Monday, May 9, 2011

gwen stefani no doubt hair

gwen stefani no doubt hair. InStyle — Gwen Stefani
  • InStyle — Gwen Stefani

  • aswitcher
    Aug 11, 02:40 PM
    What I gather would really make the iPhone something special:

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. by No Doubt gwen stefani#39;s
  • by No Doubt gwen stefani#39;s

  • tdmac
    Apr 25, 04:15 PM
    I think most people are missing this key bit of info - Location Services was turned off and the database was purged, and it still made a new database with new data...

    No one is missing anything here. You as well as the Wall Street Journal are confusing "Location Services" with this database.

    Location Services are those that provide data from 3rd party providers based on your location. Your date "IS" passed to them of where you are currently located so that they can provide you results on things in your area. i.e. Movie Schedules, Four Square, etc.

    This database "locally" stores your proximity to cell towers and wifi antenna's.

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. Gwen is truly one of our red
  • Gwen is truly one of our red

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 19, 11:59 AM
    You know, Sony and Nintendo are just *SO* behind the curve with next gen gaming systems.

    Microsoft has had it's XBox 360 out for MONTHS, while Sony and Nintendo gamers are lagging behind, barely able to function on their PS2s and GameCubes.

    If Sony and Nintendo don't release the PS3 and Wii, respectively, in the next week, they'll be the laughing stocks of the industry. There's no excuse for them to release their next gen gaming systems a year after their competitor.

    I'm going to hold my breath until I turn blue if I don't get what I want, because I'm childish like that.

    There's a difference between simply dropping the same chip into a computer that everyone else is using, and creating groud-up proprietary hardware designed to run proprietary software. IMO, the video game business isn't a good analogy.

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. Gwen Stefani Music: No Doubt
  • Gwen Stefani Music: No Doubt

  • sierra oscar
    Sep 19, 09:54 AM
    The tone has not been warm to this point. Read the first few pages of the posts. There was a lot of Apple-blasting on pretty silly grounds. It's not like it's months and months later (a pattern we used to have with Apple all the time). It's a matter of a couple weeks -- MAX. Like I said, you and others can wait if you want. Heck, I have a MB and a MBP and am probably going to sell the MBP soon and wait for a revision myself. But the implication that many posts had, such as that the world was coming to an end, was pretty darn ridiculous.

    I don't really understand... are you saying that antisocial behavioural traits be encouraged?

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. No Doubt Performs On NBC#39;s
  • No Doubt Performs On NBC#39;s

  • ctachme
    Jul 27, 10:50 AM
    MBPs the end of august? I START school in the end of august.


    Me too. I'm just going to hang onto my aging iBook G4 until they come out. I really would kick myself if I bought a MacBook Pro now so close to them being updated. I'm just hoping I can order soon, and then they will arrive at the end of August... just in time for school. *crosses fingers*

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. that Gwen Stefani left her
  • that Gwen Stefani left her

  • jeanlain
    Apr 12, 02:14 AM
    - removal of "insufficient content" ...
    :confused: so FPC should create content?
    The major thing, though, is they HAVE to start utilizing multiple cores. It's not and as video gets larger, rendering gets more taxing.
    They do. FCP regularly uses more than 100% CPU during render. Not saying it can't be improved though.

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. gwen stefani no doubt.
  • gwen stefani no doubt.

  • dclocke
    Sep 19, 10:06 AM
    ...that and a Airplane/Auto Magsafe power adapter. dont you think that would be nice. it's been to long without it! cmon apple. build it!

    On a (somewhat) unrelated subject... I must be flying on the wrong airlines, because I only think I've been on a plane with any kind of power outlet (AC or DC) once, and that was on one of the larger (trans-oceanic?) planes. Which sucks, because my current laptop usually doesn't have enough battery power to even last through a 2 hour flight...

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. 2011 06:30 AM PDT. Gwen
  • 2011 06:30 AM PDT. Gwen

  • GenesisST
    Mar 31, 04:00 PM
    Can't we just all get along?:-)

    The pissing contest continues taking on comical character.

    As an iphone user I have a great device that does what I want it to do. The least of that is actually making phone calls.
    It's beautifully integrated with all my Apple stuff.

    The Android users have their iphone and ios copy phones. (Hello Mr. Schmidt, nice stealing)
    If the Androids and Windoof phones do what their consumers need them to do be happy.

    Why would I even care if open or closed. I have no personal advantages if Mr. Rubin has to eat his words or they make changes. Technology is ever evolving.
    As a famous politician once said: What do I care about what I said yesterday?

    May the better product win, copy and all. If the iphone starts to suck and there are better alternatives for me, I'll switch and so will plenty of others.
    Same the other way around.

