone

    The tablet/phone is going to be a big deal. If they do well, they are going to generate good profits.

    2. Operating System/ Office

    Unless and until MS does something new under operating systems, throwing windows 8 is not going to make a big difference. Also, till the time Windows 8 comes out MS's profits are going to decrease.
    Kinect is out/ Windows 7 is out - This side is gonna go down.

    So till the time Windows 8 is ready MS has to count on the mobile business.

    Aug 28, 05:35 PM
    There is a significantly less amount of wiggle room for them, they will now have to answer to shareholders, about why they are taking so long to roll out a product that all the other PC manufacturers are shipping.

    But since the other companies (Dell, HP, etc.) aren't actually shipping their C2D laptops and systems for at least another two weeks, I don't think Apple is sweating it, and I'm betting their shareholders aren't worried either.

    Apple is probably simply waiting until their shipments from overseas that are due to hit on the 5th, are actually in stores and online ready to purchase before they make the announcement. If they do announce on the 5th or 6th, they'll pobably be available to order and ship that day. In that sense, they would actually be shipping before any of the other manufacturers. If they wait until the following week, or the week after, they'll still be shipping at or about the same time as the other companies.

    Apple won't be behind on shipments just because they're behind on announcements. They probably just want to have their systems available before they announce them.

    Aug 28, 11:11 PM
    Don't get me wrong, I would welcome a new enclosure but I think that allowing the prospect of one to be the determining factor in the purchase of a machine is ridiculous. As much as I would LOVE to have a gunmetal colored mbp, if it came out tomorrow I wouldn't be upset that I have a silver one because I truly do love my machine. Apple will always continue to innovate and release new products, and IMO now that they're using intel chips the rate of obsolescence will increase (in terms of harware and performance more than appearance).

    Oh yes that makes sense.

    I truly and honestly think the only reason I dont praise the Powerbook look is because now look how many computers are getting that aluminum finish and trying to look like Apple... Though they fail, it doesn't mean it still makes me want a change (if that makes sense?).

    Oct 12, 12:47 PM
    Why would a charity help women and children victims, but not men? Why not just offer help to "AIDS sufferers"?

    I'll probably come of sounding like a jerk and opening a HUGE can of worms with this, BUT...

    I'm glad somebody else was thinking what I was thinking! Why do we constantly have to place a line between men and women, black and white, American and everyone else. If we actually want equality and unity and all those wonderful things, I think it's about time we stop dilineating between groups of people.

    It can't be both ways... if women/minorities want equality in the work place, or government, or in society as a whole, there can't also be inequality in the world when it comes to things like this... men and women, black and white, straight and gay - they have to be equal across the board, or not at all. We can't have it both ways.

    That said, bravo to Apple, U2, and anyone else involved here. Anytime you can use your power and influence to raise funds and awareness - no matter the alterior motives - it's a good thing.

    Sep 10, 10:38 PM
    here's hoping to something good in the living room!*

    we'll see soon enough

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