Friday, May 13, 2011

princess diana funeral prince harry

princess diana funeral prince harry. William and Prince Harry
  • William and Prince Harry

  • G5Unit
    Aug 7, 01:52 PM
    Keep dreaming.

    Perhaps for a PowerBook G5?

    princess diana funeral prince harry. Princess+diana+funeral+
  • Princess+diana+funeral+

  • Consultant
    Mar 28, 10:31 AM
    No iPhone 5, but there will be iPhone invisio!

    The iPhone 4 is already dated relative to other phones on the market. To have a phone on the market for 18 months without an update is insane.

    ROTF. Dated. That must be why the recent mobile industry event that Apple didn't sponsor nor attend voted iPhone the best phone on the market.

    princess diana funeral prince harry. diana+funeral+william+and+
  • diana+funeral+william+and+

  • belsokar
    Apr 26, 02:37 PM
    You'll care when the majority of developers will jump to Android because it has more users. Why do you think most people still use Windows? Because it has more software. Once you get behind, it's tough to keep up. Look at Windows Phone 7. They have to pull really hard to get some developers to build apps for them.

    I have to say I'm impressed how Google managed to get this off the ground so fast. Microsoft is still struggling, and they have a pool of traditional .Net developers behind them to potentially build apps for their mobile platform.

    As an iOS developer, with both a Java and .Net background, I can say that right now, all the money to be made is primarily in the iOS camp. Android users DO NOT BUY apps. That is a generalization, but it is a TRUE generalization. They do not buy apps like iPhone users. There are many reasons for that. One is that many Android users got free or really cheap phones, and don't tend to come from higher income backgrounds. They are less likely to spend money than iPhone users. Moreover, the infrastructure for buying apps is not setup as well as iPhone. All iPhone users can buy apps the second they are setup, that is not true for Android users.

    In terms of monetizing free Android apps...they do not pay well when it comes to Ad revenue. For a client's app I released on an iPhone, using iAds, I needed 10,000 daily users at about 1 minute of use time per user per day to make about $5K/month in Ad revenue. In order to get that kind of revenue on a free Android app, I would need approximately 200,000 daily users. That is a huge discrepancy between ecosystems, is not easy to get 10,000 daily users, much less 200,000,...meaning developers are going to stick with iOS as long as it pays better.

    So for the time being, I don't concern myself with Android as a developer. Now if google finds a way to make Android phones just as profitable as iPhones, or develops an ecosystem much like Apple's that drives app purchases and app revenue to something resembling, or outpacing Apple, then I would be REALLY worried as an iPhone developer and user. I just don't see it happening as Google is more concerned with it's own Ad business, and how to make Google more money, rather than spending more time and effort on how to best make developers money. Apple has struck a great balance that allows them to keep developers happy while continuing to reap the rewards in terms of company profits.

    princess diana funeral prince harry. Prince
  • Prince

  • Multimedia
    Aug 7, 06:54 PM
    this may be a dumb ? but . . .

    as far as the empty drive bay, i already have a pionner 109 superdrive i bought for my old powermac g4. would that be compatible?Latest Pioneer DVR-111 is only $35.

    princess diana funeral prince harry. princess diana prince williams
  • princess diana prince williams

  • Jape
    Dec 20, 09:17 PM
    Ok, its the 20th...lets see what email we get next from BLT.

    Well looks Like it didn't come again :(

    princess diana funeral prince harry. prince harry diana funeral.
  • prince harry diana funeral.

  • 124151155
    Mar 26, 10:08 PM
    Cloud-Focused? Any more information on this?

    princess diana funeral prince harry. Princess+diana+funeral+
  • Princess+diana+funeral+

  • CellarDoor
    Aug 4, 02:08 PM
    maybe, but we don't have that yet

    sure we do. Developer Tools for example. also there are more 64 bit 3rd party apps out there, that I dont feel like looking up right now.

    however, your right, consumer apps are primarily 32 bit, and os x apps like ical, mail etc, wont go 64 bit until leopard.

    princess diana funeral prince harry. princess diana prince william
  • princess diana prince william

  • kalsta
    May 5, 03:22 PM
    You're not stepping out onto the moon this time.

