Monday, May 9, 2011

Wives And Concubines

Wives And Concubines. concubines, and female
  • concubines, and female

  • Popeye206
    Apr 25, 11:18 AM
    Jobs is spinning his BS again as usual. Even when there is overwheming evidence to the contrary...he still insults the intelligence of his customers who he clearly regards as beneath him.

    Apple is:
    Image (

    LOL! Funny! Good one! :rolleyes:

    Can you share the "evidence" thats sooooo overwhelming?

    Wives And Concubines. three of his concubines
  • three of his concubines

  • sth
    Apr 20, 01:09 PM
    Btw, why would Apple go back to messing up with their names?
    +1, the 3GS name was neccessary to get future naming straight. There's no reason why they'd mess it up again on purpose now.

    Wives And Concubines. wives and 700 concubines.
  • wives and 700 concubines.

  • MacNut
    Apr 10, 11:57 AM
    I hate math and reading this thread makes my head hurt.

    Wives And Concubines. over 100 wives/concubines
  • over 100 wives/concubines

  • vito
    Apr 6, 05:12 AM
    And while this little Apple - Toyota "thingy" is happening, Microsoft announces a joint press announcement with Toyota:

    They're welcome to each other.

    Why anyone would want to brand their phone with a Toyota Theme is beyond me, Ferrari, Aston Martin maybe but Toyota lol

    Wives And Concubines. multiple concubines (not
  • multiple concubines (not

  • SiliconAddict
    Aug 12, 12:59 AM
    I haven't read through all tghe posts but just in case someone hasn't posted it yet...

    WAH! My MBP is obsolete! How could Jobs do this to me! :( ;) That being said bring on the quad cores in the MBP's in a couple years. Just when I will be getting ready to upgrade. :D

    Wives And Concubines. Wives and 300 Concubines
  • Wives and 300 Concubines

  • nefan65
    Mar 28, 10:10 AM
    I know this is a rumor board, and this is just rumor. However, do other tire of these loose shots in the dark? I mean, I understand if they hear something, and want to get folks information. But why not try and do a little investigation, to be sure?

    I dunno...guess I'm of the belief "I'll believe it when I see it"?

    Wives And Concubines. concubines and his wives
  • concubines and his wives

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 25, 11:25 AM
    Jobs is spinning his BS again as usual. Even when there is overwheming evidence to the contrary...he still insults the intelligence of his customers who he clearly regards as beneath him.

    You can tell these lies if you feel they confirm your bias, but they are not true statements.

    Wives And Concubines. wives and 42 concubines,
  • wives and 42 concubines,

  • CalBoy
    Apr 20, 11:47 AM
    All of these September iPhone rumors leave three possibilities:

    1) Apple failed to plug all of its leaks and there are genuine sources providing this information, and as a result, the iPhone 5 will really be out in September.

    2) Apple is intentionally testing the waters to not only see where remaining leaks are, but also to encourage iPhone 4 sales to not drop off during the late spring/early summer.

    3) The original September rumor began from an untested source and spent enough time on the merry-go-round to be viewed as "legitimate" by larger media outlets.

    Wives And Concubines. wives and many concubines
  • wives and many concubines

  • aptar
    Sep 17, 02:31 AM
    You couldn't buy the new 80GB iPod at the new lower price of only $349? Man you are buying an obsolete inferior iPod. That is plain lame short sightedness. :eek:

    If I were you I would phone back and insist on the new 80GB model for sure.

    I'm assuming this person is using a rebate. If so, no, you can't get the new model unless you want to pay full retail price for it.

    I chose a 30gb (last gen) because it cost me less than $100

    Wives And Concubines. King David Had Six Wives And
  • King David Had Six Wives And

  • bursty
    Aug 7, 03:04 PM
    I don't understand why people are complaining about the Bluetooth and wireless not being included. These are not portables, they won't move, and in many cases professionals don't care if the keyboard is wired or want it wired for some specific reason. Wireless internet is for portable computers folks, not a big hunk of aluminum that will sit on the floor or desk permanently. Wired is also still faster than wireless...if you are in a networked office environment that can make a massive difference.
    My house is not wired for ethernet. Which means, I would have to snake a wire through 3 floors, drill holes in the ceiling, etc etc. Its sooo much easier just to have airport. I have 3meg internet service and I cannot tell a difference between wired and wifi. My wireless will hit ~10mb/s transfer if I'm moving a large file from one computer to another. Obviously, that 10mb/s is faster then my 3meg internet service. My internet service is the bottleneck, not the wireless. difference in speed.