    Objectivity, here? It's like thinking in church... BLASPHEMY!

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. We have the same hair:
  • We have the same hair:

  • fivepoint
    Mar 22, 07:45 AM
    Fox News, huh?

    That reminds me -- I gotta put some pine cleaner down my toilet.

    Which fact do you deny? Pathetic red herring.

    How many of those in the first list have the capability of fielding an airforce? I'm just guessing here, but I imagine that Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Nicaragua and Uzbekistan would be less than useful contributors.

    Are you suggesting that Obama has gotten comparable treatment from the media as compared to Bush? The double standard is hilariously transparent... Obama justified, Bush not. Obama builds strong coalition, Bush doesn't. Obama trying to save people, Bush going after the oil. Obama savior, Bush satan.

    They pull the same bullcrap, and all the lefties can do is struggle to find some sort of justification to make them feel better about their first black president. To make them feel better about their 'hope' and 'change'. Like I clearly pointed out in the OP, there is no hope and change, it's just more of the same. If you actually want change, vote for Ron Paul, vote for fiscal responsibility, vote for small government and non intervention. Vote for the destruction bailouts, stimulus, subsidies, and all other forms of crony-capitalism.

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. gwen stefani no doubt
  • gwen stefani no doubt

  • spazzcat
    Mar 22, 01:40 PM
    This is just a preview of the future, Android based tablets will clean the iPads clock. Apple made the so-called iPad 2 as a 1.5. Low res camera, not enough RAM, and low res screen. It's going to be a verrrry long 2012 for Apple. Sure it's selling like hot cakes now, but when buyers see tablets that they don't have to stand inline for, that have better equipment and are cheaper ... Apples house of cards will come crashing down around them.

    The only strength that Apple has is the app ecosystem; which is why they are going after Amazon for spiting on the sidewalk. They know the world of hurt coming their way.

    You said it best. They are selling like hot cakes... People want the iPad, just like they wanted the iPod...

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. Tweet. Gwen Stefani kids zuma
  • Tweet. Gwen Stefani kids zuma

  • Chaszmyr
    Aug 15, 01:00 PM
    I would have thought that the Final Cut Pro benchmark would have really blown away the G5 - not so much, right?

    I couldn't say for sure, but I would guess that the current version of FCP was carefully optimized for the G5, and has not yet undergone the same treatment for Intel chips.

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. No Doubt, came out with
  • No Doubt, came out with

  • diamornte
    Apr 9, 02:23 AM
    However...most, if not ALL of the pros I know that have been using FCP continue to do so....and there are more motion pictures, BIG ones...this year, edited on FCP than I can remember in years past. Pulling this BS out of your arse is crap. The iToy phenomenon, in my very humble opinion will actually HELP the Pro Apple is making more money than EVER!!! This will afford them the expertise they need to develop the pro apps...more so than they've ever been able to do in the past. Keep in mind...for these iToys to be great, they need content....and again, IMHO...I think Apple knows this, and would be happy if every app, movie, song, etc...that resides in iTunes, Mac Store, App Store, etc....was created WITH their soft/hardware as well. Again, just my opinion....Apple won't shoot themselves and the entire creative community in the foot....just when they've becoming the HIGHEST gaining computer sales platform in the world!!! They're selling more computers (MB, MBP, MBair, MP, iMacs) then EVER...and I attribute that somewhat to the excellent user experience so many folks have had with their "iToys". You gotta figure some of those folks will be "Pro" creative guys. And enticed they will be (my Yoda impersonation) by the hardware and software that Apple if anything, there is Growth in the Pro sector...hardware and software both. NOT a mass exodus. Again...if you truly have proof that "All those Pros have already left Mac"...I'm all ears. If anything, they've made significant gains. Hence the reason AVID has DECREASED their pricing from the astronomical rates it used to cost...and the proprietary rigs you had to have to run the program.

    Final Cut jobs tend to pay less than Avid jobs.

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. Gwen Stefani says having her
  • Gwen Stefani says having her

  • dustinsc
    Mar 22, 12:52 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Well, minus the screen size too. Equal to isn't going to cut it against an Apple product. Just look at how the Zune fared.

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. Gwen Stefani#39;s History of
  • Gwen Stefani#39;s History of

  • Zadillo
    Aug 27, 05:17 PM
    No, you're putting words in my mouth. People can be intelligent and still not get the essence of a reoccuring joke.

    Who here doesn't get the "essence" of the joke? Really, I think you must think that the "PowerBook G5" is a lot more clever than it actually is. People "get" the joke, they got it the first few hundred times someone posted "PowerBook G5 next tuesday?".

    The humor of the recurring nature of the joke was already worn out a long time ago, and it has long since passed the phase where many people find it funny just because it is repeated so often.

