Monday, May 9, 2011

Maestro Issue Number

Maestro Issue Number. Issue Number On Credit Card.
  • Issue Number On Credit Card.

  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 26, 02:56 PM
    I think such a device would fit nicely between the iPod with video and full blown laptops. If you couple this with an e-book reader. *coughs**coughs* I wouldn't run to the Apple store. I'd physically smash through the mall doors with my car and drive up to the store.

    Maestro Issue Number. Issue+number+visa+electron
  • Issue+number+visa+electron

  • bad03xtreme
    Mar 28, 10:55 AM
    You people can't wait an additional three months (July, Aug, Sept)?


    I have been waiting since Jan. when Verizon got the iPhone 4.

    Maestro Issue Number. where is the issue number
  • where is the issue number

  • Megaman
    Sep 11, 01:20 PM
    With USB2, which transfers to iPod about the same speed as FW.
    No its not. Fast, but not as fast.

    Maestro Issue Number. issue+number+on+debit+card
  • issue+number+on+debit+card

  • lgutie20
    Mar 29, 02:32 PM
    Note that MS is dropping the standalone Zune hardware, and moving the Zune interface into Windows Phone 7.

    If your phone can do it all, why make standalone music players?

    They exist for the real music addicts. I really believe that if there is an iPod that will be the first to disappear it will be the Touch.

    Maestro Issue Number. surf club Maestro+knows
  • surf club Maestro+knows

  • mscriv
    May 3, 11:26 AM
    Hmm, interesting. I'm not eligible since I didn't play in Intell's last game, but this looks like fun.

    Maestro Issue Number. minute since Maestro+knows
  • minute since Maestro+knows

  • ravenvii
    May 5, 08:49 AM
    ravenvii, correct me if i am wrong, but wouldn't the points remaining be 2, and not 3, since in the turn he summoned and placed the goblin he would not be collecting any point?
    vR1T1:collect 1 point, TP=1
    vR1T2:use point for goblin, TP=0
    vR2T1: collect point?. TP=1?
    vR2T2: collect point?, TP=2?

    Assuming the goblin costs one point, let's say the villain does this:

    R1T1 Collect 1 point
    R1T2 Collect 1 point, summon Goblin
    R2T1 Collect 1 point
    R2T2 Collect 1 point

    Villain now has 3 points left, see?


    Loras turned around and regarded the room they found themselves in. As the rest of the group walked around the Goblin's head to join Loras in the middle of the room, they found that their torch was barely enough to put the entire room into view.

    It was a empty room, with decrepit walls and cracks along the once-magnificent floor. All they could see on the floor is the body of the Goblin near the far wall, it's head near the door they came through, and unfortunate Wilmer's body lying near another door.


    Maestro Issue Number. Where Is The Issue Number On A Solo Debit Card
  • Where Is The Issue Number On A Solo Debit Card

  • Tyrion
    Apr 20, 12:48 PM
    I think it does. Obviously, so did others.

    Sigh. What is this, people? A full moon or something?
    I never once told anyone to shut up. I never once told anyone what they could and couldn't discuss. I merely mentioned that the attitude of a few members here - as exemplified by the post I originally quoted, which postulated that "we all have a 2-year contract" - is arrogant and incredibly US-centric. A large portion of iPhone users is not caught up in 2-year contracts. No one I know who owns an iPhone is tied up in a 2-year contract. And why would they be? After all, a new iPhone is released every year, not every two years. So, a large portion of iPhone users follow a different upgrade cycle than US-based iPhone users, and I merely want this particular view to be represented in this dicussion. I for one am pretty screwed if the next iPhone is only released in September, because by then my 12-month contract will have been renewed and I won't be able to get a rebate on a new device.

    Maestro Issue Number. No number of allies could save
  • No number of allies could save

  • snberk103
    May 5, 07:25 PM
    There is no hurdle. American students in Science and Engineering programs are able to do both without problems. Maybe being able to handle multiple systems give us a competitive edge....

    Which is why, of course, US News reports that 6 out of the top 10 universities for engineering and IT are not in the US? Once upon a time the US owned that list.

    Maestro Issue Number. COINS DIGEST 1969 ISSUE NUMBER

  • tokevino
    Aug 7, 03:37 PM
    A 2.66GHz CPU is about $400 more expensive than a 2.0GHz, BTO only takes $300 off, so the base config is the best choice. There is a gap, no single processor mac pro, not like Apple's sale strategy. Either Cornore mac pro or iMac will be great.

