Friday, May 13, 2011

queen elizabeth ii young

queen elizabeth ii young. Elizabeth The story of Queen
  • Elizabeth The story of Queen

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Aug 16, 02:18 PM
    Shift was good, but i thought it was really easy. Its also very forgiving, you dont need to have a lot of driving skill to finish the top races because drifting is really easy to control, you can enter turns quite a bit faster than you should, and you'll have more money than you know what to do with.

    are you rich then? :p

    i only hope that GT5 is more realistic then simulated this time..

    I drive a Focus, so... no :D

    Most people will never be able to afford a ford GT, but most people would be able to save up and buy a WRX and put a little work into it (even if it does take a few years of saving extra money), so i just find it more fun to push a WRX to its limits instead of a GT.

    queen elizabeth ii young. Young queen ☺ Lee J Haywood
  • Young queen ☺ Lee J Haywood

  • gnasher729
    Apr 8, 02:21 AM
    On the other hand, if you have some sort of special needs (e.g. needing a long cable in an area with lots of interference while transferring data with a high bandwidth), then a $5 cable might not be up-to-scratch. But it that is unlikely, so it's worth trying the $5 cable first.

    Well, I can't run my 1920x1200 monitor at that resolution on my MBP with a �5 mini-dvi to DVI adapter, only up to 1600x1200 :mad: Had to buy the Apple one. Still worth the attempt.

    queen elizabeth ii young. meeting England#39;s Queen?
  • meeting England#39;s Queen?

  • VanNess
    Aug 5, 10:40 PM
    Does anyone think the recent "problems" at Apple are going to have any effect on what happens Monday.


    If there are products that are they "maybe" list, this might put them on the "go" list. Big news pushes stock prices up and pushes the "problem" stories on page 2.

    This is steering off-topic, but Rob Enderle is a part-time anti-Apple/pro-Microsoft zealot and a full-time ignoramus who's past record of "analysis" boasts getting it wrong - really wrong - about 99.9% of the time regarding what he has to say about Apple.

    So it's no surprise at all that he is virtually a lone voice on this issue pertaining to Jobs, virtually everyone else doesn't see him being implicated in a wrongful way about this.

    In any event, it's pure speculation. It's not going to effect the WWDC and the WWDC isn't going to affect SEC matters pertaining to Apple.

    queen elizabeth ii young. 29 Queen Elizabeth II will
  • 29 Queen Elizabeth II will

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Aug 10, 10:25 AM
    Yamauchi helped design the GT-R i believe. Idk how much he contributed, but he had his hands in it.

    I have my collector's edition preordered already. I'm really pumped for this game.

    I dont think the signature edition is available in the US, is it? It would be $250 over here :eek:

    queen elizabeth ii young. young Queen Elizabeth II
  • young Queen Elizabeth II

  • Reach9
    Mar 22, 03:12 PM
    Someone give Android's UI and Playbook's UI huge recognition so Apple will change it's old grid-like UI.

    queen elizabeth ii young. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince
  • Queen Elizabeth II and Prince

  • noire anqa
    Mar 26, 07:35 AM
    Thank you for your constructive reply but I have a feeling it will all fall on deaf ears given that most have never actually gone on Google and researched what has been added/changed/enhanced to Mac OS X Lion. For example SAMBA has been removed and completely replaced with a ground up clean room implementation of SMB2 which will translate into better support for Windows Vista and 7 clients as well as the latest versions of Windows. Why hasn't that been mentioned by the nay sayers here?

    OpenGL 3.2 has been added and funny enough not a single thing has been said about the fact that it lays the foundation for future updates that will be more prompt.

    Then there is Webkit2 based web browser whose knock on effects go well beyond Safari and into applications wishing to utilise web based technologies with framework that provides said functionality but handles all the mundane security/process isolation/etc behind the scenes.

    The merging of AV Foundation that serves as the foundation for future development for media products that will span iOS and Mac OS X; that you can have the same media core on iOS and Mac OS X then build upon it to differentiate between the desktop and tablet version by having a different interface, more features on the desktop version etc.

    Sandboxing is being enhanced further and more system components are being put into it as to reduce the security exposure when a bug is found.

    I'm sure others can note even more enhancements but it is frustrating when I hear the same nauseating ignorance over and over again from the cheap seats screaming there are no new features and yet they've done zero in the way of researching and reading on the matter.

    You can't hear me .. but i'm cheering for you.

    queen elizabeth ii young. Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth II
  • Britain#39;s Queen Elizabeth II

  • 63dot
    Apr 30, 03:05 PM
    I wonder what it would be like to go through life looking for racism around every corner? Constantly seeing the world in these glasses would have to be very tiresome and frustrating. Pretty sad really. People need to stop thinking about themselves and others as being members of groups, and start thinking of everyone as individuals. We're a society of individuals, we get our rights and our liberties as individuals, not because we're part of group A or group B.