    Recurring jokes lose their humor for many people precisely because they get beaten into the ground. That's the problem with recurring jokes.

    Just because someone finds a recurring joke that has been beaten into the ground to not be funny doesn't mean they don't "grasp" the concept of it.


    gwen stefani no doubt hair. Gwen Stefani has a new hair
  • Gwen Stefani has a new hair

  • peterdevries
    Apr 27, 08:50 AM
    Your type of apathy in the long term will do more harm than good.

    There is a big difference between voluntarily and involuntarily giving out personal information and that's what was at stake here.

    Apple admitted error - it's ok - you can admit it might not have been in the best interest of consumers too. Apple won't come and take your iPhone away.

    Well said, but as Apple has already stated they are not collecting this information for other use than speeding up location. Considering the fact that cases against Apple are already underway, I trust the information they released today to be accurate. It would be foolish to mislead customers while proceedings have started.

    Many people that cried outrage are actually ignoring more obvious privacy issues: twitter, foursquare and facebook status updates, and eg. the announcement today that TomTom actually actively sells location and speed data from drivers to the police, to aid in the strategic placement of speed cameras.

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. Gwen Stefani
  • Gwen Stefani

  • ~Shard~
    Jul 15, 10:59 AM
    Well I wouldnt worry about that in the case of a mac. Only people who are really going to replace there PSU are going to be people who know something about computers. A lot of people replace there ram. PSU are not upgraded very offen if ever at all.

    Also the people who do replace PSU most of them know dont cheap out on them. Among home builder comminty a thing most agree on is NEVER cheap out on a PSU. Go name brand. Reason being is why would you build a 1k system and then risk it all with a cheap PSU (rule can be cut if pretty much using dirt cheap parts to begin with and trying to go as cheaply as possible (less than 500 and in old spare parts). My own PC rig using an Antec True Power PSU in it (that i pick up from compUSA oddly enough).

    I think going ATX is a good thing because it means Apple is going to be using more standardized parts so it will be cheaper for apple to get them.

    And another good point! ;) Yeah, you would hope that if someone is replacing their PSU they know what they're doing... it is different from a Joe User simply installing some RAM.

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. album gwen stefani no doubt.
  • album gwen stefani no doubt.

  • LightSpeed1
    Mar 31, 02:40 PM
    I knew it would happen eventually.

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. Gwen Stefani sunglasses
  • Gwen Stefani sunglasses

  • 081440
    Aug 18, 08:31 PM
    My Pro now starts 10.4.7 in less than 5 seconds!

    NO WAY!! that would be awesome

    gwen stefani no doubt hair. So I am looking for hair up
  • So I am looking for hair up

  • AhmedFaisal
    Apr 29, 09:14 AM
    This is Trump's MO. And it's working! Even if you don't like Obama's politics, you have to admit that Obama has much more class than Trump.

    Trump is a nutjob that should be locked away in an asylum. He is a spoiled little richkid that rode a wave of luck and great circumstance when he increased his inherited fortune. There is NOTHING admirable about him and he is batshit crazy as he proves time and again...

    I dislike Obama's policies because they are too right leaning for my taste. He does have style, poise and a decent diction. To compare him to Trump is an insult to him IMHO. Trump shouldn't even be compared to a Chimp considering that you'd insult the Chimp.

    H. Flower
    Apr 7, 11:03 PM
    All right then, here we are.

    This better be good. Or back to AVID, or on to Premiere.

    Jul 21, 07:30 AM
    Now you just need to decide what color your want your new computer... (again)

    Think pINK

    Nov 29, 11:11 AM
    I prefer my Count Basie off the Pablo label not Decca (Universal argmmm)... so there.

    Apr 19, 08:02 PM
    You're missing the point. It's more fun to come to an Apple rumors site and irrationally bait the residents into irrationally baiting you into irrationally...well, you get the point. :rolleyes:

    This post is the best I've read in ages. Well Done.

    Simply Exemplary :)

    Jul 20, 02:28 PM
    Have you ever owned a machine that hasn't been CPU bound? I know I haven't.

    Probably Single CPU bound....

    It will be gr8 being able to get 8 cores in a Mac, but if the software dosn't use it....
    Someone already mentioned that it also gives you the possibility to use those cores by using many apps at once. This is true, but I wonder how many often you will actually use all those cores at once.

    Let's hope the "opposite of Hyperthreading" will come along (Leopard feature???).. So, instead of a "emulating" a Dual Core / CPU config (like on later Pentium 4's), emulate a Single CPU on multiple cores. :cool:
    Then, you get 8 * 3 GHz = 1 * 24 GHz...!!!

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