    Second, I have BT keyboard, mouse, and phone. I use BT all the time. Sure, I can just order the option. However, that means I cant just run to my local apple store and pick up a Mac Pro. Its absolute crap that a ~$600 Macmini has these options standard, and yet Apples $4000 top of the line machine doesnt. Unacceptable.

    Wives And Concubines. six wives, his concubine,
  • six wives, his concubine,

  • EricNau
    May 3, 09:48 PM
    I don't have the time to write an exhaustive response to this magnum opus, but I'm going to leave with a few concluding points:
    It doesn't matter what normal body temperature is because that's not what people are looking for when they take a temperature; they're looking for what's not normal. If it can be helped, the number one is seeking should be as flat as possible.

    There is a distinctive quality about 100 that is special. It represents an additional place value and is a line of demarcation for most people. For a scientist or professional, the numbers seem the same (each with 3 digits ending in the tenths place), but to the lay user they are very different. The average person doesn't know what significant digits are or when rounding is appropriate. It's far more likely that someone will falsely remember "37.2" as "37" than they will "99" as "98.6." Even if they do make an error and think of 98.6 as 99, it is an error on the side of caution (because presumably they will take their child to the doctor or at least call in).

    I realize this makes me seem like I put people in low regard, but the fact is that most things designed for common use are meant to be idiot-proof. Redundancies and warnings are hard to miss in such designs, and on a temperature scale, one that makes 100 "dangerous" is very practical and effective. You have to keep in mind that this scale is going to be used by the illiterate, functionally illiterate, the negligent, the careless, the sloppy, and the hurried.

    The importance of additional digits finds its way into many facets of life, including advertising and pricing. It essentially the only reason why everything is sold at intervals of "xx.99" instead of a flat price point. Marketers have long determined that if they were to round up to the nearest whole number, it would make the price seem disproportionately larger. The same "trick" is being used by the Fahrenheit scale; the presence of the additional digit makes people more alarmed at the appropriate time.
    I believe the discussion of body temperature has reached a senseless level. I disagree with your claim that body temperatures in celsius are more difficult to remember, and I don't believe there's any substatial evidence to support this claim. Regardless, Celsius seems to work just fine for the entire world (...practically), unless you know something about European mothers that I don't.

    Of course any amateur baker has at least a few cups of both wet and dry so they can keep ingredients separated but measured when they need to be added in a precise order. It just isn't practical to bake with 3 measuring devices and a scale (which, let's be real here, would cost 5 times as much as a set of measuring cups).
    I see no reason why baking with a scale is impractical. It's not what you're used to, but that doesn't reflect upon the merits of a metric system.

    This also relies on having recipes with written weights as opposed to volumes. It would also be problematic because you'd make people relearn common measurements for the metric beaker because they couldn't have their cups (ie I know 1 egg is half a cup, so it's easy to put half an egg in a recipe-I would have to do milimeter devision to figure this out for a metric recipe even though there's a perfectly good standard device for it).
    Written weights are more accurate. What's problematic is that there's an additional requirement for measuring volumes of dry goods. Flour must be measured after sifting, brown sugar must be packed, etc. Not only does weighing dry goods eliminate the need to standardization of volume, but it's always going to be more accurate.

    So what would you call 500ml of beer at a bar? Would everyone refer to the spoon at the dinner table as "the 30?" The naming convention isn't going to disappear just because measurements are given in metric. Or are you saying that the naming convention should disappear and numbers used exclusively in their stead?
    As balmaw explained, it doesn't really matter what you call a pint of beer at a bar. Every culture and language has their own name for it.

    In that case, what would I call 1 cup of a drink? Even if it is made flat at 200, 250, or 300ml, what would be the name? I think by and large it would still be called a cup. In that case you aren't really accomplishing much because people are going to refer to it as they will and the metric quantity wouldn't really do anything because it's not something that people usually divide or multiply by 10 very often in daily life.
    If you ask for a "cup of water" at a restaurant, will you be given exactly 8oz? I don't think so.

    Most cups hold more than a cup. So, in the absence of a measuring cup, there's really no need for such a designation. So, assuming we do away with the customary system, why do you need a word to describe 8oz of water? You would stop thinking in cups and start thinking in quarter liter intervals (which is equally, if not more, convenient).

