Monday, May 9, 2011

Pathways World School

Pathways World School. Ib+world+school
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  • kevin.rivers
    Jul 14, 12:44 PM
    Yeah, considering we get so many posts about "Will this RAM work?". It seems like the populous is clueless about DDR/DDR2 and FSB.

    Exactly. Which is why the Ghz myth will stay for a long time. You can't market Memory or FSB or SATA or PCI-X/PCI-E, you won't get anywhere.

    Ghz, GB, "X times faster", and you can play games that look very pretty. Those will be what computer marketing will be all about for many years to come.

    Pathways World School. hall Ib+world+school
  • hall Ib+world+school

  • blackstarliner
    Sep 19, 03:15 PM
    Afte reading the whole article, I get the feeling that Apple will be slammed in this Thursday's follow-up article about iTS.

    Maybe, but he seems to mention that it was nicer somehow in one paragraph.

    Plus, this review finds shortcomings in both systems:

    Pathways World School. World Journalism Preparatory
  • World Journalism Preparatory

  • 08Hawks
    Mar 23, 04:53 PM
    Tell them NO ! No ! NO ! The States/Cities do not enforce the Law to the extreme like they should after the 1st offense !!!!! What difference does it make if all you are going to do is smack their little hand the first few times !!!! The folks that are going to break the law are going to break the law no matter what !!! Also I might add that I have seen here in the greater Kansas City Mo area that the newspapers post the areas anyway ...

    Pathways World School. trio world school
  • trio world school

  • iGary
    Sep 10, 04:27 PM
    I hate to say it, but my guess is this is an iPod event, not a MB MBP event. ;)

    Pathways World School. Pathways: Rakhi Lahiri #39;10
  • Pathways: Rakhi Lahiri #39;10

  • iRun26.2
    Apr 24, 05:37 PM
    Yeah it should be, there's no hard drive to make noise and unless you keep it on a stove or do insanely heavy processing you shouldn't hear the fan either.

    Sandy Bridge should also run more efficiently than the C2D. That will not only extend baterry life, but it will also keep the normal operation temperatures down.

    My only worry is how much I will notice the loss GPU compare to the 320M.

    Pathways World School. Pathways World School
  • Pathways World School

  • cvaldes
    Mar 22, 02:13 PM
    I'm hoping we don't see Apple adopting the HD Intel Graphics, cuz they are going to suck as far as gaming goes..
    The current iMacs use discrete ATI Radeon GPUs.

    Since the newly released MacBook Pros also include ATI Radeons, it is likely that Apple would continue this trend with the next batch of iMacs.

    You needn't worry.

    Pathways World School. aba-an Ib+world+school
  • aba-an Ib+world+school

  • Benjamins
    Mar 29, 12:45 PM
    IF Apple is really serious about dominating the market, BOGO will easily push their market share up a few points.

    But something tells me they don't really care.

    Pathways World School. Pathway World School: 조회
  • Pathway World School: 조회

  • iMacZealot
    Sep 14, 12:27 AM
    The mockups always look real, but when the actual product comes out, it's wayyy cooler than the mockups. Look at the 5G iPods and its fakes.

    Everyone seems to know that Apple is waiting to release a phone. It's only natural after all the success the iPod's doing.

    As for when this phone comes out, It'll probably be Cingular at a "one more thing" event in october just like last year.

    Pathways World School. Pathways College Preparatory
  • Pathways College Preparatory

  • holycat
    Sep 14, 08:21 AM
    New version of Aperture!.. Saweeet

    or more likely a new Apple iSLR

    16 Megapixels
    full frame sensor
    Adaptive lens mount supports all Canon and Nikon Lenses
    60gb removeable 1.8" hard drive
    3" OLED screen
    Shoots in a new Apple RAW format
    eye tracking for focus
    Spot metering
    1/8000 shutter with 150,000 shutter life
    Full weather sealing
    Magnesium body
    6fps (up to 25 raw frames)
    Depth of Field Preview
    Pop up flash
    802.11 Wifi
    GPS built in
    Optional Battery Grip
    Scrollwheel navigation for menu system
    Apple iScreen Digital Image processor
    64 Segment Metering and Spot Metering
    Supports Compact Flash

    if this is the case...i would rob the buy that new iCamera!:D :D :D :D :D :D

    Pathways World School. thefind an Ib+world+school
  • thefind an Ib+world+school

  • min_t
    Aug 23, 07:38 PM
    There's more to this than anyone here as realised I believe.

    A hundred with 6 zero's is an awful lot of cash, even for Apple, but what gets me is just how quickly this has been settled.

    Before going down that road though, lets understand that fighting this case could have cost Apple between, let's say half as much and maybe 3 times as much, so it's a fair gamble. Additionally it seems that Apple have endorsed the creative patent, which may pave the way to creative receiving further license fees of which it seems Apple will receive a share.