    No, it's "TWO 2.66GHz CPUs are about $800 more expensive than TWO 2.0GHz.....".

    Maestro Issue Number. Issue+number+visa+electron
  • Issue+number+visa+electron

  • MacRumors
    Jul 29, 08:33 PM (

    Contrary to recent reports (, Engadget says that Apple's rumored "iPhone" may appear as early as August (

    A reader is reporting to us that a coworker's tech-unsavvy friend, who is regularly hired by Apple to do marketing photo shoots, was recently brought on to take some shots of "the sleekest, sexiest damn phone he's ever seen."

    It has been well-established that Apple has been working on an Apple-branded phone for some time, however the release date has been difficult to pinpoint. Recently, various patents (1 (, 2 ( have been uncovered regarding Apple's cell phone technology and Peter Oppenheimer made comments ( during Apple's Q3 2006 conference call virtually acknowledging Apple's work on the product, stating "We're not sitting around doing nothing" with regard to cell phones.

    Maestro Issue Number. Out maestro im forever
  • Out maestro im forever

  • MacbookSwitcher
    Mar 29, 03:18 PM
    I agree. Given the last Ford we purchased leaked and after 6 months of trying to fix it, the Ford dealer said "well, everything leaks" and said they'd give a good deal on it to trade it in if we wanted. And the last GM we had stalled every morning when you were pulling out on to the road and the dealer said that it was "just the way the car was made," and could never fix it I wouldn't buy an American made car unless they started getting good reports both for quality upfront (they just sound cheap compared to a Honda, Mercedes, Lexus, Porsche, or Toyota) and for quality over 5-6+ years of ownership. And the previous American made cars we had were of similar low quality.

    So for the last 11 years, I've been buying non-American. It is too bad, but the quality is not there. I even looked at one with a friend in November and it was the same deal.

    An iPhone made in the US would be double the price due to high taxes and regulation. Quality, who knows, but the cost would be prohibitive compared to everyone else. It would be the fastest way for Apple to kill itself. If Apple *could* do it, they would, but it is impossible.

    It is competition - if you can't compete on quality or price, you are out of luck. Unless you can get a handout.

    Yes, clearly because labor unions ruined Ford and GM, that means ALL American products are garbage. Including Apple, Google, Oracle, Cisco, Boeing. All of them. Brilliant logic there, genius.

    Maestro Issue Number. Devi sports no commentshttp
  • Devi sports no commentshttp

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 20, 01:53 AM
    I don't see that happening. Apple tends to avoid complicated product lines. That is one too many options in my opinion.

    How about the macbook pro or the iMac lineup?

    What happened to choice?

    I don't know if Apple would do it; but I;d like them to. :)

    Maestro Issue Number. issue number : pink box
  • issue number : pink box

  • Piggie
    Apr 26, 02:14 PM
    Anyone know what the figures are for the UK?

    I get the feeling Apple products are a lot more common in the US and they have a more loyal following.

    I see more people with a larger variety of devices in the UK, which is nice. Good to see individuals selecting handsets that suit them, rather than just following the pack.

    I'd be interested to see UK market share, Nokia would have a higher share here to I guess. Albeit nothing like that it was a few years ago.

    Actually I'd expect there to be a lot of non smart phones still in the UK, on old 18 or 24 month contracts coming to an end, so smartphone share could well jump a lot in the next year of so in the UK. Be interesting to see which way it goes.

    Maestro Issue Number. number composed by Maestro
  • number composed by Maestro

  • cyberone
    Nov 22, 11:53 PM
    the iphone will beat treo out

    i buy iphones for the whole family if they com with a full keyboard version.

    Maestro Issue Number. C275 MG Maestro - chrome
  • C275 MG Maestro - chrome

  • SteveW928
    Mar 27, 02:16 PM
    There are claims by some analysts that Amazon is going to kick the crap out of Apple's Maiden, N.C. data center and Netflix in one quick shot with their own cloud service.

    Yea, Amazon is in a WAY better position technology wise, and track record wise with this kind of service. I guess we'll have to wait and see what Apple has up there sleeve.

    Maestro Issue Number. +debit+card+issue+number
  • +debit+card+issue+number

  • Stevamundo
    Nov 26, 05:30 PM
    I can't believe all of the arrogant Mac users! �The mighty OSX never gets viruses therefore I'm not going to use that garbage.� Just keep that attitude up, it'll bite you in the ass eventually.