    If liberals would stop 'crying wolf' ('claiming racism') at every corner, we might actually take them seriously and help out when there's actual evidence.

    Though I don't agree with you much on some issues (except for the anti-nation building stuff), I have to say you have it right. We are individuals.

    While there are some racists who tried to jump on the birther bandwagon, I did see plenty of non-racists have some concern about where Obama was born, or if in Hawaii, being born there before it was a state and then being a coverup to put his age right after statehood.

    To be fair, some judges and constitutional experts were not quite sure about John McCain and his "eligibility" to run for office. Con law textbooks give both sides about this issue but are not declarative on what the answer is as to who is eligible to run. Can a person who committed perjury run for president? Then how did America let Clinton run after all the apparent lies he told federal prosecutors about Whitewater and his supposed ties to Tyson and letting them get by on environmental regs while he was governor or Arkansas?

    During the 2008 election, these birther issues only came up sporadically, and America was far more interested in the important issues (Iraq, the recession, and finding somebody to put us out of the mess that W put us in).

    queen elizabeth ii young. Queen Elizabeth II greeted
  • Queen Elizabeth II greeted

  • Glen Quagmire
    Aug 23, 03:32 PM
    This will likely suck, because the interconnect Intel is using is just too damn slow. Putting four cores in the same package will just make the situation worse, because a lot of applications are significantly limited by memory performance.

    The Woodcrest processors have been put through their paces pretty well on the supercomputing lists, and their Achille's heal is the memory subsystem. Current generation AMD Opterons still clearly outscale Woodcrest in real-world memory bandwidth with only two cores. Unless Intel pulls a rabbit out of their hat with their memory architecture issues when the quad core is released, AMDs quad core is going to embarrass them because of the memory bottleneck. And AMD is already starting to work on upgrading their already markedly superior memory architecture.

    In two years' time, Intel will release Nehalem its next micro-architecture - to replace Merom/Conroe/Woodcrest. It is supposed to ditch the FSB in favour of Intel's own interconnect, named CSI. Two years after Nehalem will come another micro-architecture.

    In some respects, I'm quite happy to have ordered a Woodcrest Mac Pro, especially if the slow FSB does slow things down when Woodcrest's successor is released. If the Mac Pro can last me three or four years, I'll be in time for the post-Nehalem generation, which should be fairly spectacular.

    queen elizabeth ii young. Queen Elizabeth II#39;s grandson,
  • Queen Elizabeth II#39;s grandson,

  • Porchland
    Aug 7, 04:18 PM
    I'm real excited for the new iChat and Spaces, along with these new "top secret features..." They better be good!

    The finder is definately my bet for something to be revamped, along with probably iLife which will be revamped for leopard.

    Edit : Also something more with virtualization (boot camp area) as they did not touch that really.

    My bets are on some kind of Boot Camp-ish feature that will allow for native installation of Windows applications -- without Windows -- right into OS X. It would obliterate the need for applications to be written for both Windows and Mac.

    <ducks and waits for flamers to whine about how impossible this is>

    queen elizabeth ii young. queen elizabeth ii young
  • queen elizabeth ii young

  • 0815
    Mar 31, 05:05 PM
    Apple realized long time ago that it is bad if the cell service provider has too much freedom, puts too much **** on the phone and customizes it in ways that it is no longer maintainable ... they got bashed as being too closed.

    But now people finally realize they were right:
    - android is getting too fragmented because service providers are either too slow to provide updates or refuse to update at all for current phones
    - microsoft just realed an update to their mobile7 - guess what: service providers are too slow to update the brand new phones - weeks after the MS release they still need many more weeks to 'test' and 'adjust' for their phones

    What good is it to have an OS that claims to be 'open' but you still can't get updates because the openess was abused by service providers who struggle to re-adding their ****.

    queen elizabeth ii young. a young Queen Elizabeth II
  • a young Queen Elizabeth II

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 27, 08:03 AM
    I thought they said that there was not any concerns?

    There aren't any concerns, but since the media hyped this up so much, they had to address it. Now they have. Should be the end of the story. But it won't be since there are anti-Apple folks who will push to keep this story alive as long as they can until the next Apple-gate story gets created.

    queen elizabeth ii young. Young Queen Elizabeth II
  • Young Queen Elizabeth II

  • Dont Hurt Me
    Jul 15, 09:30 AM
    well, that looks a real mess.. but I suppose it's a good idea since heated air tends to rise.. :-)Not really a mess but not anywhere near quicksilvers ease of use but still holds a ton of optical and a ton of hard drives. Apples Powermac G5 series are kind of pathetic in this respect.

    Im still hoping apple throws away the radiator and go back to something Quicksilver like.

    queen elizabeth ii young. Queen Elizabeth II#39;s grandson,
  • Queen Elizabeth II#39;s grandson,

  • Iconoclysm
    Apr 19, 08:38 PM
    The point is no one will ever confuse this with Apple's iPhone... But what Samsung is doing now is another story.