    Talking about the cost of swtiching, I might just add� Stepping out onto the moon cost a pretty penny too. I guess beating the Soviets to bragging rights in space was more important than implementing common sense on the ground.

    Ultimately I think it comes down to the fact that the US is one of the few countries that had a great deal of popular sovereignty determine the outcome of whether or not we should switch to the metric system. � Americans also tend not to have a great deal of respect for the sciences (scientific literacy is appallingly low) so it makes it a tougher pitch to the everyday person.

    Hang on� You're not distancing yourself from the illiterate masses now? I thought you agreed with them? ;)

    Not to mention that Australia in the 1970s was 13 million people, or about 24 times smaller than the current US population.

    Well, I assume the US population ain't getting any smaller the longer you put it off.

    princess diana funeral prince harry. princess diana funeral photos.
  • princess diana funeral photos.

  • bigbossbmb
    Sep 16, 12:02 AM
    I sure hope we will see Aperture 2.0 and not just 1.2...

    Why? Just because it is 1.2 would be a decimal point update doesn't mean it would not be significant. 1 > 1.1 was very good. 1.1 > 1.2 could be just as good and free for all of us that are early adopters of the software.

    princess diana funeral prince harry. princess diana funeral photos.
  • princess diana funeral photos.

  • ChickenSwartz
    Sep 16, 11:38 AM
    Congratulations! You have just provided a second independent source of unnatural delay proving Apple is already manufacturing Merom C2D MBPs and that 17" models will ship behind 15" models by a week Monday October 2.

    I tihnk this is even better than the first reported unnatural delay. To take almost an entire month form order to delivery is crazy! Apple better have a damn good reason to delay for so long...and I think they do!

    princess diana funeral prince harry. funeral of Princess Diana.
  • funeral of Princess Diana.

  • myca
    Apr 5, 01:52 PM
    It's my device. I paid for it. I should be able to do what ever I want with it.

    I too agree, even though mine is just fine un-jail broken, I do like to know that I could if I wanted to.

    Heck I'd like to hack my PS3 for the lols, but then Sony might sue me, so before people start spouting about apple being all controlling (which they some times can be) I think they should look at some other closed systems just to see what other companies do, especially to one of the guys who helped you all Jailbreak your phones before moving onto the PS3.

    Even though hacking these systems may lead to some users pirating software, I don't think that they should stop allowing users to hack closed systems (iPhone, Brand X smartphone, Wii, PS3), as long as the user can accept that they shouldn't get any support if they do decide to hack/jailbreak.

    P.S. Give 'em hell Geohot.

    princess diana funeral prince harry. princess diana funeral photos.
  • princess diana funeral photos.

  • maknik
    Mar 29, 02:06 PM
    Most of my music files are at a moderate bitrate: a low estimate would be 5mb for a 5-minute song. An hour a day of mobile listening for a month means 60MB * 30 = 1.8GB. And if you have mp3s at 192kbps, you'd get only about 40 minutes a day for the same bandwidth.

    So I really don't see how this can be more than an occasional, niche product with a 2GB/month mobile cap. Am I missing something?

    princess diana funeral prince harry. Dearest HRH Prince Harry
  • Dearest HRH Prince Harry

  • Al Coholic
    Apr 7, 09:58 AM
    I see the short sighted Apple pom-pom shakers are once again giddy with excitement. The juvenile remarks are embarrassing.

    For some strange reason you think monopolies are good for consumers.

    princess diana funeral prince harry. UK YOU PRINCE HARRY BIRTH PLUS

  • Shasterball
    Apr 26, 02:18 PM
    iOS needs to evolve. It is old and stale...

    How terrible is the notification system? And it's been around for almost 4 years!

    princess diana funeral prince harry. princess diana funeral photos.
  • princess diana funeral photos.

  • hcho3
    Apr 20, 07:21 AM
    This update is not good enough, apple. Do more.

    8 megapixel camera with 1080P recording.
    64GB option
    Dual core processor

    Those updates are not good enough for a device that gets an update only once a year.

    Not enough.

