Monday, May 9, 2011

Wordings On Life

Wordings On Life. and pictures about life
  • and pictures about life

  • vd0t
    Sep 9, 11:19 AM
    Is one of the 512MB RAM on the iMac soldered on?? :confused:

    Wordings On Life. Sanctity of Life Sunday
  • Sanctity of Life Sunday

  • DPazdanISU
    Sep 14, 09:21 AM
    i heard somewhere that there was going to be a "dizzying" amount of apple events/releases in the near future. Looks like that is becoming true. Woot gimme a MacPod please:confused: :eek: :D

    Wordings On Life. Ideas and married life is
  • Ideas and married life is

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 14, 10:03 PM
    one of the best predictions i have heard to date...
    Why thank you!

    Wordings On Life. Love+wordings+for+husband
  • Love+wordings+for+husband

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 20, 09:41 PM
    So does the fanboyism. The trolling creates balance.

    At least try to make rational arguments about the topic at hand. "Apple ripped off the Beatles" and "People here claim Steve Jobs is God" are just annoyingly feeble attempts to add a contrarian view.

    Wordings On Life. your future life partner.
  • your future life partner.

  • Kwill
    Mar 30, 12:01 PM
    Here's a novel thought. Why doesn't Microsoft create something, you know, novel?

    Wordings On Life. Quotes+about+love+and+life
  • Quotes+about+love+and+life

  • Old Smuggler
    Sep 13, 09:42 PM
    i agree its got to compete with my treo
    ill admit palm OS garnet blows but its not as bad as windows
    ill just wait for OS X Mobile

    Wordings On Life. Quotes+about+love+and+life
  • Quotes+about+love+and+life

  • Eraserhead
    Sep 26, 01:35 PM
    Yea Sim Free is the only way I'd get an iPhone. No way in hell am I giving up my 7 year old phone number. Sim free, stick in my ancient Virgin Mobile sim card and BAM. We have a winner.

    You know you can get your number moved to a new network, you just have to ask.

    Wordings On Life. life panda wordings the
  • life panda wordings the

  • Pravius
    Apr 22, 08:45 AM
    knowing how apple is.....probably itunes purchases only.

    Highly doubt it. I really hope not to be honest. They need to be competitive with Amazon if they do iTunes purchases only I believe they will lose a ton of Market share to Amazon. I think (hope) that Apple is smarter than that.

    Wordings On Life. Life Quotes Funny
  • Life Quotes Funny

  • simon.hibbs
    Sep 1, 07:06 AM
    Core 2 Duo will be the star.
    End of Core Solo minis.

    With you so far, but I don't think Core 2 Duo is realy all that much of a big deal for Apple in the grand scheme of things. It's a small speed bump, with 64 bit as a bonus extra.

    All new redesigned MacBook Pro.
    All new iMac design with Conroe inside.
    iTunes Media Store Movie Downloads.

    I don't believe any of this. The intel MacBook Pros just came out, and the main advantage of the 2 Duo is it's socet compatible with it's predecessor. Why screw aroud with a proven design, when there's absolutely no need. You do that sort of thing when the chipset and whatnot changes and you have to redesign the internals anyway.

    The same goes for the iMac, it's a great design. They had a chance to rev the designs when they moved to intel and chose not to. They're not going to rework the internals now just for the sake of it. The next opportunity for that is with the next major rework of the mainboard and peripheral connections, whenever that will be.

    As for movie download, it's possible but I think it would be a premature move. Further expansion of their TV show range is much more likely as it fits the casual listening/watching pattern of iPod owners.

    Finaly, Merom whatnot are being very much overhyped. The main tech advancements for most users came with Core Duo. iMac and mac Mini prices dropped in the UK in the summer so when Core 2 Duo gets announced you can bet they'll be back up at the release price of the respective hardware platform (iMac, Mini, PBP, etc). Thus you will get more power, but you'll pay for it so bang for buck wise I realy don't think it will make a massive difference.