    If you look at each item that Apple takes exception with individually it seems silly, but when you put them all together in a single device it's a twin to the iPhone... An iClone.:rolleyes:

    Actually, the point was that Samsung did not have a grid of icons on the F700 until after the iPhone Apple did not copy Samsung. Eventually, what you say is true.

    queen elizabeth ii young. of Queen Elizabeth II,
  • of Queen Elizabeth II,

  • generik
    Sep 18, 11:09 PM
    APPLE I NEED A NEW MACBOOK PRO. I NEED FIREWIRE 800, I NEED A DL SuperDrive, i'd like MEMROM. If you had to releace a half-assed Prosumer laptop in the first place to start your transition for the love of god PLEASE update it now. Its been a LONG time since we've seen any updates. Apple is now competeing in INTEL land, were they need to keep their laptops current. Releace the laptops (notebooks in your case as you like to call them) i'll place the order and wait for them to ship. PLEASE.!


    Eh what choices do you have if Apple doesn't wish to play by your needs... buy from another vendor? Let the "free market" decide? Oh wait, I forgot, for Macs there is no free market, it is basically a monopoly.

    queen elizabeth ii young. Queen Elizabeth II pictured
  • Queen Elizabeth II pictured

  • filmguy
    Aug 7, 07:26 AM
    Hey Guys.

    When do you think they'll update their website with the new "Mac Pro's"?



    queen elizabeth ii young. of Henry as a young child
  • of Henry as a young child

  • leekohler
    Apr 28, 03:50 PM
    I think it is absolutely appalling that you people are calling anyone who just wanted proof that Obama is qualified, per the constitution, to be president (being born in America) a racist. That is an awful big accusation and personally I can't believe the administration at MR allows that kind of talk.

    This is exactly why I no longer donate to this site.

    Did you ask to see W's birth certificate, or any other president's birth certificate? Why not?

    queen elizabeth ii young. Queen Elizabeth II, and Prince
  • Queen Elizabeth II, and Prince

  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 27, 09:09 AM
    And I doubt there will be anything other than IG in the mini. But otherwise we agree. In fact in the mobiles we agree exactly 100% the same with what I think they will be. :eek:

    The MR X1400 is more of a wish than a prediction. It would help close the gap between Mac Mini and Mac Pro.

    queen elizabeth ii young. Elizabeth II was once a young
  • Elizabeth II was once a young

  • michaelrjohnson
    Jul 27, 10:03 AM
    Rule 1 of Apple Events:

    You never get all the marbles.
    Very very wise, Chundles. You are correct.

    (In other words, they're always disappointing on some level to someone.) :)

    queen elizabeth ii young. British queen Elizabeth II
  • British queen Elizabeth II

  • skunk
    Mar 4, 04:32 PM
    you and you partner will beget how exactly, oral and anal sex don't produce a child nor does mutual masturbation, so how exactly will you and your partner produce a child? I don't believe lee ever claimed that he and his partner would do so.

    Mar 23, 12:44 AM
    Is MacRumors branching out to coverage of all tablets and media players now? I can't speak for everyone who visits the site but I come here to read about Apple products, not the competition's knock-offs.

    Apr 27, 02:49 PM
    Are you calling me a liar? I literally went to, opened the file in Illustrator, and moved the text around myself. :rolleyes:
    Some things never change. Laughably bias.

    Oh- and you're always objective. You are arguably one of the most abrasive and biased people here, and proud of it.

    BTW- just opened the same file- no layers. So you tell me what I'm missing here.

    Aug 19, 09:21 AM
    I'm 100% sure the GT site says all the cars were remodeled for the ps3, as in not the ps2 cars.


    As in not copypasta'd over from gt4.
    All that I get from that quote is that they are using older models, but that they will, obviously, be rendered in the new GT5 engine. So, the marketing team can say all they want, but actual screen shots of Standard� cars do not show much improvement, if any at all, resolution increase notwithstanding.
    Do we know if all cars have fully modelled interiors or if thats just for the luxury cars?
    No, the only cars that have an interior view are the Premium� models. From NSB's link above...
    Standard cars do not support vehicle interior camera views.

    Apr 20, 12:37 PM
    No they werent, what apple describes was already shows and build BEFORE iphone. If any apple basicly admits they copied it themselves and should get sued.

    Who says? Some people refer to the Samsung F700, but that was shown for the first time a month after the iPhone, and released about five months after the iPhone. (Faked images by Android fanboys won't count in court).

    Apr 19, 02:06 PM
    lawsuit aside, that's up to the courts, not all the couch lawyers here....

    I was wondering if maybe the sales numbers for the iPad are just iPad 1.0 sales and not including iPad 2?

    I guess we'll know tomorrow.

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