    No, that would be 1/4 of a liter, not 4 liters. I'm assuming that without gallons, the most closely analogous metric quantity would be 4 liters. What would be the marketing term for this? The shorthand name that would allow people to express a quantity without referring to another number?
    I believe milk in Germany is bought by the liter, though I'm sure European members here could elaborate on that.

    You might find purchasing milk by the liter cumbersome, but it works well for them.

    Well I'm assuming that beer would have to be served in metric quantities, and a pint is known the world over as a beer. You can't really expect the name to go out of use just because the quantity has changed by a factor of about 25ml.
    Beer is served in metric quantities all over the world. ...And there are plenty of names for it that aren't "pint." Additionally, I assure you that an American pint of beer is served with less precision than 25ml from bar to bar.

    Except you can't divide the servings people usually take for themselves very easily by 2, 4, 8, or 16. An eighth of 300ml (a hypothetical metric cup), for example, is a decimal. It's not very probable that if someone was to describe how much cream they added to their coffee they'd describe it as "37.5ml." It's more likely that they'll say "1/4 of x" or "2 of y." This is how the standard system was born; people took everyday quantities (often times as random as fists, feet, and gulps) and over time standardized them.
    And metric units, too, are used the world over to describe household amounts.

    Also, dividing 300ml (though, I find it interesting that you keep choosing to compare metric units to customary units, since this is counter-productive) can easily be rounded to 38 or even 40ml, which is precise enough even for baking.

    Though it's entirely a moot point. Metric recipes are normalized to "easy" measurements, just like American recipes are normalized to the nearest cup or 1/2 for items like flour and sugar.

    Every standard unit conforms to a value we are likely to see to this day (a man's foot is still about 12 inches, a tablespoon is about one bite, etc). Granted it's not scientific, but it's not meant to be. It's meant to be practical to describe everyday units, much like "lion" is not the full scientific name for panthera leo. One naming scheme makes sense for one application and another makes sense for a very different application. I whole heartedly agree that for scientific, industrial, and official uses metric is the way to go, but it is not the way to go for lay people. People are not scientists. They should use the measuring schemes that are practical for the things in their lives.
    I don't find the customary system practical. To the contrary, I find it convoluted with no consistency.

    It's onerous to learn how to multiply and divide by 10 + 3 root words? :confused: Besides, so many things in our daily lives have both unit scales. My ruler has inches and cm and mm. Bathroom scales have pounds and kg. Even measuring cups have ml written on them.
    I've witnessed many students struggle with it. When you grow up using Fahrenheit, feet, miles, inches, cups, teaspoons, etc. you get a sense of what each one means; you can "feel" it. The same can't be said about the metric system for most Americans, and it's extremely difficult to teach yourself what each unit intuitively represents as a high school student, for example.

    It's something many of us will never get. Kilometers, Celsius, liters, centimeters, etc. will always "feel" foreign because of the units we were raised with at home. We owe our kids better.

    Wives And Concubines. sisters, wives, concubines
  • sisters, wives, concubines

  • kresh
    Sep 11, 06:34 AM
    Not sure if this has been posted on another forum but have a look at the following links, especially the comments by sleepygeek

    hmmmmmm....i wonder.....


    I just wanted to say hi Sleepygeek. Nothing like promoting your posts in other forums.

    Wives And Concubines. one wife one many wives
  • one wife one many wives

  • Reach9
    Apr 20, 01:49 AM
    Please site sources of when has Apple cared about staying ahead of an artificial market. I am trying to think of a time and they never really cared. They bring out what works when it works and that is why they do so well without having to have 100 products out all the time.

    Every company cares about the market, and the market is very real. Basic economics, a college course should suffice. Apple is no different. Otherwise, why did Apple add Retina Display? Why did Apple add an A5 processor on the iPad 2? Why did Apple push for A4?
    Apple always compares themselves with the competition, it's illogical to think that Apple doesn't care about the market.

    Regarding the OP, i'm really hoping for a larger screen, or something which will entice customers, Apple wants to get everyone even people with iPhone 4's to upgrade.

    Wives And Concubines. wife/wives/mistress/concubines
  • wife/wives/mistress/concubines

  • Xtoo
    Nov 5, 11:33 AM
    Has anyone tested the unit with Navigon? That would be the only reason I would buy it.
    Also, with Google coming up with a free turn-by-turn navigation app... what will happen with the ones we have to pay for?

    Wives And Concubines. his 14 Official Wives and
  • his 14 Official Wives and

  • trondah
    Mar 31, 03:30 AM
    What everybody would like to know, is Safari any snappier?