    Simon Hibbs

    Wordings On Life. the words x1-riders around
  • the words x1-riders around

  • MacPhreak
    Oct 12, 03:45 PM
    Ha ha, You are nuts. Let me tell you how it works.

    Nobody gets rich by curing a disease. That is why diabetes, AIDS, HIV etc are all treated with "Keep you alive but not cure you drugs" that you have to buy for the rest of your life. The government and drug companies are in it together and are pure evil. Ain't nobody going to cure anything unless they can keep making money doing it. Get it? Good.

    So how's your Polio treating you?

    Wordings On Life. motivational quotes and images
  • motivational quotes and images

  • miles01110
    Apr 20, 12:55 PM
    Innocent until proven guilty ... what happend to that? You cant just claim 'Apple has a centralized database with all your location information' when the only thing that is know is that it is stored locally on your device.
    Well it's a good thing that's not what I claimed, isn't it then?

    Just claiming a stupid thing and say it is true until you prove it's wrong does not work. There is no evidence whatsoever that it is stored somewhere else.

    Did you even read the post I was responding to? I made no claim other than it is impossible to say whether or not the data is stored somewhere else unless you have some sort of evidence to suggest that it isn't. Since it's on an Apple (a company that's all about data collection) device and the data itself isn't particularly useful stored locally, it's not unreasonable to guess that it is indeed being stored somewhere else.

    Wordings On Life. life quotes to live by
  • life quotes to live by

  • Geckotek
    Apr 4, 12:21 PM
    If guns didn't exist, things like this wouldn't be happening.

    Yeah, because crime and wars didn't exist before guns.

    Someone is extremely naive.

    Wordings On Life. Pictures amp; Quotes
  • Pictures amp; Quotes

  • AppleScruff1
    Mar 29, 12:36 PM
    Microsoft should work on perfecting windows before starting a mobile OS

    How long have you used Windows 7? Is it giving you a lot of problems? I have read nothing but good things about it. Please share.

    Windows 7 kicks ass, it's every bit as good as Snow Leopard if not better.

    Windows 7 is an excellent product. VS Snow Leopard, personal preference. They are both excellent.

    When Windows starts to come close to SL in terms of ease of use and functionality let me know ;)

    Both are quite easy to use.

    Sorry I'm late, Windows 7 launched October 22, 2009. And its been awesome since.

    Quite true.

    I use both.... and all I can say is "CUT and paste". Windows has had it for years, OS X SL doesn't. Same with window snap.

    I love OS X, but, like with a lot of Apple products, its the "little things" that matter...

    Both are great operating systems, and I will continue to use both since I cannot run Visual Studio on Mac, or XCode on Windows... :)

    You should know by now that the fanboys will dismiss any feature Apple doesn't include as stupid or unnecessary.

    SL has cut and paste. CMD+X, CMD+V

    Finder does not support Cut and Paste for files, and is unlikely to do so. Its a philosophical difference, and to bring that up as an example of Win7 superiority is silly, at best. Apple could easily implement it, but they choose not to. Its another one of those "One button Mouse" deals, where Apple is being obstinate.

    Windows 7 is a much better OS than its predecessors, but to claim it does the "little things" better than SL is so hilarious I don't know how to respond. There is literally no consistency between anything. Just go to the Control Panel, and while clicking dialogs you will be transported between windows that look like they are modern Web Pages (especially the network panels, with blinking computers) and panels that looked like they haven't realized that Windows 95 is obsolete yet.

    Windows 7 is a UI and usability nightmare (compared to SL, although much better than Vista). What I do give credit to MS for is that its security model is rock solid (probably better than Linux and most Unixes). Mac OS X has fallen behind in security. This, however, is not that big an issue anymore, IMO, because all OS security is complex enough that attackers are relying on OS vulnerabilities less, and Social Engineering more to gain access. Again, Windows's bad (and more important in this context, horribly inconsistent over the years) UI has made its users more vulnerable to such attacks.