    The deal also lets creative move into the accessory market with made for ipod and out of the mp3 player market. I don't know if this is usual but I have an ipod which cost � 270, but I have around � 400 of made for ipod accessories. Perhaps creative will earn more from accessories than their zen. creative have struggled against the ipod, the zune may not have a significant impact on ipod sales but it would destroy the zen.

    In many ways it is all the accessories for the ipod that make it so irresistible. creative may not only join the made for ipod market, but enhance it and ultimately benefit Apple. Also whilst not clear here whether the tag is free or not, I believe the made for ipod tag earns apple 10% of sales, which if not free is likely to recover all if not more than the $100 m paid to creative.

    Now to the issue of how quickly Apple settled. I have to wonder why Apple could not have hung on for 6 months, offered creative half or 3/4 as much and had their hand snapped off because of creative's declining situation. Put simply I believe the deal had to be done quickly because Apple are about to announce something big, something that may have made the $ 100m look miniscule.

    I was thinking the same thing. Creative was asking for a cease order to stop deliveries from Asia. There must be something on that super transport leaving Shanghai harbor last week.

    Pathways World School. But IB World Schools have
  • But IB World Schools have

  • hdsalinas
    Aug 28, 05:10 PM
    Only if you buy the machine but don't open the box (unless you're willing to pay a 10% restocking fee). And that's only if you get the standard config, no custom BTO. Plus if you order it, you'll pay shipping back to them.

    Actually NONE of the pc companies have made the transition. They haven't shipped a single machine with the new chips, just made announcements of shipments days or weeks away (and that was just earlier today...even if apple was behind, they'd only be hours behind, not even a full day). Right now apple is only behind in press releases, which has nothing to do with being ready to adapt to an intel platform. Now ranting about PC companies that haven't shipped the new machines yet...THAT is ridiculous.

    I also think (this is my personal opinion, is not based on facts but just my impression) that apple has more "intense" followers than HP o Dell. Apple fans are always waiting for the latest and greatest from apple. They talk about new products making all kinds of speculation and rumors. (just like this thread)

    While HP and Dell (gateway, toshiba etc) dont seem to have people as excited about their new product releases. They can say, in two weeks we will release this laptop with this processor and no one really cares as much as if apple would make the same statement.

    These companies just sell appliances. People who are in the market for a windows based PC/laptop just look at what is currently available and buy what fufills their needs. Then they forget about HP (or any other manufacturer) until is time to replace their equipment.

    But then again I may be wrong.

    Pathways World School. Chilton – an IB World School
  • Chilton – an IB World School

  • cozmot
    Mar 21, 02:16 PM
    The point is that MisterMe said nothing that your response would have fit. You can infer all you want, but it's very clear that MisterMe was talking about the market share myth, and was not inferring that Macs are immune to malware.

    No, I just took the first example you posted and saw that it didn't prove your point at all.

    That's quite true.

    Using your STD example, I have zero need for protection if my wife and I are exclusive with each other, as we are. Likewise, protection isn't currently necessary for a Mac if the user exercises reasonable care and caution. If you want to run AV on your Mac, it's perfectly within your right. It's just not needed for protection.

    You alone have the power to stop reading or posting in this thread.

    It's not turning a mountain into a mole hill to stand by accurate, factual statements when they're challenged. It's not a "status-quo"; it's the current reality in the Mac computing world. No one is saying that it couldn't change in the future. It just hasn't yet.

    You have no idea what attitude "most Mac users" have, unless you've interviewed the many millions of them. If I exercise the reasonable care that I've already described, it can't happen to me, in the current computing environment. If that situation ever changes, such as the introduction of a true Mac virus into the wild, any antivirus app I may have installed today will provide no protection from that event.

    It's called "profit motive", which any successful company has.

    Again, a personal opinion. Like millions of others, I find their hardware options perfectly acceptable and I don't have a problem with their pricing. If that weren't true, I and millions of others simply wouldn't buy from them.

    No one is suggesting that you shouldn't be careful. In fact, that's exactly what we've been saying: if you're careful, you don't need antivirus software to protect your Mac from malware.

    I think GGJstudios answered MagnusVonMagnum's contentions, misrepresentations and straw-man arguments perfectly. And Magnus, I hope that you're truly sick of this thread, because I am too with your belaboring the same points, putting words in peoples' mouths and contributing nothing to this thread. Really, enough already! Quit reading and posting here, and get well soon.

    Pathways World School. Treamis World School
  • Treamis World School

  • kurtsayin
    Oct 27, 12:37 PM
    I'm so sick of environmentalists. It is just self-righteous bigotry that has very little basis in actual facts. We don't live in some kind of uber-polluted country where the air is unbreathable and garbage heaps block scenic viewing. We are not short on trees, we are not short on resources, we are not all dying from PVC poisoning...