    In the meantime, as the Mac user we have some responsibility not to spread Windows viruses to PCs when technology is there.

    I use this and I like it. It doesn't slow down my Mac a bit.

    Maestro Issue Number. the Issue Number (although
  • the Issue Number (although

  • hobo.hopkins
    Mar 29, 04:34 PM
    Thousands of people are dying in Japan and all you idiots care about is iPod Touch batteries? That's kind of... selfish.

    How dare people think of themselves in any way when something bad has occurred in the world. People in Darfur have been dying for quite some time now and I haven't thought of myself or my interests once since conflicts began. That's what a good person does.

    Do you see how ridiculous you're being? There is no reason a person can't be concerned with supply shortages AND the Japanese people. They aren't mutually exclusive. Moreover, if you follow your flawed logic then no one could ever do anything for themselves. Horrific events happen everyday worldwide; tragedies can't stop us from living.

    Maestro Issue Number. No maestro available.
  • No maestro available.

  • aviationwiz
    Aug 7, 02:30 PM
    I just called my local Apple Store and they said they would have them in as early as just a bit later this week.

    Maestro Issue Number. Maestro Duda - Ihan no Frevo
  • Maestro Duda - Ihan no Frevo

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 10, 06:53 PM
    But the average American gets a refund soooooo 288 clearly wins lol


    So the government has use of your money all year, and you're OK with that?? :confused:

    May 6, 05:48 AM
    Windows 8 being available on ARM platforms would make this move, albeit a bold one, pretty viable.

    Windows 8 will also run on Tablet PC's, hence the ARM support. ARM chips will not find their way into laptop & desktop PC's.

    Apr 10, 11:57 AM
    I hate math and reading this thread makes my head hurt.

    Apr 20, 08:27 AM
    Believe it or not about 1/2 of iPhone 4 owners believe they have a 4g phone.


    Apr 7, 11:50 AM
    If the demand for touch panels increases then the manufacturers of touch panels will rejoice and expand their business thus increasing the supply. The real problem here is that RIM probably wants terms on touch panel production that are not all-too-inspiring to the manufacturers to warrant expansion. For example, Apple is confident that they will sell X units of iPads in Y units in 2012, and so on. So Apple prepays for what they need.

    RIM is not as confident with their Playbook. They probably need contingencies in any long-term orders they place to ensure they can get out of buying touch panels they won't need. If these were 9.7-inch panels then the manufacturer could care less. Anything RIM walks away from, they can turn around and sell to Apple (very smart of HP). However, who is going to buy all those 7-inch panels if RIM's Playbook gets off to a false start? Samsung? Nope -- they make their own panels from what I have heard.

    Supply and Demand.... When there is real demand for more touch panels from consumers than those being supplied to Apple for iPad then the manufacturers will expand their production and take advantage of the opportunity to increase profits. The real problem here is that RIM's attempt at media hype is not equivalent to real customer demand. The only tablet with a large amount of customer demand right now is the iPad. That is part of why I tend to believe that the "media tablet" category is a figment of the imagination for market analysts. Market analysts assign a level of demand to the "media tablet" category and make projections, but the difference between the "iPad" category and the rest of the "non-iPad media tablets" is staggering. The iPad category is flourishing, the "non-iPad media tablet" category is a fledgling state at best (if not failing).

    If not for Apple's success with the iPad how many manufacturers would have already thrown in the towel with "media tablets" and once again written it off as "the technology for tablets is just not there yet for mass consumption". Tablets failed in various forms for over a decade. iPad is the first and only mass market success in this area. If not for Apple, there would be no such thing as "Honeycomb" or HP Touch Pad or Playbook -- these guys are hoping they can figure out what Apple did right and find some way to ride the same wave the iPad is on -- while technical specifications are there, they have not yet figured out the "magic" of iPad -- ease of use, awesome software market, and the emotional response Apple manages to evoke with their user experience. Just a few examples of emotional response.... There is something delightful about pinching a stack of photos to spread them out across the screen or the way Apple's tiled app icons and folders gets adults to collect apps the same way their kids collect trading cards -- these are very emotional things that Apple seems to understand.

    Next time you should try formulating a more organized post:p

    Well said sir, well said:) Stay well!

    Mar 28, 10:16 AM
    So the source with the updated info is suggesting that there will not be a new iPhone in 2011? That would stink. My crap LG versa is on its last legs. :rolleyes:

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