    Why get all butt hurt because Windows is a good product and has it's advantages just like OSX? You're free to chose which is best for you.

    Really!! I cant wait to get rid of my shite Windows Phone!!

    What are you waiting for? Get rid of it.

    Exactly. Apple needs to implement both of those features. They are not dealbreakers, but the make the experience more complete.

    I use Hyperdock to enable the "window snap"... great app. And another app to allow files to be copy-pasted... can't remember the name of it though... available in Mac App Store.

    You don't get it. If Apple doesn't include it it, then you don't need it. :D

    yes profit is so, so important for us consumers.


    LMAO!! Only Apple consumers are more concerned about profits than themselves. I wonder if they feel the same about their power and phone companies?

    Wordings On Life. wordings drawing of life
  • wordings drawing of life

  • cwt1nospam
    Jan 2, 02:04 PM
    And is the alleged attack proceeding through the Mac community? No.

    Once again, targeting and successfully attacking are worlds apart.

    Oh, and the "time" needed to identify that you're on an Apple (or other) operating system is essentially zero. All you have to do is look at the user agent ( header.

    Wordings On Life. a mistake in their life,
  • a mistake in their life,

  • AidenShaw
    May 3, 03:54 PM
    A couple of years from now TBolt will be as normal as 1394.

    Agreed. In a few years - after some software updates, firmware revisions, and motherboard replacements - I also expect TBolt to be a normal (although perhaps expensive) way to connect peripherals.

    TBolt on the current Apples (laptops/all-in-ones) is an interesting thing if you don't need it. If you need it to work out-of-the-box - perhaps you should have a backup strategy in place.

    Apple couldn't even release laptops that worked right with their current display lineup - ( - and you expect a brand new bleeding edge hot-plug PCIe interconnect to work when it can't possibly have been tested with off-the-shelf peripherals? That's way too much Kool-Aid!

    Wordings On Life. Life size Love Heart sweet
  • Life size Love Heart sweet

  • cozmot
    Mar 17, 07:31 AM
    It this utter ignorance and false sense of security in the Mac user base that I would use to my advantage if I were a cyber-criminal. While I completely appreciate the lack of malware OSX has enjoyed thus far, I've seen more than enough evidence over the past few years to tell me that it's far from safe. The latest Safari/Webkit hacking contest result alone should be enough to cause any reasonable person to take notice. I think a few people will be changing their tunes the day the crap finally hits the fan.

    For some reason, a certain famous quote from The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy about the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation comes to mind regarding certain people who will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.... ;)

    So you're not a cyber-criminal, but there are many out there, yet they haven't used this "sense of security in the Mac user base" to their advantage, have they? The latest hacking contest (I assume you're referring to Pwn2Own 2011) resulted in Safari and IE 8 being hacked. A browser is not an OS. Note that Goggle Chrome came out with flying colors, yet one of its platforms - Windows - has been hacked many times.

    Simply put, there are underlying vulnerabilities to Windows that do not exist with OS X. That said, the real dangers to your computer are how you use it. Don't have a password on your wireless router? Use easy-to-guess passwords on your online accounts? Never change your passwords? Use the same password on all your accounts? Visit porn sites a lot and download that stuff? Download movies illegally? Click on links in emails from people you don't know? Or, from those you do, don't look at the source to see if it's a valid link? Respond to emails telling you that your [fill in the blank] account has been temporarily disabled, and that you need to "verify" your information to reactivate it? If so to any of the above, you're asking for trouble, even if you do have AV software "protecting" you.

    There are many security experts who do not use AV software. Steve Gibson is one of them. Why? They practice safe computing and use common sense. No amount of AV or Internet security software is going to protect people who practice unsafe computing.

    We've been hearing about the crap hitting the fan for years, and will for years to come. Yawn.