    Greenpeace's website was talking about how children in far-East countries were poisoned from rummaging through apple computer parts and that it is some how apple's fault?! If Greenpeace had any kind of results-oriented logic, they would focus their efforts on governmental reforms in other countries that [U]buy our garbage![U] Why should apple be forced to change products that function almost perfectly because some backward governments in Asia enslave their people and buy our garbage to let people try and rummage through it for parts?

    Greenpeace is a fringe, extremist group that hates industry above all else - Industry that brings us computers, cars, phones, televisions, radios... If they had their way, we would be living in the 18th century again, in which case we would be swiftly taken over by China... :(

    Pathways World School. an IB World School is the
  • an IB World School is the

  • jacollins
    Apr 20, 11:17 AM
    Unless I'm missing it in the thread, I didn't see anything on this particular question. Does anyone know if this database on the iPhone is accessible by apps? ie. can you download some app that then scans the database and uploads your information elsewhere behind the scenes?

    Pathways World School. accredited IB World School
  • accredited IB World School

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 31, 05:45 PM
    I don't see the big deal

    Don't see the big deal about what? That a ton of new apple products, like Core 2 Due MBP's and MB's, Conroe iMacs, new iPod videos and Nano's for example could be announced on the 12?

    Or that the Pope is German?:)

    Pathways World School. pathways world school,
  • pathways world school,

  • Mr. Gates
    Mar 23, 04:44 PM
    Looks like I have a new $#!T List

    Pathways World School. the world#39;s largest school
  • the world#39;s largest school

  • 0815
    Apr 20, 12:37 PM
    I'm not on Facebook.

    And for a lot of things I can chose to opt-out, or even better, I get to opt-in.

    This is stored without me knowing, the data is stored unencrypted, and for most owners, the data will end up on their computers unencrypted.

    Apple, Google, or my phone provider storing this information in their servers is a different issue than it being stored on the phone.

    So did you opt-in that the government / law enforcement gets the tracking data of your phone (smart-phone,dumb-phone,whatever-phone) .... well does not really matter because they don't care if you opted in or not, they just store it on THEIR server (which is quite different than having it on my phone and my laptop with only me having access ... well its still stored on the government server)

    Pathways World School. Dunn IB World School
  • Dunn IB World School

  • Aaron H.
    Apr 20, 10:56 AM
    This has nothing to do with GPS or Location Services and turning those off won't change that. It also has nothing to do with tracking your whereabouts.

    The file contains a log of the cell towers you connected to and when. That's it. This is why the dots are in grids that get bigger the as you leave populated areas and routinely include places you haven't been within 30 miles of.

    This information is most likely used for connection quality monitoring and caching for Assisted GPS cold starts. It is also the same information stored by your cell phone provider no matter what phone you use. As such, "Big Brother" already has the ability to access to this information.

    At this point, the only person potentially aided by this discovery is a suspicious spouse.

    Pathways World School. IB World School Flag
  • IB World School Flag

  • SiliconAddict
    Jul 14, 06:12 PM
    Woohoo! 3GHz here we come. As was mentioned before, though, a mid-sized tower priced at the iMac level (but upgradable) would be the final logical step in the Apple product line. That would leave Woodcrest to the high end MacPro with its quad configuration.

    Try 4Ghz...Anandtech in their review ( overclocked their X6800 to a stable 4Ghz. :eek:

    Mar 22, 02:24 PM
    I wanted to get a 15" MBP, but more and more they look like bags of hurt :(

    Maybe imac is the way to go

    Mar 22, 01:33 PM
    Yep this is what I've been patiently saving and waiting for, think I've now actually saved enough to buy a car with the change :cool:

    Sep 19, 03:42 PM
    I'm not touching it until they offer 5.1 sound. I'm sure its just a matter of time, though.
    Sometimes it helps to do a quick search. ;)

    They do have surround sound support. (

    Aug 29, 04:45 AM
    Am hoping they release some mbp info today. I was waiting for WWDC, that came and went, I went off on my holidays for a few weeks and came back hoping for an announcement and still nothing. Have been waiting a while to get one but I hate getting something new only to have it upgraded almost immediately afterwards. A laptop needs to last me 3 years so I expect it to go out of date, just not the week after I buy it :p

    Mar 22, 10:04 PM
    What I find extremely interesting is the LACK of rumors on the MacBook - it's the oldest Mac in the lineup and is extremely overdue for an upgrade (almost double it's normal product cycle). :confused:

    According to Macrumors Buyers' Guide the Mac Pro is the oldest Mac in the lineup. Not the Macbook.

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