    Wives And Concubines. Wives, Widows, and Concubines Click to Close Window [x]
  • Wives, Widows, and Concubines Click to Close Window [x]

  • QuarterSwede
    Apr 18, 02:49 PM
    Apple has to try to protect their IP or they risk losing it. What I wonder is why it took them so long to start lawsuits over this.

    Wives And Concubines. The concubines rated temples
  • The concubines rated temples

  • cube
    May 6, 06:30 AM
    I'm aware of that, but the last time Intel promised ground breaking CPU technology we ended up with the Pentium 4 and Pentium D series.

    No. Their introduction of FinFETs is similar to the edge they had with the high-k metal gate process until not long ago.

    Wives And Concubines. number of wives concubines
  • number of wives concubines

  • BWhaler
    Aug 4, 12:46 AM
    Not really any new news, but the September date bummed me out.

    I knew it would be another month or so, but I am so anxious to get a new laptop, the thought of waiting another 4-6 weeks (at best) is a bummer.

    I just hope Apple doesn't wait until Paris Expo to announce it. Then we're talking 2+ months.

    Wives And Concubines. 700 wives + 300 concubines
  • 700 wives + 300 concubines

  • maelstromr
    Apr 5, 03:26 PM
    I'm fine leaving my phone un-jal broken. But I think Toyota and other companies should cater to the jail broken community too. Its understandable that Apple would ask. But hopefully it doesn't go beyond asking.

    Something tells me "jail broken community" grossly overstates the size of this segment of the population.

    Mega corporation A asks Mega corporation T to stop messing with a key product outside the terms of use and Mega corporation T is more interested in having good ongoing relations with a potential major technology partner than it is in five anti-conformist iconoclasts. File this in not really news.

    Mar 27, 06:53 AM
    I'd say that they have had a wakeup call with all of the new android honeycomb tablets coming out in competition and they are worried that the ipad2 won't look so good when there are other good options to choose from.
    The HP web os is also a very potent system which offers features much closer to a real computer than an entertainment gadget.

    If they wait around a year to update, they will be behind in features and specs, and the app market for android and web os will have grown in leaps and bounds as well.

    Let's face it, the majority of apps for phones and tablets are rubbish and we don't need 300k android apps that are equally rubbish and pointless.

    What we need are a few really good productivity apps on tablets with serious multitasking and connectivity features.

    And in the end, Apple knows that the fanboys will rush out and buy a new version of whatever they are selling, regardless of how recent the last version was.A wake-up call? Apple set the standard for tablets, and so far Apple is the only company who is able to sell millions of tablets. There are hardly and Android tablets available, and they're certainly not shipping in the volume as the iPad 2 is.

    Apple currenly has absolutely no reason to be worried at all. They have the best tablet, the best apps and the best reputation. Oh, and they own 99% of the market. Hardware-wise, the iPad 2 is top of the bill. Extremly fast GPU, dual core processor, increased RAM, dual cameras, 720p recording. The only aspect of the iPad 2 that might be lacking, is the OS. So if Apple wants to keep the lead, they should innovate on software, not hardware. The hardware is already top of the bill.

    iPad 3 release this fall makes no sense to me at all.

    Sep 15, 08:35 PM
    Just seeing soooooo many people 'painfully' waiting for the Merom MBP, i think we should start a Merom MBP club as soon as we start receiving them!

    Btw, how many days does it take for the new MBPs to arrive in the Apple showrooms from the time they are announced?

    Nov 13, 06:31 AM
    Good for you Marvel2. How about a review after you use it. Tstreete did a great one but another perspective is always welcomed.

    BTW do you use Navigon? Did you get the Live Traffic update? Love to hear how they each or both worked with the kit.


    Mar 29, 02:24 PM
    I agree that we will "all be fine" if the world faces iPod touch shortages. It doesn't mean that we shouldn't be upset about it - can I not care about the people who lost their lives or had their lives turned upside down AND a company that will face problems? The two are not mutually exclusive.

    I wasnt getting at anyone considering the position apple was in I was just a bit miffed that people considered Japan to be somehow a hindrance overall to apples business model. After all we are in a global market place and may it continue, only through collaboration will we get better and better electronics and consumer goods. No offence intended. :)

    Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 25, 10:40 AM
    2. Steve Jobs is the CEO of a major company and can't afford to lie in public.

    You're holding it wrong. Non-Issue.

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