    I am going to buy white iphone 4 for 99 dollars or 49 dollars this summer and skip the iPhone 5 on paying 199 dollars.

    princess diana funeral prince harry. on Prince Harry#39;s possible
  • on Prince Harry#39;s possible

  • thogs_cave
    Aug 11, 03:56 PM
    Supposedly about 20% faster at the same clock speed, plus they are 64 bit, but the benefits of that in these machines is somewhat debatable. It's a nice upgrade, but not a huge one. [...] But that "goodness" mostly looks like greater memory access, which is a moot point in a machine with two ram slots. Most of the "goodness" isn't anything a laptop user will notice.

    Which is really the point. It's not a quantum leap like the MacBook was over the iBook. (Having moved from one to the other, I can vouch for that.) I doubt I'd really notice the difference for 99.9% of what I do.

    princess diana funeral prince harry. Princess Diana#39;s funeral
  • Princess Diana#39;s funeral

  • tipdrill407
    Aug 7, 07:14 PM
    There are many of you I want to beat with a spiky stick right now. Let's consolidate you into one bullet-point list of whiners:

    princess diana funeral prince harry. prince harry father james
  • prince harry father james

  • mrwilly123
    Aug 12, 06:04 PM
    The updated Books will not be a qualifying Mac for the Free iPod.

    You're wrong. The promotion is for ANY mac before September 16, as Nuks said. They can't (and won't) change the terms of the promotion before it expires.

    I'm planning to order a MBP and a nano right after Paris. If MBPs come out before Paris, I'm still going to wait to see if they revise the nano...that would make up for the 3 months of waiting to get the MBP.

    princess diana funeral prince harry. Princess Diana#39;s funeral
  • Princess Diana#39;s funeral

  • mackiwi
    Jul 31, 06:22 AM
    As other posters have said...they practically announced it during the last financial anaylyst conference call.

    There will be a phone released. No question about that.

    The questions are:

    - when?
    - features?
    - will apple do it themselves or seek joint partners?

    Mar 29, 02:15 PM
    Hey Apple,
    I don't want my iPhone 5 to be leaking radiation...

    Too soon? :cool::rolleyes:

    No, not really.

    Just not funny at all.

    Apr 25, 08:23 AM
    Image (

    Image (

    A finding earlier this month ( by OSXDaily has generated some speculation about Apple's plans for "Retina" display Macs. The Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2 released in late March ( included an ultra-high resolution version of the background desktop image at a resolution of 3200x2000. A few observers noted ( that this is higher than any Apple display has ever supported, generating speculation ( that Apple is preparing for "Retina" display Macs in the near future.

    We had previously reported ( that Mac OS X Lion has made some under-the-hood changes opening the door to such super-high resolution displays. Now, has found ( that Apple is already starting to include other super high resolution artwork in Lion. They found several icons stored as 1024x1024 sizes, up from a previous maximum of 512x512.

    Image (

    Click for full-size

    Of course, this support for super high resolution displays is only the first step, but suggests Apple is planning ahead when the hardware becomes available.

    Article Link: Apple Including Ultra High Resolution Artwork in Lion for Possible Retina Displays? (

    Oh please. Give me a break! Do you nitwits HONESTLY think there will be retina display Macs in the near future? It's total BS. If they did, the cost of said Macs would be prohibitive to the general public. Why do you think there aren't retina display iPads? IT'S TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE! C'mon're beginning to sound like CNET

    May 4, 04:10 PM
    Just preferred?

    That only means an Option right? Still going to be DVD/USB Stick?

    Because if it was App Store only, what about people with Leopard or earlier?

    Apr 18, 03:17 PM
    couldn't Samsung simply get back at Apple by NOT making Apple's stuff? I mean, come on.

    You would think that on the surface. People asked, if Apple wants to kill Flash, why doesn't Adobe just kill, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Dreamwever, Premiere and InDesign on the Mac, that would cripple Apple as a creative platform for designers, well, Adobe does not want to kill more than 50% of its revenue stream.....the answer is money! Samsung loves the profitability of making Apples stuff! They do not want to lose that golden goose.

    Mar 29, 02:29 PM
    Note that MS is dropping the standalone Zune hardware, and moving the Zune interface into Windows Phone 7.

    The Zune was a market flop though, and MS need to focus their efforts if only tp stop the shareholders from getting antsy.

    If your phone can do it all, why make standalone music players?

    Because there will always be cases where for whatever reason one might not want or need a phone.

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