    Wordings On Life. music is life quotes
  • music is life quotes

  • braddouglass
    Mar 30, 11:31 AM
    Microsoft.. You're stooping to a low level. If they have a patent they have the right to uphold it the word "APP" was NEVER used, until the app store for iOS devices. So to me, Microsoft is just upset and stomping around all angry because they're constantly steps behind. Stop crying Bill, Steve has you beat.

    Wordings On Life. short life quotes to live by
  • short life quotes to live by

  • slidingjon
    Oct 27, 12:24 PM
    So all Greenpeace did was hand out leaflets in areas other than their stand? So they didn't smash up the Apple stand or invade Adobe chanting and shouting.

    They handed out leaflets and were ejected because no one's ever allowed to talk about the downsides of our throwaway consumer-trinket technojunk culture without being told to shut up.

    Heck, every trade show I ever go to has girls with their tits half hanging out wondering the halls handing out leaflets nowhere near their particular stand.

    Sad to see so many people now happy to have people's free speech stamped all over. No wonder Bush can dismantle the Bill of Rights and his lapdog Blair can swiftly remove centruries-old liberties with barely a whisper. I agree with Greenpeace's concerns. Vast toxic waste dumps with no proper processing are springing up across China.

    If some fat overfed Westerner's kids had to live and play near a site like that they'd be up in arms! But, no, let's pretend the problems are somehow 'made up' by 'subversives' and need stamping out with the jackboots.

    what kind of trade shows do you go to? :cool:

    Wordings On Life. days of your life.
  • days of your life.

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 31, 04:10 PM
    On that same page there's this as well...

    MacBook Pro are also EOL?
    A report from a french student who wanted to buy a MBPro thanks to the Special Deal "MIPE":

    Apr 4, 11:47 AM
    I doubt they leave large amounts of cash in the stores over night.

    I agree. Most sales in Apple stores are likely done without cash anyway.

    Sep 26, 11:11 AM
    I see, another "we'll start in US and maybe in the future do something for the rest of the world, too" product.

    Well, good luck finding an exclusive deal in Belgium, you can't "lock" cell phones here, we believe in choice. Hopefully it will be GSM (100 % coverage)

    Apple is likely having to GIVE exclusive rights to carriers to get them to carry the phone (in return for pushing the phone, etc.)... I doubt Apple wants limit the potential market for any phone they come out with. So if carriers in Belgium are not allowed to lock a phone to one carrier then you likely have nothing to worry about.

    ...and by the way you have CHOICE to not buy something that you don't want to purchase and for whatever reasons.

    Sep 13, 10:03 PM
    Maybe the reason for not having a traditional keypad is that this is actually the iPhone Shuffle.

    Apple's market research team has concluded that people get tired of talking to the same people all time. And since the iPod Shuffle is such a hit playing songs randomly,
    the new iPhone Shuffle will randomly dial numbers, so every call you make is never boring.

    Got more than 240 numbers in your adressbook? No problem. Let iTunes autofill your iPhone shuffle and get a new telephonic experience every time. Mom follows Work. Home follows Pizza Parlor. iPhone shuffle loves to improvise. Take the Shuffle switch, for instance. Even if you�ve synced a particular call-list, you can shuffle numbers with a flick.

    Sep 11, 10:51 PM
    The margins on a mid-mac should be better than the iMac since it's using standard (and therefore cheap) desktop components. So any mid-mac sales in preference to the iMac would probably make Apple more money anyway.
    I want Apple to release a stupid "mid-mac" just to shut you and everyone else up.

    Professionals buy Mac Pros or laptops. Consumers buy iMacs or laptops. That's a sound and successful strategy for Apple. And if you need a cheap Mac, you can buy a mini.

    Just because Intel releases a chip, does not mean Apple is going to use it. If that was the case then Intel should re-release the 486, so that Apple can put them in the "mid-mac"!

    Apr 25, 06:52 PM
    awesome... maybe they'll update the Mac Mini's too I'm thinking of doing "" and a nicer mini would fit the ticket.

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